Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Ah Lee, reminicsing, I do a lot of that. Fay used to call it maudling but lately she has been reminicsing in the evinings with me, very enjoyable. Thanks for the video. Seeing the person on string bass I had to remiss when I played or attempted to play one, never was good at it. I'm pretty sure Old Mr. Ross enjoyed and appreciated you sitting down with him and having a beer. That should bring a smile to your face as you remiss old Mr. Ross. The link/picture you posted of the Little River Band has a picture of Simone Biles, I always marvel her routine.
Bill, hope the visit to the dealership doesn't cost you $500.00 That would be can't win for losing. K2, it seems like all Dr.s offices are cold in the summer. Every one inside would be wearing a sweater of jackett.
Dave, your temps are pretty close to ours. We don't seem to get as much rain as you. Our front grass is drying some now and usually by the end of summer a lot of it is brown.
I have a cherry tomato that is mostly red. I should pick it before on of the varmits get it. My cherry and grape tomato plants are loaded. Fay's big boy is getting very large but nothing on it yet. My milkweed plant is sending up new stems which surpised me.
I have been sitting outside for 1/2 hour or so everyday. It felt very nice today but I don't think I will do out again today, sometimes we sit out front. Just saw our temp. 90 degrees.



Chief Security Officer
Lee, your cost estimate was just a slight bit off. Even I was shocked at the final price but I think I can handle it. Including replacing the dead battery in my key fob, the invoice was a whopping $47.70. Please note that the decimal point is in between the two 7s and not after them. Not sure what I did right this time but I'm not complaining. I'm glad that the dealership was comfortably air conditioned because when I left there the temperature was already 93 and rising.
Our grass is still bright green but who knows what it will look like a few days from now after a few more days of this heat.
Parade for the Celtics will be held on Friday but we will confine our watching to the television coverage.
Keep cool everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
:emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Okay, you win. You might get cooler. I think I saw showers for later this evening. MY GRASS would love it. The lawn guy, ED, will be cutting straw by tomorrows cut!

MIKE: Nice post buddy. I have GREEN Cherry Tomatoes and the Tomato plant on the deck in a pot has real small green ones too.
The potato plants in the lower garden have Flowers on the TOPS. Not sure if that is good or bad. The potato plant TOPS are HUGE!! Hope we get a good crop of STUDS later in the year.

It's after 7:00 pm and I can have the A/C run longer on much cheaper rates. It's nice in here when you come in from outside. I like it colder to sleep and during the day the coolness seems to hold pretty good. I hate when it's too cold in here.

Waiting for the Swimming Trials for the Olympics to come on soon. Nothing else on. :(

Art said his HEAD where they worked on him today "hurts" a tad after the numbing shots are wearing off. Just think he has to do this again in a couple of weeks.
He looks like a Jewish Rabbi with all the huge oval looking gauze wrapping on the top of his head.

Later gang.... Have a good night. BE SAFE.

Lee: Secure the patio furniture just in case! :eek:


2nd Officer
The potato plants in the lower garden have Flowers on the TOPS. Not sure if that is good or bad. The potato plant TOPS are HUGE!! Hope we get a good crop of STUDS later in the year.
Kathie, does Art know about the crop of "studs" you are hoping for this year?

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good catch Karen! :emoticon 0140 rofl:
Here’s an early look at Kathie’s crop of “studs”.

mike concern GIF

THAT is an amazing invoice for any kind of auto service Bill.
Like Kathie suggested, time to make sure things are safe in light of the severe storm warnings lighting up my phone over the past few minutes.
G’nite my friends.


Wacky Wabbit
Cracking Up Lol GIF by reactionseditor
I'll have to make sure the "STU
DS" hide when Art is out there! ;) :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Should be SPUDS... yup!

Lee: 9:55 pm Wed night and finally got some decent rain out there. Every little bit helps the grass, that will NOT get water from me! And the flowers around the deck.
And before I could press post button it's over! :(


Wacky Wabbit
Mr Manny lives the good life big time! Ashley sent me a video of his “Cooling Pool” with a Floating Solar Fountain spray!
He thinks it’s a Water Fountain!


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
“Feelin’ hot, hot, hot. Feelin’ hot…” oh, good morning! I was lost singing along with another of my favourite tunes courtesy of Dave.
We had quite the heat lightening show last night but unfortunately none of the rain we were hoping would come with it.
Ya, I’d say Manny has it made. How’s Mark doing Kathie?
After our walk I had to wipe down Ava shake out my shirt before we came in. The fish flies were back in full force and they do love to hitch a ride!
I suspect an earlier trip to The Navy Yard before it gets too much hotter. Notice I said “hotter” because we passed “warmer” a while back.
Have a wonderful Thursday folks.


