Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening, finally getting a chance to check in & see what all you rascally rabbits have been up to!

Bill, good to hear you have final clearance for your hip surgery. It's amazing how expensive a few scratches on a most likely plastic bumper can cost.

Kathie, we need pic's of Mr Manny after his spa day, I bet he looked adorable!

Lee, your dance classes sound like a fun time. I think you need to post a You Tube video of you & LuAnn at your next session for us all to enjoy.

Dave, do you think maybe it's time for Kathi to make another trip to the Dr. I just heard from a friend of mine tonight she has pnemonia, which explains why she's been coughing so bad in church lately!

I'm sure glad I took Monday off to relax, the rest of the week is crazy busy!
I mowed Jane's back yard on Tues, I had planned to do a couple other things outside but it was just to hot, so I'll go back tomorrow & finish up there.
Church this morning & then 6 of us ladies went out for lunch after, that was a nice treat. Got home & was just relaxing a bit when Barb called from the pool wanting me to come down, I didn't really feel like it, but did anyhow. Pool felt good at first, but after a while with the sun beating down it got pretty hot!
Friday I need to get housework done & then Saturday is work day at church. With as hot as it's been we probably won't work more than a couple hours if that.

Pretty sure I hear a glass of wine calling my name, so I will wish you all a good evening!


2nd Officer
A day to remember and give thanks to the thousands who fought and often died on D-Day in Normandy 80 years ago. Although thousands and thousands participated in "The Longest Day", less than 1 percent of them are still alive today.

As many will say, freedom is not free.

For me growing up almost all of the Dads and uncles participated in World War 2. But strangely, almost none of them talked about it. They just wanted to get home, and go about living.

Truly, the greatest generation.

Lee; Victrola is still around? How Cool! My grandparents had one of those that had the horn style. As a kid, one thing I remember is that it had both steel and wooden needles.

With all your tomato plants K2, I see lots of BLTs in your future. Eat, sleep, poop. Mr. Manny has it made. If I'm lucky, I hope to come back as a spoiled dog.

You're on a good-news roll, Bill. You've got the final clearance for your hip surgery, and Rita has her car back, good as new.

KC; Lots of room left here in Ahiya where it isn't so hot and humid. And you could get an equivalent house costing about half as much as it is in Florida. :) About Kathi's cough; She does have a late afternoon doctor visit today to give her his diagnosis.

We didn't go off the grocery list yesterday. But every time we go, I feel like a little kid in the candy store. Fascinated by all the stuff they have. On our list there was "a jar of Smucker's grape jelly". I could have pulled up a chair and just sat there for 20 minutes looking at all the flavors and combinations of flavors of all the jams and jellies.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Running behind which isn’t easy when you’re “retired and have nothing to do”. :)
You all behave because I will check back later.


Wacky Wabbit
World War 2 Throwback GIF by US National Archives

Lovely D-Day review from
Fr Dave. Thank you.
I heard a 101 yr old Veteran that was at the N beaches and survived give a great talk about what he remembers from way back then. Bless him.
May the others who fought for peace RIP.


Wacky Wabbit
I’m on a short Road Trip right now (1:00 pm)
Getting ready to head back home.
Will report back later on my fun mid-morning drive!

Prayers for those that got hit by the Tornado yesterday in Livonia, MI. A 3 yr old boy died and his mother is in critical care after a huge tree fell across their home and onto them in a bedroom. Took 30+ firefighters a house to saw through the huge tree to get them to them. So sad. A 2 month old baby was in the front of the house with Grandma and are expected to be okay.

Later folks. Leaving the park now!

Karen: Keep hydrated while working so hard! :emoticon 0115 inlove:


Chief Security Officer
A few years ago, we toured the Normandy beaches and looking down on the beaches from where the Germans were positioned, it was almost impossible to see how our troops not only survived but actually succeeded and managed to turn the tide of the war. Visiting the American cemetery and the visitor's center was a very moving experience. Returning to our ship afterwards, our experience was heightened by the fact that Saving Private Ryan was showing on our stateroom TV. I had several uncles who served in WWII, one of whom actually survived the attack on Pearl Harbor. Rita's father was part of the US force that fought in Italy,
On Election Day this year let's hope that their sacrifices were not in vain.


Wacky Wabbit
NEGC: Thanks for sharing that touching recall of your tour of Normandy and the family members that actually survived the Pearl Harbor attack. Both events should never be forgotten.


Wacky Wabbit
MY Day trip while Art went biking! Too nice of a day to stay home and do housework or gardening!

I have a Nephew that posted about a park a little over 1 hour from our house that had a beautiful water fall within the park. Never heard of it! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
So I looked it up and got the address and entered it into a Apple Car App and took off! It was in FLINT, MI which I’ve driven past many times while going Up North!

The place is called Stepping Stone Falls. It didn’t disappoint. It would be a great place to have a BBQ, take a walk or bike ride through the trails or just bring a chair and relax and listen to the Falls. A fun visit.
There were about 6 families out there with kids enjoying the day!

