Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning GIF
A quick Good MONDAY to you all. We're off to the Dermatologist.

Have a good day and be SAFE!


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie, hope Art's visit to the dermatologist goes well. My turn to visit is later this month. Good to hear Mark is feeling better, now hoping he get's some results back on his tests.

Lee, sounds like the basement bath isn't a top priority which makes it a bit easier on the OGC's. I'll gladly trade you some of our heat & humidity for some cooler weather. Not looking forward to my electric bill this month at all!

Dave, not sure where I saw the hack for using a potato to take out a broken light bulb but it works, you just push the potato up into the base of the broken bulb & turn, comes out easy-peasy

Bill, nice that Rita was able to play for a day & a half at the casino, I'm lucky if I can keep from going broke in a hour & a half

Mike, if you ever decide to test your heat endurance in Florida I know a lady who lives in Belleview with a nice guest room & access to a club house with a pool. Northern visitors are always welcome

Nothing much on the agenda for today at all! I repotted a couple plants this morning & watered the rest on the back patio. Other than that I'm sure there are things I "should" be doing, but today I'm going to be lazy. Enjoy your Monday all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hope it's a good trip and report from the dermo doc Kathie!
Don't be too hasty on the weather trade quite yet Karen. With the humidex we're supposed to feel in the mid 90's for a couple of days. Then there's the all day thunder storms on Wednesday!
Oh, oh. He's gonna vent! The OGC's are getting a little frustrated with the basement job. The framing was done, bar the one wall in the washroom, before we all left for FL in January. The plan, as we did for our basement, was laid out to work away at drywall, paint and flooring in the spring once the "real" trades had done the plumbing and wiring. That didn't happen. The guys were ready but the homeowners wouldn't stay home. Now it's summer and nobody wants to be working in a basement. Sorry for venting.

So, for a chuckle, in my ongoing attempt to add another line to my resume, me and my two left feet are accompanying Lu-Ann to a PD dance class this afternoon. The first of four scheduled. While we don't expect to emerge like Carmen Miranda and Xavier Cugat (notice the tie in to the song?) we're hoping that it will be at least fun.
Be good folks.


Chief Security Officer
Congratulations on your 69th wedding anniversary, Mike and Fay. We just celebrated our 56th last February and we now you have given us a new goal.
See my dermatologist tomorrow to remove a small basal cell carcinoma. Rita's car is in the shop for some minor
bodywork, so for a few days we are a one car family. We will see how well that works out.
While TV as a whole recently has hardly been worth watching, I did enjoy the Willie Nelson and the Dick Van Dyke specials, especially the Dick Van Dyke show. He is amazing at 98.
Have fun at the dance class Lee and LuAnn. I'm thinking of you two as another Katherine and Arthur Murray rather than Carmen and Cugie.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
But I do look fetching in a big hat with bananas and mangoes piled high to the sky Bill. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Good on catching that skin thingy early.
I often wonder who will step up when there are no more Dick's and Willie's. Of course you all know that the 10 year old in me giggled when I unintentionally typed that line.

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Karen, I tested my heat endurance one year stopping in Puerto Rico. It didn't go well. That is very sweet of your lady friend that has an extra bedroom; and all, does she do laundry and fix the meals also. I
hope Art's vist went well K2. I am going to one in a week or two. It is for a yearly check up.
I hope you enjoy your dancing lessons Lee, or should it be Fred as in Astair??We took some dancing lessons years ago, went to our senior citizens' dance and danced for years. My sister and I used to dance using an old wind up victorla ??? when we were pre teens. I can't remember not knowing how to polka.
Bill, the 13 years to your 59th anniversary will go very fast. I didn't think too much of it until a few days before then I was amazed. Enjoy the years to the fullest. We as a group seem to be keeping t he dermatolgist busy.
Lee, I would like to see you in your hat, you should post it. Does it have the same tilt as the banana lady. We saw her once at a Cinci River boat festival.
Thanks everyone for the nice comments on our anniversary.
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Wacky Wabbit
78F and HOT up here in the NORTH! :cool:

Art got ZAPPED a few times and had 2 "digs" off the top of his bald head sent off to check for any "cancer". If the man would just use SUNSCREEN or a HAT while gardening and BIKING he wouldn't have to go through the "digs". He's lucky I see them and make the appts for him to get things done.
It's life! Ha Ha. ALWAYS SOMETHING! Better him than me this time.

