Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Just the perfect day here today.
A tad chilly in the morning, but BLUE SKIES & SUNNY with an occasional breeze. I’d take this kind of temp everyday!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thanks for the Canada Day wishes everyone. Big doin’s all day at Fort Malden and The Navy Yard capped off tonight with a concert featuring local musicians and of course fireworks.
And not the kind of fireworks that would be set off if dancin’ girls made their way to Mike and Fay’s!
Great tune Kathie. Of course pretty much anything ABBA does falls in to the great tune category on my playlist. Or, if you’re old enough to remember, my mix tapes.


2nd Officer
Good Tuesday morning, Wabbits!

YES, Tuesday, Lee.

Excellent explanation of what your church's "confirmation" is all about, KC. If I remember correctly the Episcopalian church is a breakaway group from the Catholic church.

"Life is really like a roll of toilet paper." I liked that analogy, Mike. Oh how often it rolls around only to get you in the butt.

I liked your ABBA video, K2.

Sunshine and blue skies in the forecast for us today. Which makes it a great day for our grocery shopping this morning.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Tuesday? Seems like just yesterday it was either Sunday or Monday. The day did, as I recall, end with a “y”. Thanks for helping me with that Dave. Holiday Monday’s always seem to mess me up.
It looks like a nice day here today before the humidex returns to 102F with storms tomorrow.
Did Art get the results from his test Kathie? I’m amazed that in The US you seem to get the test results before you leave the building.
Is the area near Geneva known for higher waves Mike? I’m often surprised when I see clips of people surfing in some lakes.
Not sure what the day may bring but I imagine it will start with coffee.
Have a great Tuesday, let me check, yep, Tuesday everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Tuesday Morning 90S GIF
There it is.... TUESDAY, the 2nd da of JULY!
Before we know it will be Nov! Enjoy the HEAT while we have it folks!

Lee: Funny you should ask about Art's test result! The nice nurse from the cardiologist office called at 8:30 am this morning! Test results were read by the Doctor and ALL IS GOOD. He goes back July 22nd for his 6 month check up! Art gets more out of going to this Cardiologist than he does going to his Internist appts. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

He's out on a LONG bike ride today. A gal in the bike group is having her 57th birthday ride today and she wanted to go 57 miles. So she planned a nice LONG RIDE for the group. That's about more miles than the normal Tuesday ride. Better them than me!

Art did bring my bike up from the basement and I need to get on it while the temps are still low and see how well this "new KNEE" does on a moving bike.

I went to the Cannabis store yesterday to pick-up another jar of that suave for my lower back aches. I parked the car and approached the door and you could smell the "weed" 10 steps from the door. :oops: I figure if you got a chair and just sat next to the door you could get a FREE HIGH as people came in and went out. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: I forgot that you cannot use a credit card in these places in Michigan. I dug into my wallet and had only $56 bucks with me. The nice man said NOT a problem. He adjusted the bill to reflect a discount and took my $56 bucks! Now that's what I call nice service!

Do we need to come over to FAIRFIELD and check up on you while Fay is gone? You best be keeping that house looking good while she is not around. And clean up that kitchen after you have your morning breakfast! Ha Ha.

I'm out of here for now.
Speaking of cleaning up the kitchen floor needs a quick washing with the steam machine. Sure wish I would win the LOTTERY and then hire a maid. :loveya:

Enjoy your day Wrabbits.


Chief Security Officer
That was nice of the clerk K2. Do you think that the airfull of weed might have mellowed him and influenced him to show such generosity?
Received a pre-sugery phone call earlier this morning to go over my medications and which ones I should discontinue and when I should stop taking them, and a general outline of the schedule pre and post operative procedures.
Plans were announced yesterday that one of the owners of the Boston Celtics plans to sell his share in the team sometime over the next four years. I have no specific a possible preferences for a potential buyer as long as it isn't John Henry, who owns the Red Sox.

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
Lee, I don't know if the waves near Geheva on the Lake are higher than the other parts of the lake. I do thinkk Lake Erie is considerd dangerous because it is so shallow. We lived about 7-8 miles from the lake but didin't take advantage of it.
Glad Art's test results were good K2. Come on over K2, rhw party starts pretty soon. Gite your tongue K2 Before we know it will be Nov!
Kc, Dave, it seem like I remember the two churchs split. As I was told They are almost identical If you walked in one you would have a hard time knowind which church you were in
Bill. the hardest part for me on th e pre operation was not drinking anything for a long time before t he operation. My mouth would feel as dry as sandpaper.
According to my computer, it is 88 degrees outside. I'll just stay in and get a cup of coffee.


Wacky Wabbit
Still nice over here today. Might get a shower later on in the evening. I could feel the humidity rising a tad during my travels today.

