Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Quick check in to let everyone know I'm fine, we only got a very light rain yesterday for about 2 hours. I think the worst weather was farther south & on both coasts.

My friends Pam & Pat came over after church today & we had lunch in the clubhouse & then spent the afternoon in the pool. They LOVED it and we all had a really nice time, I'm just hoping they didn't get to sunburnt. I'm a little toasty but not terribly bad, both of them are fair skinned & even though they put sunscreen on I'm not sure it was enough. All the time in the sun & water has worn me out so will check back with you all tomorrow

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
K2. I'm not a big fan of protien bars/drinks but I would enjoy the Polish sausage. As you said. the $44,000 will go a long way with the hospital bill and I'm sure is greatly appreciated. There is a wide variety of hand drills, you should be able to find something.
Kc, lunch in the club house sounded great, plus some time in the pool with friends That is what I call great living. You should do that more often.
Some darn varmit chewed down my milkweed plant. That is t he only thing Monarch buttlerfles lay t heir eggs on. I watch for the plant every year. There is a ground hog family living nearby. How do you prepare ground hog meat.
just joking

Groundhog Illustration Images – Browse ...


2nd Officer
Oh the wonderful smell of suntan lotion, KC. It is a reminder that YES it is summer. BBQ's and the smell from cut grass.

K2; So nice to hear that friends & family are paying tribute to that friend of yours who just passed through that GofundMe fund. My suggestion for Art's Father's Day gift is a gift card for either Lowe's or Home Depot. That way HE can pick out the kind of drill he wants.

Mike; That has to drive you nuts, having your neighbor's trees blocking the sunlight from the plants that you want to grow. Heaven knows that weeds will grow in any environment.

Got a date yet for installation of that new walk-in tub and shower, Bill? I'm guessing that it'll be going in where that traditional tub is.

Oh yes, Lee, we are familiar with those May Flies. A yearly annoyance. They are so thick at times that they actually show up on radar. And in some communities, temporarily, they are turning off street lights at night which attract them.

Off to the beauty parlor for Kathi this morning. I say that it would be cheaper just to drop her off at the dog groomer. Heck, she'd get a bath out of it too. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
We should have turned off the street lights last night here Dave. Thickest coating of those pesky May Flies so far. Cut grass, BBQ’s and sunscreen. All great smells! The gift card is a great suggestion. I hope Kathi doesn’t read your crack about the groomers. If you go missing we’ll know why.
A long slow braise is the best way to cook groundhog Mike.
I’m not joking. I looked on Google.
A tough uphill climb for that family Kathie. It sounds like they are loved and respected in the church so they will have lots of support. I tend to avoid the sample ladies at Costco. Still too many germs in the air to land on samples.
I know we’ve all said it before Karen but it warms our hearts that you have found such a great community and a very friendly, welcoming church. Glad your rain wasn’t as bad as some areas.
One more in the ”W” column Bill. Can your Celtics…
Broom Broom GIF

…sweep the series? I know your answer.
The OGC crew is doing some framing around duct work and beams this morning. Then Jim and Gail are off on a family trip so we have another two week gap. Like any construction project, except our basement, we‘re behind the expected completion date and over budget. :oops:
It is supposed to feel close to 100F today. Which could bring a bout of nasty storms.
Have a really nice Thursday friends.



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits. Chatty little group this early in the morning. WOW.
Karen: How fun having friends over to the pool for lunch and a swim. Just be sure to use a GOOD Sunscreen or buy one of those sunscreen long sleeve pull-overs.
Art has to go back to the Dermo on Wednesday for more DIGGGING (Moh's procedure) on the 2 spots on his head. Yup, they came back positive. OUCH!

Mike: I'd think about just hiring a local landscape group to come out and TRIM that TREE, (after you go over and tell the neighbor you'll be doing that since it's killing your garden veggies) and letting the landscape group clean up the yard for you. Heck, it's not worth even trying to pull weeds with your legs not being as strong as they use to be. YOU'll BE A HAPPIER GARDNER FOR DOING IT.
Remember you "Can't Take your Money It With You"! :emoticon 0115 inlove:
My Patio Tomato plant has Flowers on it. There's hope I will get some home grown tomatoes this year! It's in a huge pot on the deck and gets all kinds of sunshine.

Back at work with the OGC boys! Well, it's a good day for it. Suppose to rain soon and then be ugly humid and HOT up into the 90's so you might as well be down in the basement working. Certainly, is the LONGEST project you guys have taken on.