DANCING.... now how fun that would be. I always wanted to do the Arthur Murray dance lessons, but could never get Art to agree. Hope you didn't step on Lu-Ann's toes too many times.

MIKE: I actually remember when you and Fay would go to the DANCE lessons at the Senior Center. I'm sure you're glad you did what you did back then. I know I DON'T regret any of my fun CRAFTS or lessons back in the day at all.

Karen: Bless you for taking MONDAY off and lazing around. Good move.

Bill: All the best at the dermatologist tomorrow.
Now just what kind of MINOR BODY WORK on her CAR?? Now a days there is no such thing as MINOR body repair on a car. I pray every time I get in my car that I don't hit anybody or nobody hits me or I don't bump into anything in a parking lot or our garage. I think they should make cars out of RUBBER. Ha Ha.

Dave: It's been a while since BACK-UP Kathi has forgotten to open the garage door when leaving! Does she get a reminder from you every time she goes out to get into the car??? :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:
Hope you both are doing okay with the heat and the Pollen.

We bought some Slug and Snail Bait to put around the flowers and garden to hopefully stop the those bugs from CHEWING on our plant leaves. Hope it works.

Okay, off to make dinner. You all stay COOL! :emoticon 0115 inlove:


The top of Art’s head! He’s spreading some of the Slug & Snail bait around the garden and I snapped the picture. Looks like he has 2 Doilies on his head. :)


2nd Officer
Over the weekend Mexico elected a new President. I wasn't surprised that the winner was a woman. But in a mostly Catholic country, I was surprised that she is Jewish.

As a young lad I remember JFK running for President. Being a Catholic, a lot of people were terrified that the Pope would now control the White House. Remember that?

What's taking so long K2? By now I would have thought you would have grabbed a Sharpie and written on Art's bandages,"THIS END UP!" :)

Lee; Sounds like the owner's of the basement job don't really care if it gets done or not.

I too am curious about your comment of "minor bodywork", Bill. It's got to be something about small scratches or beginnings of rust. And even having those 2 things taken care of isn't cheap.

Good for you KC on taking it easy on Monday. You deserve a lot of those days. I often wonder what it would be like for you to move back to the Midwest after so many years down south.

Mike; I'm so jealous of the abilities you had for dancing and the ones you still have today. I never have and never will have ANY abilities in the dancing department.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Just a quick good morning from me this fine Tuesday.
A real cross section of PD folks at the dance studio. Sadly, there were not quite a dozen including partners. No toes were crushed.
We have a dentist appointment at 9:00 this morning. I’ll take Ava to The Navy Yard and collect Lu-Ann when she’s done. Then home to get the back yard cut well before the humidex reaches 97F later this afternoon!
Darned bugs Kathie. They’re so important to the ecosystem but they eat all of our nice plants. Um, shouldn’t Art have had a cap on?
We hadn’t had Subie for a month before some lowlife swung a car door into us and left a small dimple Bill. Yes, I was parked dead center of my spot at Disney's Fort Wilderness Lodge. I can tell you that on that morning Disney was NOT the happiest place on earth.
I admire those who, like you and Fay, were dancers Mike. Old Blue Eyes kinda describes me…

The election in Mexico surprised me as well Dave. Hopefully President Shienbaum can work to improve things for all of the Mexican people.
You folks all have a good day and stay cool.


Chief Security Officer
Mixed results at the dermatologist. He removed the basal carcinoma behind my left ear but found something suspicious on my cheek, so will do another biopsy and let me know the results in a few days. Have an appointment in a couple of weeks to check on what he did today. My calendar is filled with medical appointments for the next several weeks.
A bump and some scratches on the right front fender of her car and it appears that our insurance will cover the cost.
Slept very poorly last night so I am feeling a bit drowsy and am pleased that we don't have to play cribbage tonight.