BILL/Rita: I went to our local distributor center for bathroom sinks, tubs, faucets, toilets, etc and saw one of those WALK-IN - SIT-IN tubs with a door. Sure don't give you much room to sit in those tubs. I would highly suggest that you find a showroom that has one and you try it out before making a huge investment. TIGHT SITTING.... if you get what I mean.

I was looking at tubs, sinks, toilets and facets for our main bathroom that NOBODY uses!
I want to take out the Jacuzzi tub and put in a shower with a tiled bench and get a free-standing bathtub and new vanity and sink or sinks.
The nice lady is going to work up the costs for all of this and then I will
MOST LIKELY COME TO MY SENSES and get that thought out of my mind! :supris: I also, need to ask the contractors that did our kitchen for a estimate on how much labor, etc would cost for a gut job like that!

I took out one of those PRE-MADE meals out of the freezer that I made before I had my knee done. Only one left after this. Those were a life-saver at the time. This is #6 and it's Rolled Lasagna. It's in the microwave on the THAW setting. Sure is nice to be able to grab something substantial and not have to start dinner from scratch.

Mike: I'm about to pick that (1) cherry tomato. Actually, I'll have Art pick it because it's hidden among his Black-eyed Susan plants. If I go in that area I know I'll get a mosquito bite for sure. Takes at least 2 weeks to get over a mosquito bite. HATE THEM.

Still trying to get over the Supreme Court ruling they handed down yesterday. Enjoy your FREEDOM while you still can. If the MORON wins in November we're DOOMED BIG TIME!
Just Saying Devils Advocate GIF
:sign help:

Hope you all are having a good day. Rather quiet on here!

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
K2, you must be very allergic to mosquito bites. I get a big itchy bump for a day, maybe less. I hope your tomato is sweet. I think I said t he tomato was not sweet at all. We have a lot of cherry and grape tomatoes on our plants, still very green and small.
I hear a few loud firecrackers going off..
Good night.
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2nd Officer
Just how long did you sit outside your cannabis store sniffing up some free samples, K2? Next thing we know you're out shopping for fixtures on an expensive bathroom remodel.

I'd forgotten that those "grass" shops only take cash. The federal government is still catching up with states that legally sell cannabis items. The Feds still consider it an illegal transaction. And since the Feds control the banking and financial institutions the banks and credit card companies are spooked about being indited for participating in the sale. So cash it is, until the Feds change the laws to OK sales in states where "weed" is legal.

Time sure flies by. Fuzzbutt turned 9 yesterday. In my mind she's still a full grown puppy.

Nothing odd or weird ended up in our grocery cart yesterday. Very few shoppers in the early morning. Heck, there were more shelf-stockers than there were customers.

This morning, HOPEFULLY, our microwave will be fixed. I wasn't aware of how many times a day we use it just to heat up something. Kathi had a slice of leftover pizza on a paper plate heading toward the microwave before she remembered that it was broke, the other day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Already feels like 79F! Whew.
We have a birthday gathering this afternoon. I hope the predicted storms don’t mess with it.
When the government legalized recreational amounts of cannabis they kept saying it would be tightly controlled. I swear they have licensed more weed shops than we have Tim Horton’s! Our’s do accept credit cards though. I know that from when we used to get our old Bear drops to try to help him deal with fireworks. And even though it’s legal in both Ontario and Michigan you can’t have any going across the border.
As someone suggested if the pendulum swings the wrong way this November we ALL may need to start frequenting our local weed shops!
Hope the microwave is an easy and inexpensive fix Dave.
I don’t know about your area Kathie but bathroom and kitchen renovations, no matter how small, are a fortune around here.
It seems to be getting harder to find a really nice sweet tomato around here Mike. They all seem so danged woody and tasteless. We do try to enjoy our riverfront and the views of the lake offered by some of the wineries along The Erie Shores Wine Route.
A very good morning to the rest of the group.
Hope all of you have an excellent day!


Wacky Wabbit
Good morning Wrabbits!

Like Lee mentioned , the Real Feel is nasty already. Going to be hotter and more humid every day from now on!
Had to close the windows last night because the humidity was riding!


Going to be a hot one!
Karen please take a DIP INTO THE CLUB POOL FOR ME!

Dave: I can’t wait to see how much all the stuff for a bathroom remodel would cost. And then you have to throw in the cost of a contractor and supplies. Not to mention a new vanity and counter top and tile too! Should be interesting! I’m thinking it will stay as it is when all the quotes get added up!

Art went to the Dermo - Dr this morning to get the stitches out from the top of his head and get the other “spot” dug out this morning. OUCH! I see a few Tylenol’s in his future!

