Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good Wednesday morning!

I've got to admit, I had never heard of Tim Walz till yesterday. We tend to know so little about governors of states other than our own. Heck, I had to spend a good bit of time yesterday trying to remember what the name of Ohio's Governor is. So did Kathi. We could both picture him in our minds, but couldn't come up with his name. (He looks almost identical to the cartoon character of Mister MaGoo. Thick glasses and all.)

Now after reading and seeing news about Tim Walz, he seems like a very fine fella. Other than the Buffoon and his side-kick, I haven't seen anyone say anything negative about him.

Him and Kamala make a good team.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
We got two free car washes yesterday. One driving to London and a major rinse driving home. My issue is with the morons who slow to 25 mph in a 70 mph zone and drive with their 4 ways on instead of pulling off. That’s as big a hazard as the “invincible“ clowns doing 70+ mph in those conditions! Any way, that’s another story and I fell into neither of those categories. Once we were home I hit the treadmill. I didn’t get a lot of exercise behind the wheel of Subie.
There seems to be another renewed sense of hope across The United States of America since Kamala introduced Tim Walz as her running mate.
What made me giggle was the autocorrect that screwed up your reply to EMS8 Kathie. I go by the old adage that WE can mess with each other because we all know each other. To quote Marshall Dillon, “We don’t need no stranger wanderin’ in to town rufflin’ feathers”.
Yes Kathie, thank you for asking about our visit. Having been diagnosed 8 years ago Dr. Gala and Dr. Jog have given us a number of things and a couple of options to consider for the future.
Ya Mike, we too had thunder, lightening and heavy rain pretty much all day through early evening.
Did Kevin and Jamie finally get out to sea Bill?
Yes Dave, how is Kathi doing?
I hope you got a break from the heat and extreme humidity after Debby passed by Karen.
Today is supposed to be a lot cooler and less humid. The back lawn desperately needs cutting so I know what‘s in my future.
Speaking of seeing the future, I’m seeing a hot cup of coffee in mine.
Have a fantastic day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Coffee GIF by Creativo Cartel
Windows were all wide open last night and I curled up and slept in this morning. 68F right now and supposed to climb up to around 77F later. Bring it on!
Good day to do the outside windows! I see NO RAIN in the near future. I'll have to spray with OFF and wear long jeans and long sleeve shirt when walking amoung the evergreens to get to the windows. Might think twice about this since things are still DAMP out there. There's always 'tomorrow'! (yup, there a song for that word) Ha Ha.

Lee: Sorry you had to get MOTHER NATURE's CAR WASH yesterday. She never adds soap before the rinse. My back window needs to get washed big time. Having a white colored car the rest of the car can go for a long time before showing the dirt! Amazing considering it's a white color.
Hope whatever the "Doc's" suggest for Lu-Ann can happen soon and helps her out. :emoticon 0115 inlove:
Have fun cutting the grass. Hope you have good drainage after all the rain we've had.

DAVE: If you remember way back when former Pres Carter got nominated nobody new him at all. It's like he came out of 'thin-air' to run for President. And he turned out to be great.
This is his biggest wish right now:

When Jimmy's son Chip Carter asked him this week whether he wants to live to see his 100th birthday, the former president responded, "I'm only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris," according to Jason.
Let's all say a prayer that he gets his wish.
Former Pres Carter will be celebrating his 100th Birthday Oct 1st~ WOW. How fantastic.

Karen: How's things at your place after the rain and wind? Did your sisters make it through without any damage? I bet you're off to Wed church projects today. Take care.

MIKE: I think today might be a better day for you to enjoy sitting outside for a while. Hope you have a chair with a high back to it so you can take a SNOOZE while out there! :sleepey smile:

Bill: How's that hip coming along. Does it feel better than before you had it re-done? Keep moving around and do those exercises faithfully.

I'm out of here for now. I feel more like baking some Blueberry-Lemon loaves since I bought a big container of Blueberries that were on a "digital Coupon" sale the other day at Krogers.
I need some coffee right now!



Chief Security Officer
Hip is feeling better each day and already is less painful than it was pre-surgery. The occupational therapist discharged me after today's visit and so I now only will be visited by the physical therapist and a phlebotomist who is checking my blood for its clotting factor.
I do have a urologist and am on a medication but the primary problem is my enlarged prostate which has me up so many times during both night and day. Had a slightly better night of sleep last night and not so sleepy today.
Kevin and Jamie did finally board the ship yesterday and are in Key West today. Because of the delay in boarding, they will not be going to Cozumel but will have a day at sea tomorrow and will be back in Tampa Friday.