Wacky Wabbit
Dave: I got a laugh out of your Sharpie remark for Art's head! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Lee: I still like to hear Sinatra sing a tune every so often. The fact that you CAN understand the words is lost these days with most singers.
Yes, I too think ART should have a HAT on his bald head, but try and tell him that. Even after just having procedures done on his head. Crazy.

Bill: Hope all your skin tests come back negative. Art has to wait 10 days to hear back about his "DIGS" on his head too.

Karen: Not sure if you're cutting any lawns today, but make sure to stop if it gets too hot down there.

Just came back to see if there was NEW CHATS and realized that whatever it was that
I THOUGHT I POSTED earlier this morning never made it on here. GONE in CYBER-SPACE! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Just got off the phone with Xfinity and was able to get a $50 credit on my current bill for not being able to use Baley's (or whatever that Sport station is called).
My promotional discount is up on July 7th and I need to call back and see if there are any NEW promotions being offered. I spent 20 mins trying to get the guy in the Philippines to give me the same promotional discount I have right now and got nowhere. He suggested that there might be NEW deals popping up and to keep calling back.
I swear I'm about to RIP OUT everything except my INTERNET and close up the Xfinity (Comcast) account after 55+ years of loyalty. I don't like change and the time it takes to look around and drag the equipment back to Xfinity, etc, etc, but it might be time to look around for a better deal.
Can't stand MODERN TECHNOLOGY as I get older and crabbier! :p:emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Hope you're all having a HOT fantastic day. We're up to 88F here in my neighborhood at 3:00pm.

Made another batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies and I plan on freezing them BEFORE I either give too many away or Art eats them. Need to have some on hand when I don't feel like baking as it gets HOTTER around here.
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Wacky Wabbit
BILL: I have 3 Email addresses for you.
What “carrier” do you use.
Excite didn’t work! Send me a e-mail. Thanks.
I don’t want you to post it on here. Too many people can see it!


2nd Officer
Halfway through the workweek ALREADY?

A quiet but toasty day here yesterday. Enough so, for the air conditioner to kick on. Nice and sunny too.

Today it's off to the groomers for the pooches. While they're getting beautified, we may head off to the grocery store. It all depends on how Kathi feels.

It's a sure sign that we're all getting older, since the biggest thing on our social calendars is doctor's appointments.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
My oh my, is it ever a warm start to this mid week Wednesday. It was 70F but felt closer to 78F at 6:00 this morning. More heat related storms heading this way this afternoon.
We played the dice game LCR (left, center, right) yesterday afternoon. We play for quarters and everyone starts with $5.00. There were only 6 of us and after going around twice, 12 games, I was the big winner with $2.50!
It’s usually after you call these places and want to cut services that the real deals seem to come out Kathie. Like you said, all kinds of incentives for new customers but nothing for the long time folks.
Kathi seems to be having a heck of a time kicking this cough Dave. And that just plain wears you down.
Did you know that the Victrola brand is still around Mike? They have quite a selection of “vintage” styles but no reproductions with the old horn style.
I should go water the posies before it gets any warmer. The watering can is still a tad heavy for Lu-Ann’s wrist.
Have a good day my friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Summer Fans GIF by SLOTHILDA
Sweating Heat Wave GIF by golden freckles
Sweating Air Conditioning GIF by Pudgy Penguins
Sweating 90 Degrees GIF by Pudgy Penguins

Okay, I think you get the picture.... IT WAS A HOT ONE YESTERDAY!
And like Lee said, up this way they're predicting STROM WINDS (60+mph) and rain noon time. 78F in my neighborhood now at 9:54 a.m. Whew!!

Dave: I wouldn't be surprised if Kathi might be allergic to Jack. I think that breed sheds a little. I know I would sneeze and get congested when we visited a family that had a Weiner Pup! Might need to see a Allergy doctor and get those skin tests done if this cough doesn't go away soon.
If she does have "Airbourne" allergies the next blast will be when the Golden Rod starts flying around. That even gets my eyes going itchy. All the best to your little lady.

