Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
I took two spoonfuls of honey last night and feel okay now. Honey is my go to med for sore throats, thanks for the comments/
Bill , I sleep with a pillow under my right leg and it helps with the pain on my right side, have been doing that for years. Sometimes during the night I move it away. Sounds like you better slack off for a while. I had a truck and sold it after I quit putting up chain link fence, missed it the next day.
Lee, my weight has stayed the same for years but I have gained at least wo inches aroung the waste. :rolleyes: The gain started last year and now the only kind of trousers I can wear are sweat pants. I am up about 2 to 3 pounds. I don't do any exercise any more. I always liked the openng parade,missed it again this year,
K2 I haven't watched the olympics this year but I have watch reruns of some of Biles routines She amazes me and the same thing with Lee.
Dave, hope Kathi is doing okay after her fall.
Does it stay very hot during the night Karen or do you get a little break from the heat at night?


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: I was just watching the WINDSOR NEWS and they had a segment on an event going on in a park in Amherstburg! All about War reenactments and how times were a long time ago. $10.50 each!
Did you here anything about this?
You should make sure to get your morning walk in EARLY!


2nd Officer
Good morning Bunnies! A weekend for the workin-folk.

Kathi is doing fine, after her tumble from the bed. Still no black & blue on her forehead. She must have also twisted her jaw on the crash landing. It's a bit sore when she opens her mouth wide when taking a large bite. But that's it.

The magic of nature's honey, Mike. All nature, and not man, made. Simone Biles is an amazing athlete. And with her radiant smile, always looks like she's having fun.

I agree with others KC. Rots-a-ruck getting college kids to go to church. And your church must have an older congregation if you have few if any real young children there.

I think that pillow trick just might just work for you, Bill. That phrase, "no pain no gain" is pure BS. It's so easy to overdo it when exercising. Ya learn when to back off.

Us northerners, Lee, K2, and me all seem to have the weather gods playing games with the water hose. On, off, on, off. Pure guesswork on our part as to WHEN to go outside.

If we go grocery shopping this morning, we have no idea what it's going to be.



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by ircha_gram
Just passing though early!
Dave: Sure hope Kathi didn’t get a concussion when she hit her head. Might be a good idea to see a doctor to try and figure out why this has happened again. (Just saying)

I just stuck my head out of the door to see what it was like out there and it’s FOGGY and HUMID as all get out. Feels just like I’m by the Gulf on Longboat Key, Fl. Only thing missing is the TIDE sound splashing against the shore. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
FYI: Jill’s power did come back on after 8 hours. She said the small generator did it’s thing being hooked up to the refrigerator. It was a transformer that must have got knocked out.
You all have a good Saturday.
I’m crawling back to bed for now. It’s still dark outside. 5:48 am!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
5:48 a.m. Believe it or not Kathie, that was the exact moment Ava and I were headed out for our early walk. The event you mentioned is called The Living History Festival is taking place at Fort Malden. Seniors get in for $9.75. It is about a 5 minute walk from The Navy Yard.
As for the weather, like Kathie said, it’s as humid as it’s been since this run of hot, humid weather started. They are guessing it could break overnight Monday into Tuesday.
Hopefully Kathi has no lasting bumps or bruises Dave. The body is a funny thing in that it sometimes takes a day or two so let you know “oh, by the way, my (insert body part here) hurts”.
Raw honey is something we tend to keep on hand Mike. We’re lucky in that we have a couple of honey places within a few minutes drive. These fellas have been in the honey business around here for years and all of the long time residents know them.
I’ve had a couple of those pesky double posts too Karen. No big deal. But I do read them both times to be sure one isn’t an update.
Are the physio folks able to change up your routine a bit for you Bill?
We’ll get down, I suspect, to The Navy Yard earlier than usual for our walk. Not only is there the event at The Fort, parking downtown is limited on weekends because of our “Open Air” event which takes place every weekend from late May through Labour Day.
I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday.


Wacky Wabbit
we have a really nice BREEZE here right now. Actually pleasant on the deck under the awning! Still hot.

KAREN: Just wanted to say please take care with that Tropical Storm that’s circling around.

Somebody mentioned that a guy named
DENNIS PHILLIP on Facebook hives out realistic weather alerts and updates. No scare tactics.
I found him very easily on FBook.
Not sure if he has a “s” on his last name.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It’s still hotter than stink here Kathie. It’s the Saturday of the Civic Holiday long weekend and there’s not a soul out anywhere. Even the kids next door aren’t in their pool!
Yes Karen, you and your sisters please keep an eye on that Debby storm that’s a brewin’ down your way.
Today I have completed a goal that started ONE THOUSAND DAYS ago on Sunday November 7, 2021. For each of the past 1000 days I have met or exceeded my stand, move (calorie burn) and exercise goals after my April 2021 heart thingy. Yep, I’m braggin’ and smilin’ just a tad. Up next? Lord willing I’m goin’ for TWO thousand days. With inspiration from Lu-Ann and friends there were times I was tired walking, walking on the treadmill or riding the stationary bike but rather than throw in the towel, I wiped the sweat off my face with it and kept going.
Time to raise a glass of wine.
Have a great day folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Well Done Wow GIF by Abitan
That's really a great accomplishment Lee. Keep up the good work! Wish I could be that dedicated.

