Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Quick check in from HOT Belleview, it's been crazy as ever around here lately & I just don't seem to be able to keep up with you all.

Kathie, I thought I posted the dermo report, but in case I forgot, she burnt off 3 spots (1 precancerous) and took a biopsy of a spot on my shoulder, still waiting on the results for that.

Lee, nice that the restaurant visit was a great success, sadly that's not always the case. Sorry LuAnn's Mri results were not better, but hopefully therapy can help with the discomfort for now.

Dave, sledge hammers work well on computers too, not just work benches. Nice looking birdhouses the kids did.

Mike, you sly fox you, I never pictured you as a teen age rebel! I can imagine sleeping on the porch during the summer was a fun experience, I'd be afraid of snakes!

Bill, congrats on the cribbage win! It's always nice when we don't have to spend forever in the waiting room for a Dr. appt.

Yesterday Jane, Barb & I went out around 9 to go shopping, have lunch & then spend time in the pool. Got back to the house around 2:30 and when Jane went to start her car to leave she realized she had left the keys in the ignition in the "on" position the whole time we were gone. Her car wouldn't even TRY to start!
I put the battery charger on it & it showed charging, but it also showed "bad battery", so Jane tried called our mobile mechanic but had to leave a message. We left the charger on all night, but it still wouldn't start this morning. The mechanic called her first thing this morning & said he could come around noon today, so we said fine, she was parked in my driveway & my truck was in the garage so we weren't able to go anywhere. He called back a little later & said he'd be here by 10 and showed up at 9:30 with a new battery! 10 mins. later he had the new battery installed and she was good to go again, total bill $262.69, which we didn't think was bad at ALL because the battery we had priced online was $200 with tax.

Once Jane was on her way home I was able to get out & make it to church on time for Wed. service. There weren't as many people today as there has been, so Pat, Pam & I got to sit & chat with Rev. Lisa for a good long while, that was a nice visit. Then P,P & I were going to go to Pat's & help her sort & pack more for her move, but of course ended up going to lunch first. Then after lunch we went to her new apartment so Pam could see it & by that time we were all tired & full from lunch so Pat asked if it would possible for us to help her tomorrow instead. So, tomorrow afternoon after I mow Jane's front yard I'll go over & try to help Pat for a while.
See, I TOLD you it's been crazy around here!


Wacky Wabbit are one good soul helping everyone out.
Good that you gals are going to do the packing up stuff on Thursday.
A earlier start is always much better. But for
YOU KAREN, it will be later since
you have to do the lawn cutting at Jane's.
I still laugh that you moved into a condo complex that cuts your grass for you and you still end up cutting 'grass'. Such a good sister you are.

I need to make sure to get some DECENT SLEEP tonight since I'll be busy playing with Manny tomorrow. I should take my old and new address book with me and fill in a few more names in the new book. I swear I'll be DEAD-GONE by the time I get that address book all cleaned up.
The PASSWORD BOOK is 10 times worse. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: When I was told you should have different passwords for all your online accounts I took it literally! Ha Ha.

Too muggy outside to go for a walk. I really need to get Art to put my bike together that is in the basement on a trainer gizmo so I can just ride around the block a few times. Easier on my back and legs than walking.

Take care folks.


2nd Officer
It's debate night at 9 between Biden and the Buffoon.

I'll be watching. My prediction for it, in spite of all the hype for it the last 2 weeks, is that it's going to be boring and a dud. We'll see.

Lots of luck keeping up with Manny today, K2. Your daughter may come home and find you both curled up on the floor together taking a nap.

Hope it's a dry morning walk for you this morning, Lee.

Bill; Forget about glue on this new hip. Duct Tape. :)

Two good ideas Mike and KC. Kicking the computer, or taking a sledge hammer to it. Up till now all I've used is loud swear words. With limited results.

Since the computer worked problem free yesterday, I'm guessing that it was an AOL problem.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’m a tad tired this morning.
Partly, I think, from reading everything Karen has been up to! You set a pretty high bar for the rest of us young lady.
Bright and barely 60F this morning here Dave. A good early walk and a fine day for me to get the grass cut!
I have to go back and read the comments under Frank’s tune Mike. I rarely do.
Have a fun day with Manny Kathie! Remember the rules of baby or pet sitting…if it’s in the fridge, wine or liquor cabinet it’s fair game. ;)
Somewhat tongue in cheek, somewhat serious question Bill. Is the adhesive / glue covered by any kind of a warranty?
You all enjoy your day!