Mr Manny had a Spa Day yesterday. Looked good in pictures. He comes homes and eats and then takes a nap. The Spa Van comes to his house! Yup, he's spoiled rotten.

Lee: Our A/C kicked on yesterday. We don't have it on very cold in the house. Just enough to get the humidity out and be comfortable. I remember Pat had their A/C set really low. I'd freeze if I did that.
You can come over and water our plants whenever you feel like it. I must say we do like our new Hose Reel. It's sturdy and swivels so when pulling the hose it's not too hard to do.

Mike: My 100 Cherry Tomato plant is starting to take off height wise. The Patio Tomato plant has a few blooms on it. The leaves are thick and dark green. I'm not expecting too much from that plant. My Bush Beans that I put in 2 pots down around the deck area might actually produce a BEAN or TWO! Ha Ha. Art put a Pkg of 'short style Carrots' in the garden area and I told him it's time to THIN them out so they'll have room to spread under the dirt.
It's fun to see the few things we planted starting to grow.
How's your Roses doing? Did you get the tomato plants in the grown okay?

Karen: I hope you are able to get to the Club House and get into the pool before it gets too HOT. Do they let you put your Floatie in the pool when nobody is around? I haven't floated in a pool since COVID hit. That darn virus sure did curtail a lot of our travels and socializing.
Going to that Choir Festival in Windsor was my first big group outing.
Take care in that heat you folks have down your way. Good time to get stocked up on books to read.

Bill: If you get a chance send me an e-mail or a Facebook message with your E-Mail address. I have 3 for you and not sure which one is correct. Thanks.

Out of here to go to Kohl's and see about buying something for Art's B-Day later this month. I have a $10 coupon and a $25 gift card somebody gave me at the holidays that should get used before I loose them.

STAY COOL FOLKS. Hugs to all.


Chief Security Officer
BILL: I have 3 Email addresses for you.
What “carrier” do you use.
Excite didn’t work! Send me a e-mail. Thanks.
I don’t want you to post it on here. Too many people can see it!
I'd be happy to send you my email address, K2 if I had an email address for you.
If one of the 3 that you have is
Verizon, that should work.
Got my final clearance for the hip surgery this morning. Now I just have to deal with whatever my urologist plans to do and wait for July to arrive. The HOA is having a Murder Mystery dinner this Saturday but otherwise my social calendar is relatively clear except for cribbage Tuesday evenings. Another hot day today but threats of thunderstorms and heavy rain over the next couple of days.
Rita picked up her car today and it looks as good as new. When I said that the insurance would cover the cost I apparently forgot that there was a hefty deductible to be paid first. Still the insurance will help ease the pain.


Chief Security Officer
Summer Fans GIF by SLOTHILDA
Sweating Heat Wave GIF by golden freckles
Sweating Air Conditioning GIF by Pudgy Penguins
Sweating 90 Degrees GIF by Pudgy Penguins

Okay, I think you get the picture.... IT WAS A HOT ONE YESTERDAY!
And like Lee said, up this way they're predicting STROM WINDS (60+mph) and rain noon time. 78F in my neighborhood now at 9:54 a.m. Whew!!

Dave: I wouldn't be surprised if Kathi might be allergic to Jack. I think that breed sheds a little. I know I would sneeze and get congested when we visited a family that had a Weiner Pup! Might need to see a Allergy doctor and get those skin tests done if this cough doesn't go away soon.
If she does have "Airbourne" allergies the next blast will be when the Golden Rod starts flying around. That even gets my eyes going itchy. All the best to your little lady.

Mr Manny had a Spa Day yesterday. Looked good in pictures. He comes homes and eats and then takes a nap. The Spa Van comes to his house! Yup, he's spoiled rotten.

Lee: Our A/C kicked on yesterday. We don't have it on very cold in the house. Just enough to get the humidity out and be comfortable. I remember Pat had their A/C set really low. I'd freeze if I did that.
You can come over and water our plants whenever you feel like it. I must say we do like our new Hose Reel. It's sturdy and swivels so when pulling the hose it's not too hard to do.