Here are a few pictures. Not sure the video will show up.


Hope you all had a fun day too!


Wacky Wabbit
As requested a picture of
Mr Manny today! He was having a “meeting” with his Lamb’y friends!

Do you think he has enough of them! Ha ha. Totally spoiled.



2nd Officer
Good evening!

Kathie, good for you for getting out of the house & doing something fun! That park
looks beautiful!
Bill, that's some interesting family history! I had uncle's in the Military but it was after WWII before Vietnam.
Lee, I'm still trying to figure out how I got anything done when I was working full time, since I've retired there just seem to be more projects than hours in a day.
Dave, hope Kathi get's some help with her cough, it's tough having something like that hang on & on. I must shop at the wrong kind of grocery stores, I never seem to see the variety of individual products that you have.
Ohio would be nice in the summer, but you have this flakey white stuff in winter I'm not overly fond of.
Mike, hope you've been outside relaxing & enjoying the nice weather.

Didn't get my projects finished at Jane's again today, it just get's to hot to fast, so I did what I could & will work on it some more on Tues.
Enjoy the evening all & stay cool!


Wacky Wabbit
Dave: What did Kathi's doctor have to say about her extended cough?? She should have gone in sooner would be my first guess! Hope she can get something that will work and give some better relief.

Serbs make up a drink that usually works.
Put some cane sugar in the bottom of a sturdy deep pot. Turn on the heat and stir.
Soon it will start to melt and turn brownish.
That's when you take some
Plum Brandy and pour it slowly over the brown sugar.
It will crackle and after stirring for awhile it will melt.
You can sprinkle some fresh Lemon Rind in the mixture, but just a tad.
Sip on that and let it run down your throat as you drink it. Rewarm if it gets cold.
Jumping in bed under the covers and sweating it out helps the cough, cold and any aches.

They make this same Traditional Drink at Serbian X-mas and pass it around as folks walk in your door for the celebration. Mellows folks out a tad. Ha Ha.

CHILLY here at 1:30 A.M. I opened the back door to the deck and only my head went out. It was 68F with a 53 WIND CHILL. It's been overly windy all day and evening.

The Concert for the Old Michigan Central Station was really good. I'm not one that loved all of the new style music, but some of the groups were fantastic. Eminem but the program together as far as getting all the big starts like Diana Ross @ 80 yrs old to come out in front of 50,000 people on a really high stage. She looked and sang great. The woman still has it together. Even a few things to make the crowd laugh. Kudo's to her.

Jack Henry put all his effort into doing a great job.

And there were others..... I just don't know them by name or song. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:
Eminem came out with his latest album song. Don't ask me what he was saying, but I heard the word DETROIT in it a lot of times. He's originally from Detroit. Lived here with his wife and kids and then they split and she stayed in the house right down the street in a gated area from a choir member.

Seems like everyone standing was jumping up and down and singing along and having a RIP ROARING TIME.

I have a few pictures, but they don't seem to transfer from the iPhone to the Laptop for some reason.

Out of here for now or I'll be bumping into Dave or Lee! Ha Ha Nite all. Love the chill in the room with the window open. Not suppose to get much higher that 60-62 tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Gotta be quick this morning because we have to get ready for.......what else?....... an early morning doctor's appointment.

But I've got good news about Kathi's cough. We hope. On her doctor's visit yesterday she was diagnosed with a sinus infection. So she's now on an antibiotic and needs to use Flonase, a nasal spray for allergies.

So it's seems that all her misery was caused by this year's super high pollen.

"Ohio would be nice in the summer, but you have this flakey white stuff"

Are you referring to people that vote for the Buffoon? :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another nice start to the day. Lots of things to read from people’s memories and in Kathie’s case a day trip adventure.
Good that the doc got to the bottom of Kathi’s cough Dave.
Just in time for our trip to MI for Lu-Ann’s MRI we could be faced with a slowdown at the border. Only time will tell.
I’ve been a tad tired the past couple of days so I’m gonna‘ cut this short this morning and try to have a bit of a niddy nod.
Have a wonderful day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
62F Brrr cold degrees here right now. SUNNY though! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: A jacket is a must if going out to drag in the recycle container!

DAVE: Tell Kathi to go
EASY on the Flonase spray in her nose!
Art has been going for a monthly allergy shot for decades. Tried to stop and had to start all over again. When he had the worst ever coughing and sneezing, etc, etc and finally gave in to going and getting the "allergy testing" he was told that he
ALL BUT BURNED OUT HIS INTER-NOSE with the sprays that were supposed to help him. The Allergist told him to stop using them and he or I have not used nasal sprays since. So tell Kathi to be careful. Hate to see you sweetie lose her tastebuds from over spraying. The antibiotics should take care of things. Not sure if she saw an Allergist or her regular physician.
Of course, this is coming from, ME, a Hutch Doctor practicing without a license. I still leave my Shingle hanging over my Hutch door! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile::emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Lee: Good move to get a little extra rest. Besides it was even colder outside when you posted.