Chief Security Officer
Where would we be, Dave, if there wasn't duck tape. I sometimes think that it is what holds the whole world together.
The rains, thunder and lightning held off until we were in bed last night and it only seemed to last about 15 or 20 minutes. This morning everything is sunny and a bit less hot and humid.

I don't have much hope for tonight's debate either. The only positive I have heard is that Trump's microphone will be off while Biden is speaking, although we will probably still see him mouthing off during those times. The fact checkers will probably have a very busy night dealing with his
innumerable false claims. One more hour of our lives that we will never get back and we can be sure that when it ends, his cult will either insist that he won handily or that the whole debate was rigged against him.


Wacky Wabbit
All is good over here w/Mr Manny. He’s on his best behavior. We did a nice walk and he left a “mark” on almost every tree we passed and his favorite Red Fire Hydrate.
He’s taking a nap right now! What a life!

Lee; It was rather brisk early this morning! A nice change for sure. Lovely outside right now.

I made sure we have plenty of POPCORN on hand for tonight’s “debate”! Should be another waste of time like BILL mention.
Good thing all the TV shoes are into reruns now and won’t be interrupted.
This painter is a NON-TALKER. Just doing his job!
Nap time!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good thing all the TV shoes are into reruns
Vintage Entertainment GIF by The Ed Sullivan Show

”Tonight we have a really big shoe”. That’s how I remember Ed Sullivan starting his broadcast!


Wacky Wabbit
Ha Ha Lol GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios
LEE.... I was going to correct my "SHOE" mistype, but figured I'd let it ride and see which one of you HAWKS jumped on it! YOU WIN Lee!
And when I RE-Read my post I thought of Ed Sullivan too! I bet there are kids out there that don't know who the "hay" he is! :wink2:

Had a fun day w/Manny. He even got me to share a tablespoon of coffee with him at once point. He got more belly rubs than you can count.
And when each one of his "people" came home he grab one of his toys first and ran over to greet them! I cracked up.

We could all skip the DEBATES tonight, since the news stations will be reviewing and talking about them the rest of the week and weekend. :supris:

Nice and sunny and cool out there right now. Hope nobody burns anything in their Firepit tonight. It's a great night to keep the windows open!
Agency Dream GIF by Kochstrasse™


Wacky Wabbit
Debate Popcorn GIF by RightNow
I've run out of POPCORN and it's only 9:30 pm!
Lies back and Forth!
And give Biden a glass of water or throat lozengier!
I had to walk away.
All I hear is: "I'm better than you are" and "No, you didn't do anything right"!

So far, I think the questions are stated too long. By the time they get through ASKING the QUESTION of either of these guys, even I forget what the point of the question was. Geez!
I sure hope they don't go through with a 2nd one of these debates.

Okay, I'm switching to ICE CREAM! Not sure I'll make it through much more of this debate.

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Watched about 15 minutes of t he debate, frump does not answer a lot of the quesions and if he does he lies, I sat outside for quiet a bit, it was only 84 and very comfortable, then after supper we sat outside til about 830, this is why i love summer.
You didn't spoil Manny did you K2 or was he allredy spoild????
I think I remember the same thing with Ed Sullian Lee. He had some great entertainers on his show..
Bill, if it moves and shouldn't use duck tape, if it doesn't move but should, use wd 40
swearing at things that I couldn't get to work produce zero result for me Dave. Once I threw a hummer at something, the hammer hit a wall, bounce back and hit me on the knee, more swear words.
Kc. our porch was about 15 feet above groung level, it would be hard for a little garden snake to climb it.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Of all the times for President Biden to have a bad night…
We wait so long for the nice weather Mike and then, as last week, it is too darned hot or it is too buggy. We went for a walk along the river by Fort Malden around 7:00 last evening. A nice temperature and a bit of a breeze made for a very nice walk.
That’s one of the things I love about my cyber family Kathie. We all know if we “dangle a carrot” somebody will bite on it! And it’s always in good fun.
With this being the beginning of the summer holidays, Canada Day on July 1st and Independence Day on July 4th we figure this will be a busy weekend at the border. Lu-Ann had thoughts of popping over until I pointed all that out.So I’m not sure what the day or weekend may bring.
Everyone have a fantastic Friday!