Not one of our better nights at cribbage last night and only took two of the five matches. We have one more week as we have a bye the following week which is the final week of competition. Hoping we can remain in third place for the season but it has been fun regardless of where we finish.
Yesterday was rainy and chilly with temps in the 60's but today it is sunny and a comfortable 70 degrees.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
“Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya…”. Oh, hi there. Just, you know, singing along…:emoticon 0111 blush:
I meant to ask a couple of times Kathie. How is Mark doing these days?
That’s an encouraging note from you Bill! Great attitude towards the cribbage group. “It’s been fun”.
It was really nice here today. Sunny and around 78F. The grass was so thick I used the grass catcher on the lawn mower when I did the back. Then we took Ava down to The Fort for an afternoon walk along The River.
The ladies are headed to Wolfhead Distillery this evening for a “Cosmo Night”. Donations for the foodbank and local shelter is the admission. The guys are getting together at Jim and Gail’s to stick our feet in the pool.
Have a good evening folks.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
As usual, nothing going on here. Fay and I talked for a while, remembering the people that we knew from the dances that were still alive and came to the get togethers the past few years.
Lee, I don't think I have auto correct, I sure could use it. I got a mental block on t he gov. of Ohio's name and I like him.
I stayed inside all day today K2, watched a little of t he reruns of the olympics. Thanks for the video .
Hope you will continue to make progress with your pain Bill. I now think 70 is chilly. When I sit outside I like for it to be about 80 or above.
Dave, I have never heard of Tim Walz either, I dont think too many Ohioians have. They seem to be a good combination\


Wacky Wabbit
Good evening.

Lee: Funny you that you asked about Mark! He sent us his latest Blood work graph and he’s “RIGHT WHERE HE SHOULD BE.” :clap002: He has 3 more weeks of decreasing the Prednisone pills. Thanks for asking. They still don’t know what triggered the blood issue to begin with. we’re just glad he doesn’t have cancer or any other issue.

Bill: Thanks for addressing my question. I hope there will be some help with your interrupted sleep issues. Just keep bugging your doctor, nee meds and prcedures come up all the time. I know that from my own Urologist. She’s been a great with new better meds on the market.
Bummer on the cribbage scores! Keep trying. :oops:
Mike: I have to agree with you about 70 being CHILLY. It’s getting darker sooner already too. :eek: Okay, I just can’t think about even colder weather right now. Bring on the heat and just use A/C when needed! Ha ha

I made the Lemon-Blueberry bundt cake and loaf today. We will keep the bundt cake and Jill and her family will get the Blueberry -Lemon loaf!
Okay, I have to stop boring all of you. Running low on power too.

Sending hugs to Karen and Dave!


2nd Officer
I was greatly surprised yesterday when on the news they mentioned that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the SAME age. What??? They are only 6 months different in age. Both born in 1964. Just by looking at them, I had mentally put Walz 10 years older than her.

Speaking of age Bill; Having an enlarged prostrate is normal for guys our age. As one doctor explained to me, your age usually tells the percent chance of having an enlarged one. 20, 20%. 95, 95 percent. And having to whiz a lot goes along with it. What I hate of it is, losing the sense of how full my bladder is, and if I've actually fully emptied it. Now-a-days whenever I know I'll be away from a bathroom for a long time, I'll take a whiz, and then 15 minutes later go into the bathroom again and empty more out of my bladder to more fully empty it.

Like you Mike, I too like our Governor DeWine. (Even though he's a Republican and I disagree with him on a lot of issues.) You know he's trying his best.

Lee; I hate traveling on wet roads especially at freeway speeds. People have way too much faith in anti-lock brakes and good tire tread, thinking that they'll keep them from hydroplaning. Vehicles will slide quite a bit farther on wet roads trying to stop even with those things.

Did you get those windows washed, K2? And if so, how many bug bites did you get? I too like that "Annie" song.

Hopefully things are drying up around you, KC.

Kathi is still fine following her fall. Even had a doctor check her out. She's lucky.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
After a really nice weather day yesterday the 90‘s and humidity are sneaking back in for a couple of days.
Good to hear Kathi has no unexpected bumps or druses from her tumble. Yep, I know the urgency of having to pee feeling. Even if I went before I left home. And there’s no rhyme nor reason to the frequency or urgency! It amazes me at the people who think that all of the new fangled safety features on vehicles allow them to continue to speed along like they’re trying to win a race!
That’s great to hear that Mark’s numbers have fallen back into line where they ought be! Lemon Blueberry you say? I thought I smelled fresh baking.
We get the morning sun on our back yard and porch Mike. We can enjoy a morning coffee out there if the temp is at least 60F with no wind. I’ve never been a fan of hot. Especially hot AND humid.
My Sweetie has a bone density scan this morning. She wants to get up and going so we have time for coffee, breakfast AND to take Ava for her walk. Half the time I think the park walk is so Lu-Ann can feed the squirrels at The Navy Yard.
Well, all of you fine folks all have an excellent day.