Now about those MAY FLIES. WE here in Michigan call them FISH FLIES! They're nasty and if you live anywhere near the water you'll get them all over your cars and windows. And they are a mess to clean up. Good thing is they are HARMLESS. When we were kids we would pick them up by the wings and watch them wiggle like crazy. Yup, that's about the only bug I'm not afraid of.

Here's a video of what the Fish Flies look like on store fronts. They love LIGHTS and getting on cars. If you go to a gas station in Grosse Pointe these days you can SLIDE in when you put your brakes on. They're thick and stinky. :oops:


I managed to get 2 HUGE Mosquito Bites doing my trimming project yesterday. They itch like crazy and are the size of a SILVER DOLLAR. Puffed up and hard and I hate them.

Okay, I'm out of here. I need to Food Saver Vacuum my Pork Chops that I bought at Costco yesterday. I did the Ground meat in nice useable amounts yesterday. It's so nice to just grab a Pkg when needed for hamburgers or to put in spaghetti sauces, etc. I do the same for chicken. Never get Freezer Burn and always have a decent supply of meat in the freezer.

Enjoy your day folks. The GoFundMe acct for the young mother is climbing up: $61,500 +

Last edited:

red stripe

Staff Captain
Good Morning Wrabbits. Chatty little group this early in the morning. WOW.
Karen: How fun having friends over to the pool for lunch and a swim. Just be sure to use a GOOD Sunscreen or buy one of those sunscreen long sleeve pull-overs.
Art has to go back to the Dermo on Wednesday for more DIGGGING (Moh's procedure) on the 2 spots on his head. Yup, they came back positive. OUCH!
I feel his pain… As I sit here with a large dressing on my face this morning
In spite of constant use of sunscreen, especially on my face before I leave tne house…
A routine visit to tne dermatologist exposed a small squamous cell carcinoma.

I realise tnat although I was always diligent, I did not see all the dangers.

for instance.. about our faces( and head).. when we get in the water, there is a reflection from the water. Plus... Sunscreen washes off after a time.
So, wear a hat, reapply sunscreen often.

and read your sunscreen tube!

I watch people using spray sun screen while standing near the pool.., they should apply it indoors. Not out in the open where you can watch it flying through the air, coating the pool, the chairs.. and only depositing a patchy amount on their body.

I watch people applying all types of sunscreen and within 2 minutes they get into the water!

read the labels.. see how long the manufacturer says to apply it BEFORE getting into the water

as I was sat there getting the Mohs digging done.. I did tell my surgeon that if he left me with a big scar..I was returning for a face lift.. I figured that he could yank that sucker back behind my left ear!


Chief Security Officer
Lee,I have read that all of our local stores are reporting that their stock of brooms has been completely depleted. After last night's nail biter, it is definitely possible that tomorrow's game will be the final and the schedule for the duck boat parade will be announced shortly thereafter. Hope I don't jinx things, but the way that Celtics came back after a strong start by the Mavericks and were able to hang on to and increase their lead when it shrank to 3 points is reassuring. Nice as a sweep would be, a final clincher on our home court would be almost as great.
Glad to see that that gofundme fundraiser has reached such a level, but knowing how much medical costs can amount to, I suspect that while it may help, it probably won't totally eliminate the burden.
Between the horrifically high temperatures and the torrential rains, Florida is really feeling the effects of climate change. Keep safe Karen and remember to use good amounts of
sunscreen before you venture out of the house.
A gift certificate that would allow Art to pick out the drill he prefers seems like an excellent suggestion.


Wacky Wabbit
RedStripe: Hope you HEAL FAST and the scar is minimal. Art has had this Moh’s procedure before. I guess he didn’t learn from it. :oops:

Bill: Not sure what the husband’s insurance or what Nicoles job’s covers, but like you said it’s never 100%. The amount of money collected in such a short time will more than feel like a ‘windfall’ to help pay off bills and pay for college expenses. She was still working before this happened and it’s not easy continuing forward on one paycheck.

I just left a local Estate Sale and thought of you folks that post and talk about oldie records.
Here’s a picture of what was in this person’s house. Along with THOUSANDS of records all over the wacky house.

The neighbors are going to be happy once this house sells. It’s in an upscale neighborhood and looks good from the outside, but YIKES it’s a horrid house inside. Totally trashed.

At our new park close to home sitting in the car watching Pickleball players. It’s 90+ outside and FULL SUN. Gotta give these folks a lot of credit.