Wacky Wabbit
61lF degrees at 9:00 am. Hope it doesn't ruin a lot of weekend parties!

I'm trying my best to FORGET last night's debate even took place. Too many lies from one guy and the other was "out of it". The news stations like MSNBC were saying Biden had a cold. Well, in this day and age instead of prepping him for this debate they should have found one of those miracle Oxygen tanks and stuck him in it for a few days. We have a place that has that machine close by and people use it for wound healing. I gave up watching after the first 1/2 of the debate. Just couldn't take it. Both were horrible, but Trump NOT SPEAKING to the question and his lies were the worse.

No outside fires last night and the windows were open here and there in the house. Good sleeping, but REALLY COLD when I got up this morning! YIKES! Brrr.

Have a fantastic day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Need a favor:
Can any one of you please send me a E-MAIL so I can see if my E-MAIL is working! Thanks.

Not a good computer day over here. DUH!

Mike Elias

Security Guard
k2 I can't find your email address. I would look for it but Lee and Bill as usual took care of sending you an email. I agree with your comment.
91 now, a little too warm to be sitting outside.


Wacky Wabbit
THANK YOU Lee & Bill for the EMAIL you sent.

Mike…Not to worry I think the email works. I just need to
wait until Saturday and try and change the password.
I got LOCKED OUT for trying too many times. I followed the instructions and just couldn’t get it to work. OH well, I’ll give it another try on Sat.

We have (1) Cheery tomato that is finally a blush color. The UP and DOWN, Wet and Dry temperatures aren’t helping my tomatoes. Lots of GREEN ones!
Getting a very light sprinkle here right now, with MORE thunderstorms to come Saturday morning. Bummer for the working class that waits for nice weekends.

I cooked up the Pork & Beans for the 4th of July get together at the lake cottage. The longer it marinates in the refrig the better!
And I don’t have to worry a out doing it now that it's done.

Later gang.


2nd Officer
It's Saturday morning.......According to my watch. And according to the weather-guessers it's going to be a wet and humid one. Although only getting into the lower 80's.

We were nowhere near your 91 degrees yesterday, Mike.

"We have (1) Cheery tomato that is finally a blush color." I'm so happy to hear that your new tomato is a happy tomato, K2. :)

Lee; I've got hard enough time figuring out some of our holidays, so refresh my memory about what your Canada Day is all about. And how you celebrate it. (Canada Dry I know.) Speaking of our 4th of July, usually people around here start shooting off fireworks around here in late June and by the 4th of July it's just plain nutsy. But for some unknown reason, this year there has been hardly any going off. A massive price increase?

My only plan this morning is either getting on the treadmill or the stationary bike.

AND.......Calling the appliance company that we got our built-in microwave from, for a service call. I warmed up a cup of coffee in it a bit ago, and when it beeped I opened the door to the sound of a SNAP. Now it won't latch, work, or have the light go out.

Welcome to the weekend. Ba humbug.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another guy who always made me smile is gone. RIP Mr. Martin Mull.
A big old pot of pork n' beans sounds like a dandy dish for a July 4th get together Kathie. I think that it's so neat that people from all over North America either responded or tries to respond to your call for a test email! Well, MA, OH and ON.
Yesterday was pretty humid in the afternoon Mike. Later today is supposed to feel like 102F once the storms move out of the area.
Why does stuff always go on the fritz on a weekend Dave? And who is this "fritz" guy anyway?
Our July 1st holiday sometimes called Canada D"eh", is pretty much like your Independence Day. Fireworks, BBQ's, flag waving, parades, concerts, real beer (not that watered down stuff you folks in The USA call beer) get the idea. We will be celebrating our 157th birthday. Which makes Canada The USA's younger sibling as you celebrate 248 years this coming week.
It has been thunder storming here since early this morning and is supposed to keep it up most of the day. I think Dave summed it up best when he said, and I quote, "
Ba humbug."
Well, my coffee cup is a tad on the empty side. The rain looks like it has slowed or stopped so maybe we'll try to get Ava down to the park.
You folks all do your best to have a great day.