Good afternoon! Nice to hear all you Dad's were properly "celebrated" yesterday!
Mike, neighbors stopping to chat is one of the things I enjoy about my neighborhood too, whether I'm sitting on the bench or working in the yard if I'm outside & someone is walking by they most always stop & say Hi!
Kathie, that sounds like a really neat gift for Art's birthday, you'll have to post a pic of it when it get's here. Refresh my memory, when is his birthday again? I'm thinking the 24th but not positive.
Dave, that was a short visit from the Va. daughter, but sometimes those are the best. Your Az daughter sure comes up with some VERY unique & appropriate gifts for you, I wish I had her knack for picking gifts like that.
Bill, it's true, there's no place like home & sometimes that's the just where we want to hang out & relax. Hope your team finishes the job tonight!
Lee, sorry you & Ava got caught it an unexpected rain shower, we have that happen occasionally here in Fl, it can be bright & sunny and all of a sudden it's pouring rain, while the sun is still shinning. We call the sun showers.
Yesterday was a quiet day around here, I think I over indulged a bit to much at the picnic Sat. night & my tummy wasn't being very kind to me yesterday morning so I missed church & the Father's Day breakfast. My friend Cookie was driving so when she came by to pick me up I sent my coffee cake with her. I had tried to call Deb to tell her I wasn't going to church & would walk the coffee cake down to her, but Cookie had already picked her up by that time.
Got a call from my sister Barb yesterday with the news that Amanda & Alyse would be flying down next month to surprise Jane for her birthday. Barb told her if she got medical clearance to come she would pay for their tickets. Jane will be super surprised!
Got my new shelves Sat. for my garage & when I opened them yesterday to put them together I noticed the boards for the shelf were so thin they were more like cardboard than wood. Took them back & re-ordered the ones I'd bought before, a little more money but they are good solid shelves.....and FedEx just dropped the new ones off at my front door. On Sat. they put the "lighter" box inside the garage, today they put the heavy one on the porch, go figure. And the garage door was open both times. Guess I will go see about putting my new "toy" together. Have a great day all!