Stilll HOT here tonight, but not as muggy. More heat coming tomorrow.

Karen: If you go to church say a prayer for all of us who stayed home. Our choir starts singing again in church tomorrow after a month's break. I won't be there. Shame on me, but I'll watch another Serbian church's service online. Sure wish our church still did live cams. They did it for a while during Covid, but then the man who knew how to do all the work moved and nobody replaced him! :(

Sure hope that the Tropical Storm doesn't decide to pay your fair city a visit. Take care.

Out of here for tonight.

I Love You Night GIF by Chippy the Dog


2nd Officer
It ain't bragging if you can do it, Lee. Well deserved atta-boys for sticking with an exercise program for one thousand days. Hell most people can't do that consistently for 10 days. Have another glass of wine. :)

K2; Hoping that the tropical storm messing with Florida doesn't cause you any serious problems.

Where ya at K2? I was beginning to think that you were becoming one of us early risers.

We did go to the smaller grocery store yesterday morning. And as expected, we had no idea what the weather gods had ready for us. Going in it was completely dry. But while we shopped we could hear the lightening and thunder and heavy rain going on outside.

While all this is going on, all I was thinking about was, "What if the power goes out?". How dark is it going to be in the back corners of the store.

And what happens if the power does go out and we have a full cart of stuff? No power to run the cash registers.

But by the time we left, it was just a mild shower. And just a few hours later it was all sunny.

Oh yea, while there what caught my eye this week was how many different kinds of "Goldfish" crackers there are. Multiple shelves.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you for the “thumbs up” for reaching my first big exercise goal. Now to keep it going. It’s funny how much my Apple Watch has played in getting there. Daily and weekly reminders to meet the goals and increase them every few weeks.
We kept getting rain and storm warnings here Dave but nothing came of them. It was nice for our walk this morning as it only felt like 68F. A beautiful start to this Sunday. Now you’re going to make me Google Goldfish crackers. We have maybe two varieties!
We kept thinking of the re-enactors at the fort in their heavy period clothes and uniforms yesterday Kathie. It was too hot for us to even want to venture out. Like Pure Michigan, we’re supposed to see temperatures feeling like 100F+ again today. The long range is calling for highs around 70F on Tuesday.
You please keep an eye on your weather too Karen. It looks like all of Marion County is under a tropical storm watch.
I do hope all is well in Bill and Mike’s neck of the woods.
You fine folks all have a top notch day!


2nd Officer
Quick check in before I head to church, will be remembering you all with some prayers while I'm there.
Debby is now expected to be a Hurricane when she makes landfall, so far it "looks" like she will be coming in the big bend area of Florida, so we shouldn't see to much effect from her. BUT hurricanes do have a mind of their own so we shall see.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Sunday Morning All.
Bless Happy Sunday GIF by GIPHY Studios 2021

Karen: So very GLAD you stopped by and gave us the update on the storm and your area.
I've been watching Channel 42 weather on my cable station and they're doing a good job pointing out just where on the Gulf Debby is going to visit! :eek: :oops: TAKE CARE!
Sorry I can't be part of your EARLY RISER CLUB. Just too early for me. I stop by when I'm either leaving the couch, that I managed to fall asleep on, or going to the bathroom! :emoticon 0136 giggle:
Glad you made it through the grocery store yesterday.
I went to pick up a couple of things at our Krogers and they had CRACKERS on SALE from Nabisco. A very good sale I must say, so we now have enough crackers of various kinds to hold us over for quite a long time. Art is the CRACKER EATER in this family. I'm still amazed at how much food costs these days. I swear I hardly ever buy much that isn't ON SALE. The prices are so inflated that the word SALE doesn't really mean what it use to.

Lee and Lu-Ann: You guys better stay inside today if we get those horrible HOT TEMP pushing 100F. Thank goodness we've had rain showers on a regular basis that water the grass and flowers. My water bill is HIGH enough as it is and not having to turn on the Sprinkler System yet this season is a blessing to my pocketbook.
Bill: You take care over your way. Hope you're getting some good sleep at night.