Went to see the kids and take them a few of those Key Lime Tarts.
Who am I kidding, I went to see Manny. Always so happy to see me!
Mark said he got his blood taken again the other day and his numbers are up to 16! Which is VERY GOOD!
He also finally got to see a Rhuemotalogest and they took a blood draw and sent it to California to have it further checked to see just why his blood levels dropped the way it did. ALWAYS SOMETHING.

OKAY, I have nothing more for you good people.

So far so good with people holding off on Fireworks going off all night! Must be too expensive. I don’t see as many Pop-Up stands selling the stuff on every corner empty lot like in past years! Thank goodness.

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
It got up to 91 today for a short while, it is 84 now. We had a brief heavy thunder storm which we needed for the grass.
The old man sitters have gone home and Fay is home. She said she had a very relaxing nice time.
I conked out on the couch this afternoon, something I very seldom do. I wonder how it will effect my going to sleep tonight.
I hope Art isn't in too much pain and the tylenol helps him.L
We still haven't had much fire works go off. Fairfield will have some tonight as Hamilton will. We will stay home. Cinci used to have a big show but I haven't heard or read anything about it.
Lee, I'm hoping my cherry tomatoes are sweet this s ummer. I don't think they are getting enough sun now to get sweet. We used to buy Merier????? wine that the grapes were grown along Lake Erie in Cinci.
Dave, I used to buy gummies but they didn't help me. I look up gummies and there was a lot of them claiming to end all pain. I hope your microwave is fixed by now.
It's almost 8 and I still haven't heard any fire works. My hearing aids are working so I don't guess t they have started yet. I just heard some.


Wacky Wabbit
I'll have my trusty Ear Plugs in for sure tonight and tomorrow too.

Art was in the Dermo office from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm. :eek: They had to go back 3 times to finally get to an area that showed the edges were clear of any cells. YIKES.
Hopefully, he'll be able to sleep tonight.

It's MUGGY big time here and will only get worse tomorrow. Hey, it beats 58F.... Ha Ha.

Celebrate United States GIF by Nora Fikse
Let me be the 1st to wish all you American's a Happy and Safe 4th of July.
Try and remember those that lost their lives so we could be free. (Well, free for hopefully a long time)

I'll try and drop by tomorrow before we go to the Cottage.

Register To Vote Election 2020 GIF by INTO ACTION


2nd Officer
Happy 4th of July!


We aren't doing much today, but if you've got plans I hope the weather cooperates.

Hot Dog. our microwave is fixed. A quick in and out for the repair guy. Just a spring inside its' door had shut it down. No charge for the new spring or installing it other than the price of the service call. No more warming up some coffee in a pan on top of the stove.

Like you Mike, this year has been a year where there is WAY less people shooting off fireworks. Which is good news especially for people's pets.

"Rheumatologist!" K2; That sounds more like a disease than a type of doctor. I'm beginning to think that your daughter should start worrying about her mother dog-napping Manny.

Lee; I just can't understand all the nastiness and crookedness that the Buffoon has done and yet so many people believe everything he says and blindly will vote for him. Lots and lots of cannabis in your neck of the woods? Sound like our problem with drug stores seeming to be on every corner.

Let's see, today is Thursday.......After today's holiday, I wonder what day I'll think it is when I wake up tomorrow morning.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Celebrate American GIF by Nora Fikse

A couple of things this morning my friends…
Enjoy celebrating your country’s birthday and the many freedoms that you (we) all have.
Make sure you are all careful around fireworks. I expect everyone to have the same number of fingers and eyes tomorrow that they started today with.
And please, if you are out and about, watch out for the other guy.


Wacky Wabbit
Independence Day Celebration GIF by Jessica Lau

It was SO QUIET LAST NIGHT I felt like I was in Canada! (Ha Ha) NO FIREWORKS. This has to be written down in the record books. WOW.

Dave: Nice that the Microwave is running again. Amazing how many times we use that thing in a day.

Baked Beans are in the oven warming up on a very LOW heat.
Remembered to empty the ice machine so we have enough ice for the cooler.

Time to go take a shower, so I can just SWEAT once I'm out by the water in the sun.

It's 80F+ already! YIKES it's going to be a scorcher.
I saw on the weather news that Palm Beach, California is 123F. That's insane.
Hope they can get those fires out West under control. I'm always amazed that there is still stuff out there left to burn.

Enjoy your day and BE SAFE! STAY COOL TOO!


Chief Security Officer
Have a happy 4th everyone.
No special plans for todheay and will probably watch the Pops concert and fireworks from Boston's Hatch Shell on one of our local TV channels, If you have a Bloomberg network channel, you can watch as well.
One of the towns north of Boston will not be having fireworks tonight because the barge from which the rockets were to be shot off, was seriously damaged by a fire last night.