Wacky Wabbit
New Day Smile GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios

Good Morning Wrabbits! DAVE: As I listened to the HOT HOT HOT song it made me feel like I was walking around Key West. Love that area! Wish it was easier to get to. Thanks for sharing.

Woke up and had my breakfast waffle & coffee on the deck. Gotta get out there early or you just stay inside! Even with the huge awning it gets hot under it. I have a STAND TYPE FAN out there for when we can sit around without too much humidity.

LEE: We got a really good long rain after my 10:00 pm post last night. The creek filled up nicely and the grass and flowers got a really good DRINK. Cha-Ching.... savings on Water bill.
Thanks for asking about Mark. He sent me his blood draw results from about a week ago and they were UP in the NORMAL range. Thank goodness. He's still on meds that he is slowly cutting back on per a schedule from the doctors. He said he's getting his strength back and took a few bike rides when the temps were lower. Let's hope he continues his good recovery!

Right now, it's already 84+ out there and STEAMY from the rain.
Folks.....STAY INSIDE and Chill with A/C!

The Fish Fly's love the humidity and heat. They should be gone in a few days. Thank goodness they don't stick around too long.

That's all I have for now Folks. Wish our Mama Bear was around to fill us in on where she and Bert would be taking off for and what they were buying to stuff in the freezers! If you're reading along BB.... we truly miss you and Tony BIG TIME! :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Chilling Summer Solstice GIF by Molang

Might get an afternoon shower here according to the weather man. But he's been "iffy" lately with his reports!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I noticed that Simone Biles has a documentary on Netflix Mike. It’s sounding like toasted tomat sandwiches or salads with grape tomatoes, boccanccini and a nice balsamic could be in your future.
82F feeling like 102F with the humidex here Kathie.
Speaking of Momma Bunny and Tony, do you ever hear from any of the families?
Just finished my treadmill workout so I best get into the shower!
Stay cool everyone!

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Lee. Large juicy sliced tomato with lots of Mayonaiise over the kitchen sink. Who am ai kidding, I don;t like manonaisse.
Glad Marl is still improbin and getting stronger/
I don't think I have ever seen heat lightning. Do you get the thunder with it Lee?
Happy first day of summer. It feels hotter toda;y t han it did yesterday, could only sit in the sun for a few minutes. Just saw our temp, 92/
Good catch Kc.
We still need rain, it been cloudy or getting an afternoon heat rain. Our grass will feel like straw.


Wacky Wabbit
Well, after our late afternoon shower it COOLED DOWN some here Up North. At least in my area! 69F at 11:50 pm. Thursday.

Lee asked: Speaking of Momma Bunny and Tony, do you ever hear from any of the families?
Actually, I keep in touch with Nancy on things she or I or her daughter post on Facebook. At times she sends me 'messages' too.
I do the same with Pat's daughter, Melissa. I can get a feeling of how Bert is doing from some of Melissa's posts. He seems to be interacting with his daughter and her family that live in the same subdivision a lot. The younger kids seem to be close to him, which is a good thing. Haven't heard a thing about Gary who lives in St Augustine or any of the other kids. That's about all I know.

Art gets his huge bandage taken off tomorrow. The Dr's office has a nice 'offer' of removing the bandage. I am more than happy to go along and observe just how they go about this procedure since there are 'stiches' involved under there!
they do this courtesy at 10:00 am on a Friday! And that happens to be the day he is supposed to change the bandage, so this works out just fine. Always Something! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Off to bed. I'd love to open the window, but after going out on the deck I can still feel the humidity out there even at 69F. So, the A/C stays on! We're supposed continue this ugly heat until after Sunday!

You ALL have a good Friday and stay inside if it's HOT in your area.



2nd Officer
Good Friday morning, Bunnies!

Running very tired this morning, so I'm heading back to the sack.

As I wonder if heat lightening has sound to it. I just can't remember if it does or not.

Survey says???


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you Kathie for some news on those we have lost and miss. Good idea to see how the staff deals with Art’s “noggin” in case you ever need to tend to it!
It’s only 68F here this morning feeling like 70F. I may need a sweater! :D
I had to look up heat lightening for Mike, Dave and myself. It seems there is thunder associated with it but because the lightening and thunder is so high in the clouds the sound doesn’t usually reach those who can see the flashes.
There was a huge explosion and plume of smoke either on the river, Grosse Isle or beyond a little after 6:00 this morning. Ava and I were rounding the corner on to our street when we heard the boom, the ground shook and a plume of smoke went up. No sirens on our side. I’ll see if I can find out what the heck it was!
After a week of extreme heat I admit to getting tired and to a lesser extent, bored. It’s like being a captive in heat prison. It’s even been too hot to sit out on a restaurant or winery patio.
Haircut for me this morning at 9:30.
You all have a fantastic day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits!