Karen… buy one of those sunscreen t-shirts for the pool. Hate to see you have to have skin digging! :eek:


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Kathie, so sorry to hear about your friends passing, no amount of money can ease the loss, but it is a comfort to the family seeing so many friends donate & try to lessen the burden. I have 2 of those sunscreen shirts, and one was in my bag yesterday, I was to busy showing off a new bathing suit to put it on, lesson learned!

Red Stripe, ouch on the procedures!! Living in florida unless we never venture outside at all we are pretty much guaranteed to something show up on our skin. I've been fortunate to only have 2 minor "diggings" and they were both in spots that don't see any sun, go figure!

Dave, I hope the dog house Kathi tosses you in has A/C & a comfy pillow, you were feeling brave with that comment for sure! Nice that the grandson's were able to help out with some yard work, even with lunch you got off cheaper than a lawn guy would have charged.

Bill, good luck making a decision on the bathroom remodel, home improvement prices are crazy now days! Good luck to your Celtics!

Lee, I guess I've lived in Fl to long, but I don't ever remember having those may flies or fish flies in Toledo. Any idea when you might hear the results of Lu-Anns MRI?

Mike, if only we could train wild critters to chew on the plants we want to get rid of we'd be in great shape! Will the milkweed come back on it's own?

Today was a lay back & recharge day again, I did do a load of laundry that needs to be put away but other than that nothing much got done. I did manage to finally sell my big work bench on Marketplace. I had it in for $25 and earlier this week a kid offered to trade me a "couch" which was really beat up looking recliner or a TV, which was dusty & probably didn't work. I said No thanks, I wasn't looking to trade. Today I reduced the price to $20 and the same kid offered me $15, again I said no thanks so he agreed to pay the $20, about half hour later he & his buddy showed up & loaded it up & off they went, while I had $20 more in pocket.
Hot as heck outside again today with a very SMALL chance of rain, Duke energy is going to love me again this month with the a/c running day & night.
Have a great rest of the day all, I have a bottle of wine that has about 1 glass left in it I need to finish off

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Gotta give these folks a lot of credit.
It's a fine line between giving them credit and stupidity Kathie. Pickleball here is indoors at one of the arenas. for the summer months. What a neat old gramophone. The fish flies this morning were the worst we've seen in four years! As I said about this project...It, like ours, is supposed to be a spring and fall thing. Had the original fall / spring schedule been stuck to we'd be close to done by now.
you can watch it flying through the air, coating the pool, the chairs
Neither of those two things have ever had skin cancer Captain Red Stripe so the stuff must work.
A win at home would be great but just get it done Bill and let the partying begin. Never open the door even a crack for the other team.
OK, bye.

DOH! I forgot to hit “post” like, oh, three hours ago!

ps…we have an appointment with our guy here on the 24th to review the MRI Karen. He’s closed for a couple of weeks. Good sticking to your price on the bench.
Remembering to hit “post” this time…


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Good going on sticking to your price. Nice to get rid of the work bench and make a few bucks!
Okay, I'll give you a PASS for showing off your new Swimsuit, but next time put the SunScreen T-shirt on please.

Lee: I feel sorry for you guys having to be SO CLOSE to the water and going for walks the next few weeks with the Fish Flies / May Flies or whatever you want to call them. Annoying.

DAVE: I bought Art the DRILL and saved the bill. If you doesn't like it HE can return it and find something that suits him. This drill has a "light" feature on it, so he'll be able to work through the night on any projects! Ha Ha. I'm interested in seeing just how many times this new drill actually gets used! His old drills batteries just wouldn't hold a charge and it wasn't worth the money or time to try and find a replacement. Sometimes it's just better to SAY SO LONG to a old drill and get a new pal! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Still waiting for this STORM that I really don't think is going to come through this area. Now watch it show up after I posted this statement.
I covered all the deck chairs brought the flowerpots on the front porch closer under the overhang and hopefully it will not storm, or the 60 mph winds will miss us.

90+ degrees here today. I made it to visit one more friend at a cemetery earlier. Yikes it was hot. And as I was cleaning off her 'head stone' I unearthed a ANT HILL. YUP, I got some bottled water and poured it all over the area and most of them ducked back into the ground. I'm sure my friend was laughing from above watching me! I think I'm all caught up on cemetery visits.

Tomorrow from 1:00 pm - 5:00pm I'll be at a High School gym selling goodies and WATER for our church's basketball tournament that we are sponsoring this weekend. 120 TEAMS from all over the US are coming to DETROIT for this tournament. It's a major event for the Serbs and the city that gets the "honor" of busting their butts to sponsor such a huge event gets a GOOD percentage of the profits. I'm too old to be around all those young kids at the church hall for the dancing and celebrations Fri, Sat & Sunday, so I signed up for this job far away from the noise of the Boom Boom bands. I might go a tad bit earlier to the gym to watch one of the games. I remember when my brothers use to be players in these tournaments. Yikes, that was DECADES ago. Ha ha.