I'm out of here for now. Enjoy your day all.

Lee: If those Border Patrol folks do strike and get more pay, like they want, I think I might have to resort to swimming across the border. It's $7.50 one-way and $5.50 the other way. Cost a fortune lately. Do you folks have a pass that makes it less expensive?
Hope Lu-Ann can get to her appointment Monday without any delays. You might have to ask one of your friends to stop by and check on Ava so you don't stress over that. Good luck.
Last edited:


Wacky Wabbit

(I jumped up on the kitchen chair and got in big trouble) :oops:


This is the newly renovated
Michigan Central Station in Detroit’s Corktown area!
Bill Ford paid Millions to get it back in tip top shape after DECADES and DECADES of decay. Use to be huge train station hub. They had a fantastic concert dedication there last night. Huge “peaceful crowds” watching big stars perform. Our own Detroit -Diana Ross sang and was fantastic for being 80 yrs young! Eminem produced the show and sang too. ( If you call it singing) Ha ha.


Chief Security Officer
Last night's opening game of the NBA finals was a slam dunk for the Celtics and one of the many highlights of the game was the return from injury of their center, Kristaps Porzingas who had a stellar performance. Three more wins and there will be an 18th NBA Championship banner hanging from the rafters of the Garden.
Still not sleeping well so I will be taking it easy for the rest of the day. HOA mystery dinner tomorrow but nothing else on my calendar for the moment. Follow up with the urologist on Monday. Some improvement but still having kidney issues so I hope he can provide some relief.
Hope Kathi's respiratory problems are relieved by using Flonase, Dave. Reading K2s Serbian recipe made me think that it probably prompted a number of Serbs to suddenly develop symptoms that would justify their indulging in that remedy.


Wacky Wabbit
BILL: Amazing how many Serbs develop a slight cough and have to resort to the Brandy recipe. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: :clap002: Hope you feel better soon. Drink a lot of water. Gotta flush out that germ!

Went around to various Cemeteries to finding where some relatives are buried. Amazing how much info I was given on various family members. A lot can be found on!
It was a good feeling cleaning up headstones and even taking a few pictures of them to share with my brother. Nice day to do this since it was barely 69F. Partly cloudy helped too.

I saw WAY TOO MANY POLICE with people pulled over on some of the streets today. Always try and plan any of my travels to be OFF the road before 3:00 pm. School buses are out then and factory workers get off of their work shift and are in a rush to get home and today it was FRIDAY, so it made it even worse. People getting off of work early. :eek::rolleyes:

Hope you folks had a good day. :emoticon 0115 inlove:


Wacky Wabbit
Lee you most likely already know this, but I’m passing it on just because I just heard it on our Local evening news…..ONLY TRAFFIC going BACK INTO CANADA would be affected by any strike.
That won’t help you trying to get back home in time to let Ava out. Always a pain when we have border worker strikes! Hopefully they will work out their contract.


2nd Officer
WHAT??? Manny doesn't get a seat at the dinner table?

Sounds like animal abuse to me.

I'll have to go back and reread things, but it sounds like our "Hutch Doctor" has the shingles.

I've got to admit K2, I've never had a great urge to go around to various cemeteries. Another reason I want my body to be cremated. NO FORWARDING ADDRESS.

Hope your "niddy nod" paid off Lee, and you got your spunk back. Hope you aren't coming down with something. Also hope Lu-Ann's Stateside medical procedure isn't messed up by a labor dispute.

I think you're right Bill that Serbian medicine is operated by a coalition of distilleries. So what's your kidney issues?

Kathi's new medicine must be kicking in already. She said that she feeling better than she has in quite a while. Even had enough energy yesterday to make a batch of chili. Most, headed off to the garage freezer.

I'll just be winging it today. No plans written in stone.



Wacky Wabbit
Good SATURDAY Mid-Morning Wrabbits!
DAVE: Good to hear that Kathi's meds are doing the trick. Hope she continues to feel better. Next time she could save her RIB-CAGE a lot of stress from all the COUGHING and get to the local doctor sooner! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: We all seem to hold off on that doctors visit when we're actually ill.
I actually like going to cemeteries. I picked up a lot of information that will only be useful to ME and maybe my brother Rich. After that I'm thinking there won't be anybody as crazy as me to bother!
I took care of changing the bed sheets, etc and did the bathrooms. The kitchen floor will have to wait. Just no into doing that today.
Going to pay the bills online and then sit outside on the deck.
Lee: I hope you got your ZIP-ZAP back and if not..... just try and get a nap in today.

Karen: You have a good day over your way. Hope it's not TOO HOT.
Bill: I hope you're feeling better. Keep drinking more water.

That's it's folks. Enjoy your weekend and stay out of trouble.