Karen Thanks for the prayers. We can all sure use them. Stay safe and keep in touch. You know how we worry about you when these storms come through. Hope Bert and his family are doing good too. I'll have to watch Missey's (his daughter) Fbook page to see what she reports.
Later gang.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thanks for thinking of us Karen. No matter what the NWS says, keep an eye on the sky!
I know Kathie. These temps are starting to get to just about everyone.
We popped in to Windsor this morning to have a little breakfast treat at Anchor Coffee. Then we took Ava to The Navy Yard when we got home. Once you were away from The River and the sun started to peek out it decided one thing for me. I’m not cutting the back lawn today! It already feels like 91F.
So, I guess I’ll hit the treadmill to keep my quest going!
I checked our Goldfish selection Dave. Cheddar, plain and a seasonal “special” with Frank’s Hot Sauce. Guess who I thought of when I read that!
Everyone please stay safe from the wind, rain or heat. Whatever may be in your neighbourhood today.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
It's supposed to get to 88 today, I don't t h ink I will take my 30 minute sitting out side today. I checked temps now, it is 90 and sunny, I espect it will get warmer.
conrats on keeping your excercize Lee. Keep up the good work. Have a glass of wine for all of us.
Keep an eye on the weather Kc.
Nothing like crackers and cheese or peanut batter and crackers for a snack K2. I should be eating them instead of cookies, cake and candy
5:48 AM, I was still fast asleep
I'm glad Kathi is still feeling OK after her fall Dave, it may be a few days be for any pain s he has goes away. I use to carry a small one battery flashlight all the time, I think I used it once.
I hope you had a good nights sleep last night Bill


Wacky Wabbit
Thanks Lee. It’s the one title he hadn’t managed to win and he wanted it so badly. We’re proud of him. He is so good to the people who need him in Serbia. His wife is equally as kind and generous.

I watched the RE-RUN and it was a fantastic match. :clap002: :clap002:


Wacky Wabbit

breaking news trinity GIF

DISREGARD ALL THE emails I sent about these BOARDS being DOWN! They must have fixed it. Sorry to have bothered you all with so many.
Bill your email wouldn’t go through. Send me a text with your correct email address please.
Karen stay safe girl. I keep watching the Comcast “The Weather channel“ and they send a lot of good information. Pictures of Downtown Sarasota with flooded streets. And Tampa with the palm trees bending and flooded streets. Also Clearwater with 9” of water. Cars with water up 1/2 way up,the car doors.
Not sure if you can have that station. It’s channel 42 up here.
Take care folks.


2nd Officer
And the new week begins.

Like most of you, I catch bits and pieces of the broadcast of the Olympics. Filling spots in the broadcast they often have stories about life and habits in France.

They've got me sucked in. Next time we go grocery shopping I'm going to ask the bakery department if they have any French Baguette Bread. :) (Those skinny, long loaves of bread that are popular in France that are crispy on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside.)

Wet and more wet headed your way, KC. Hoping you get through this storm unscathed.

Another HOT one for us today, but a bit cooler tomorrow.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
crispy on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside.)
I’ve heard that the dinosaurs said the same thing about cavemen Dave. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Today is the August Civic Holiday. Used to be most things were closed. Now it’s pretty much a “holiday hours” day for retail with primarily government stuff shuttered.
It’s supposed to feel right around 100F again today. Rain and storms are predicted again this afternoon. Like the ones that haven’t happened for the past few days.
A little relief is in sight with a cold front that should make tomorrow feel about 20 degrees cooler. With rain. We have to head to Lu-Ann’s annual Movement Disorder Specialist appointment a couple of hours down the highway in London.
I’m hoping Karen and her sisters are not seeing too much of Debby.
Gonna sign off here. I admit to being a tad tired this morning. Even Ava hasn’t stirred for her early walk yet!
All of you have a wonderful Monday.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning. Glad to see these boards are working just fine.

Dave: How is Kathi doing after her fall. It's been a couple of days now and hopefully she's just fine. Tell her I said hello and was thinking of her.

Lee: Not sure if that drive to London is this morning or tomorrow. Just be safe out on the road. People start to drive worse than they usually do when the temps almost hit 100F.

Sure hope you're doing okay over your way. Buy some milk and bread and make sure to have a FLASHLIGHT HANDY. Hugs girl. And let us know how things are going.

Art has a Retina Doctors check-up this morning and I'm going to tag along and see what the nice doctor has to say. It's been a while since I've sat in on one of these appointments. Art isn't the best at ABSORBING or RELAYING what his appointments reveal once he gets out of the office! :oops: ;)

Stay inside on these very HOT MUGGY UGLY days. Not worth getting heat stroke.

Later gang.

FYI: If you can get THE WEATHER CHANNEL on your CABLE TV it shows some nice live pictures of what's going on around the Gulf Coast with the Debby unwanted visitor.
Here in our area the channel is # 42. I'm sure it's different in other states if you can even get it.