Good night.
Miss U Good Night GIF by Babybluecat


2nd Officer
Good Friday Morning!

Enjoyed all of your thoughts yesterday, Bunnies. Such an array of topics and ideas.

As of this morning, I'm lacking in either of them. My only thought at the moment is going back to bed. It's one of those mornings where you just want some more snoozing.

And like almost all of you, I thank my lucky stars that we have air conditioning.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
It’s only supposed to feel like the mid 80’s today. That‘s a good thing because RibFest starts downtown this morning at 11:00. I think the gang is heading down for a helping of overpriced street food…
Enjoy your day at the high school Kathie. I hope the local team does well and your church makes a lot of money after their time and effort. I had to buy a drill a while back for the same reason. The old batteries wouldn’t hold a charge and new ones were almost as much as a new drill.
I thought that was you I passed in the hall of the hutch Dave around 5:00. TI was just getting up as you were headed back to bed.
The fish flies weren’t as bad this morning as they were yesterday. Long time residents were saying yesterday was the worst day they could remember for them.
Hope to get Ava down for her walk before it gets too busy with “ribbers” setting up. Then Lu-Ann has an appointment back downtown at 10:30. I’ll drop her off for that one and pick her up when she’s done.
You all have a fantastic Friday!


Chief Security Officer
Since it seems that I missed Mike's, I don't want to miss wishing Fay a happy birthday.
I was somewhat pleased to note that I am not the only one to forget to hit the post button.

Hope I remember to do that after I finish this masterpiece of prose. ;-)
Tomorrow the town of Rockland is celebrating its 150th anniversary, so we may go to Kevin's house to watch the fireworks from his back deck. Not sure that either of us have the stamina to attend the parade, the carnival or other celebratory events. A former astronaut,Brian Duffy, is a native of Rockland and will be attending the event.
The local weather forecast calls for some light rain this afternoon, but says we will escape the
heavier rain, thunder and lightning that is due to strike areas north of and including Boston. Won't be unhappy if the forecast is correct.
Let's Go Celtics!

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Thanks Bill and Lee, I told Fay you wished her a happy birthday and she said Thank you Enjoy the fireworks Bill.
K2, You are about thru with your selling goodies and water. I hope you made a nice profit. That is a great picure of the old record player, wonder if it still works.
Kc, I don't think the milkweed plant will come back up, it would be nice if it did. I don't think there are any more seeds that will germinate.
Fay said we had a hard rain last night, we could use it, some of the plants were drooping and the rain helped them.
Dave, You are right about thanking our luck start for having air conditioning. I like t he heat but the past few days have been challenging, the sun was burning my leg yesterday as I sat out side.
Lee, we are pretty lucky, we don't get the flies here, but t he temps and humidity can be pretty tough.


Wacky Wabbit
Quick hello from my water Duties.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAY! Wishing you many more!

I swear I’ve never have seen so many TALL YOUNG people. And this is one of the smaller gyms they playing in. The College ones are huge compared to this one.

Water and Gatorade and small bags of chips. It’s HOT HERE and I’m almost out of water! Ha ha. I’m the last shift so I might get off early!

We never got even a drop of rain yesterday evening. I guess that’s good and bad.

Later gang. One of the two games just ended and I’m getting customers!

Lee those Over Prices ribs sound yummy. Truck food is always expensive.


2nd Officer
Quick check in to wish Fay a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

More Hot & Muggy weather & tomorrow we will be having a choir picnic at one of the members Lake House, I have a feeling not many people will venture out of the A/C. especially since the lake isn't good for swimming.


Wacky Wabbit
Amazing how 65F tonight feels "CHILLY" compared to our highs of 89-90F earlier this week.

Hopefully sleeping with the Windows open unless some neighbor decides to have a Fire PIT FIRE tonight! :eek:

Graduation party tomorrow. (I really can't believe we got invited to a College Graduation party) I thought most people only do High School Grad parties. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Good night all.

Sleepy Good Night GIF by Omer Studios


Wacky Wabbit
GOOD LUCK at that party KAREN! Whew.... it's going to be HOT.


92° /73°

Partly sunny with a thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon
RealFeel Shade™96°
Max UV Index12 Extreme
WindESE 7 mph