This theory is completely false, and heat lightning does not actually exist. The flashes of light you are seeing are indeed lightning, but the lightning is from a distant thunderstorm far enough away where the sound of thunder doesn't travel all the way to where you're observing it from.

I googled it! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

LEE: It was on the late night news that this was going to happen. Long over-due. There are a ton of these old, old structures that just sit around and look like EYE-SORE!
Thanks for posting the video. Always fun to watch. When the STACKS came down it was awesome to see.

Okay, we're off soon to the Dermatologist to have the bandage changed! Just think all of this will have to happen when they do the other spot! The doctor wanted to make sure this one heals before doing the other one. A little SUNSCREEN PROTECTION just might have saved Art from this nasty surgery on the top of his head. And get this, he's had this done before! :eek: A case of never learns! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Karen: I hope you're doing well over your way and that you stay away from doing any gardening projects until it cools down. I bet the Club pool water is very warm by now. Enjoy a dip for me!

Have a SAFE and FUN DAY ALL.


Wacky Wabbit
All went well at the DERMO office. Quick and easy change up. His head looks like a road map right now. I guess that's because they had to push skin together to make a nice closure. :eek: right now it's NOT a pretty picture and I will spare you all the one I took at the office! :oops:

In this unreal heat, I just pulled out 3 - 8" cakes from the HOT OVEN! I wanted to make Art his Birthday cake and thought I'd better start early. His day is Monday, but because most of the family works on Monday and it would be late by the time they get here, we'll be celebrating SUNDAY evening sometime. Thank goodness I have a stove in the basement to do the rest of the cooking on. Potatoes for potato salad can be done on the stove down there!
I could have baked the cakes down there, but didn't feel like going up and down the stairs!

I took the Chocolate Cake out and so far so good. It was a Dolly Parton cake mix. And it was the OLD amount 18.5 oz instead of the new 15.? ounces in the box. The companies cheat you on the mixes lately. Ticked off a LOT of PEOPLE on my Facebook Cake Sites.

It's HOT again outside. The heat wouldn't be so bad, but it's the HUMIDITY that kills you.

I brewed a big batch of TEA for Iced Tea last night. It's from the South. Called:
Y'All TEA. I bought the NON-SWEETENED kind. Huge TEA BAG! Makes a lot. I plan on mixing it with Lemonade to make a Arnold Palmer mix.



2nd Officer
Good afternoon, what an educational & informative bunch you have been lately!

Kathie, hope Art's head wound is healing nicely, that has got to hurt with not much padding between your scalp & your head.
Great news about Mark!

Mike, glad to hear your milkweed plant is coming back, sounds like a bumper crop of "maters" coming for you.

Lee, with all that's going on in the world these day's I'm sure your heart skipped a beat or 2 this morning with that explosion! It was neat to watch it go down on the video.

Dave, some mornings just go better when you give in & go back to bed, smart move!

Bill, how in the world did you end up with less than a $50 service bill?? That's amazing. Who did you switch to for your car insurance? Mine has been steadily going up every 6 months and it's getting ridiculous!

Yesterday was my turn at the dermatologist, she froze off 2 spots for me on my back & then one by my eyebrow that she said was pre-cancerous that I hadn't even noticed. She also took a sample from a spot on my shoulder, always something!
Went to see my friend Pat's new apartment, she is moving a few miles away from me. It's a really cute 2br/2 bath apartment, all one level with a small garage, she is so excited to finally have a nice shower that she can actually use! It's a roll in shower with no raised lip at all.
Spent some time in the pool Tues, it was pretty cloudy so the water felt cooler, the sun has been out in full force the last few days, so I know that has changed.

Barb & I ended up cancelling our cruise for Sept. and booked a different one for Nov 2025 on Carnival. 5 nts out of Tampa and goes to their private island we've never been too, so we are looking forward to the trip. We wanted to stay with Royal Caribbean, but they have just priced themselves out of my budget. We each have our own cabin which is a PLUS for me, cause Barb snores like a lumber jack.
And that's about all the news from Belleview, stay cool!


Chief Security Officer
Lee, we see Momma Bunny's daughter, Missy's posts which keep us up to date with Bert's activities and both John and Nancy McKenna post occasionally.
Yesterday when I checked, the temperature in Vero Beach was 86 degrees, 8 degrees lower than it was here in East Bridgewater. Maybe we should fly down there to cool off. LOL
Have no fear, I am sure some unexpected expense will come up soon to offset that savings on our car insurance. It is almost an unwritten rule to have that
Insurance company is called
Mapfe which may or may not have previously been Commerce insurance. It gets good reviews and ratings from what I could discover.

Watched the Celtics Duck Boat parade this morning and the number of people who lined the route was incredible, Can't wait to hear the official crowd estimate. While the temperatures are down from what we were getting the last few days, it still had to be uncomfortably warm to be in those crowds.