Mike: My 100 Cherry Tomato plant is starting to take off height wise. The Patio Tomato plant has a few blooms on it. The leaves are thick and dark green. I'm not expecting too much from that plant. My Bush Beans that I put in 2 pots down around the deck area might actually produce a BEAN or TWO! Ha Ha. Art put a Pkg of 'short style Carrots' in the garden area and I told him it's time to THIN them out so they'll have room to spread under the dirt.
It's fun to see the few things we planted starting to grow.
How's your Roses doing? Did you get the tomato plants in the grown okay?

Karen: I hope you are able to get to the Club House and get into the pool before it gets too HOT. Do they let you put your Floatie in the pool when nobody is around? I haven't floated in a pool since COVID hit. That darn virus sure did curtail a lot of our travels and socializing.
Going to that Choir Festival in Windsor was my first big group outing.
Take care in that heat you folks have down your way. Good time to get stocked up on books to read.

Bill: If you get a chance send me an e-mail or a Facebook message with your E-Mail address. I have 3 for you and not sure which one is correct. Thanks.

Out of here to go to Kohl's and see about buying something for Art's B-Day later this month. I have a $10 coupon and a $25 gift card somebody gave me at the holidays that should get used before I loose them.

STAY COOL FOLKS. Hugs to all.
BILL: I have 3 Email addresses for you.
What “carrier” do you use.
Excite didn’t work! Send me a e-mail. Thanks.
I don’t want you to post it on here. Too many people can see it!
I'd be happy to send you my email address, K2 if I had an email address for you.
If one of the 3 that you have is
Verizon, that should work.
Got my final clearance for the hip surgery this morning. Now I just have to deal with whatever my urologist plans to do and wait for July to arrive. The HOA is having a Murder Mystery dinner this Saturday but otherwise my social calendar is relatively clear except for cribbage Tuesday evenings. Another hot day today but threats of thunderstorms and heavy rain over the next couple of days.
Rita picked up her car today and it looks as good as new. When I said that the cost would be covered by our insurance I forgot to not that a hefty
deductible needed to be paid first. Nonetheless the insurance will help ease the pain.
Glad to see you enjoy LCR, Lee. My fishing group holds LCR tournaments twice a year to support their charitable activities. It costs $25 to play and there are 10 players at each table and two rounds are played. The winners of those two rounds get their $25 back and make up a final (much larger table) round with the ultimate winner getting $500. Last time the young woman sitting next to me in the final round was the winner and she shared a portion of her winnings with me and the fellow sitting on the other side of her with a portion of her winnings for bringing her good luck.Since, by getting into the final round I had already got back my
entry fee and the event included a nice buffet meal, my evening was truly a financial success.


Wacky Wabbit
BILL: I will try your email address. You should be able to see mine when I send you a e-mail.
Glad that Rita's car is all fixed. That didn't take long at all.

Looks CLOUDY over here and the rain and thunder should start in about 10 mins according to the weather folks. SUN is still out! 80F and Lord only knows what the REAL FEEL is! Humidity is high. :oops: I could never permanently live in Florida, Arizona or Mexico (Puerto Vallarta comes to mind). Too hot for this gal.

I got $20 bucks worth of various items at CVS FREE today with our OTC (over the counter) Card from Ford's insurance program. We both get a card with $200 (each) loaded on it for OTC items that are approved. I saw that Aleve is a approved item. Art likes that brand.
They sent us a booklet with all the items listed that our program covers for free up to the
Maximum $200 limit per year. God Bless the UNION for bargaining for this benefit.
If you folks lived closer I'd be happy to share if you needed something.

Having a light dinner tonight. PF Chang's (COPY CAT by K2) Ground Turkey Lettuce leaves.
That and some Taco Chips and sauce and that will be dinner.
Don't need to eat heavy in the Hot Summer months.

Later gang.


Wacky Wabbit
I sent you a e-mail to your address.
The first time didn't work. It had (2-L's in the name in the address) I'll have to delete that one.

Sad Bad Day GIF by Pudgy Penguins
Right on time. It's POURING OUTSIDE. Art made it into the house just in time from the deck. Smells like a good old fashion Summer Rain. Temp came down a little. I put my head outside the deck door and it was neat.