Chief Security Officer
Have received very positive reviews from Kevin about their cruise. Nice ship, good food and tremendous crew. It is an older ship that was previously in the Costa fleet and much of what he has described reminds me of cruises we enjoyed years back before the ships had all the bells and whistles that they now feature and you enjoyed cruising primarily for the experience of being at sea or visiting interesting ports of call. It is too bad that the storm shortened their cruise so much, but the cruise line seems to be treating them very well to make up for the situation. From what Kevin has said, we might all consider taking a short cruise on that ship while we are in Florida although we already have one booked on Wonder of the Seas in March, 2025.
Fully emptying my bladder is definitely the worst part of having an enlarged prostate. It is worse when it causes me to get out of bed and shortly after I get back in, I feel the need to go again.
Only one more week of cribbage for us as we have a bye the last week, so we will do our best to score as many points as we can. The cards we get pretty much determine how we will do as all of the teams are pretty much veteran cribbage players of equal ability.
Looks like the worst of the remnants of Debby will pass to the west of us and we may only get rain and not too much wind. We are hoping to spend next winter in Ft.Myers so I am a bit anxious to learn if there was enough damage from the storm that will make our staying there.


Wacky Wabbit
Late check in! DUH!!

Windows never got done. Had a few other things that took precedent!

Now you "boys" with your prostate issues. Remember back in times of the Civil War (well not that far back) when they had bedside Urnial containers..............
well, you most likely are that old to remember. Ha Ha They give them to you to use in the hospital. I know Art used them when he was in for various back surgeries. You might just consider trying that and not having to get up and walk to the bathroom so often! Hey, it's just a friendly thought! ;)

Story for you all:
I managed to drive over to deliver the kids the Lemon-Blueberry loaf cake.
It looked like nobody was home.
Nobody answered the front door.
I did hear Mr Manny wining by the door!
So, I have a key and let myself in.
I talked to him, took him outside to Peep's, gave him belly scratches, etc.
I was walking in the kitchen, and I thought I heard distant faint sounds. So, I walked up the
stairs to check it out. Of course, Manny was right in step with me. :emoticon 0136 giggle:
Well, the door to the office was closed, but I could hear MARK talking. Praise the lord... he was home and on a conference call it wasn't burglars!
Moving down the hallway I see that Ash's door was closed, she was on a call too! Lordy!!
I was saying my Good-Bye's to Manny when Ashley came down the stairs and apologized for not answering the front door or coming down. She was on an important call! No biggy to me. I forgot my cell phone at home and didn't get a chance to call and warn them I was coming! Ha Ha.

That's what happens when you have two people working from home! All because of Covid!

Okay, that was your bedtime story if you're still up and if not then it's your
cbs news eye opener GIF by CBS This Morning
MORNING NEWS! Have a great day all.

Lee: Regarding Lu-Ann going for a Bone Scan.....

I go on
Friday Morning
to get my 6 month Prolia calcium injection. The last Bone Density Scan I had last year actually showed no bone loss from the previous one. I guess they work in their own way. There are PRO and Con's about this injection.
Hope Lu-Ann's is a good report too!


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning, Bunnies!

The heat and humidity kicked up here yesterday too. Which makes life miserable for thousands of people in northeastern Ohio that still haven't got their power back following Tuesday's storms. And some have been told that it might be another week before their electric returns. As of last night there were still over 200,000 homes with no power. Initially over 400,00 lost their electric.

About 30 miles north of here a couple of tornadoes came from the west straight eastward. One of them was on the ground for 25 minutes. LOTS of damage.

You're not a fan of hot, Lee??? Aren't you the fella that heads down to Florida every year. I know, I know, you're not a fan of cold either. :)

Bill; What's the name of the cruise line that Kevin was on? You had mentioned they were going to Key West. My favorite Port Of Call.

Cute story about the "home-workers", K2. At least Manny got to enjoy your visit. Can't stand those urine-containers they sometimes give you in the hospital.

Mike; Sucks when a post just goes POOF.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A cool breeze this morning. It’s noticeably darker on our early walk than just a few days ago. Almost time to get my reflective vest out again.
What I hate is having to get up to pee 30 minutes or so before I normally get up. Then it’s a question on do I go back to bed or do I just get up.
You were glad it wasn’t burglars in the kids house? Be glad they didn’t think YOU were a burglar Kathie. We will wait for the bone scan results before she decides what medication, if any, she may need.
The past couple of years FL has actually been on the cool side of things for a good part of our stay Dave. But a cool day in FL is better than a cold day at home.
We always enjoyed Key West as a port of call. Back, of course, when the ships were smaller. It sounds like that’s the case with the ship your kids are on Bill.
When Lu-Ann retired her choice for a trip was a week in Key West. We laughed though. When there were ships in port all of the shops in town raised their prices. As soon as the last pax set foot back on board the prices went back down.
ARGH!!! Generally the sound I make when I lose any post Mike.
How’s things in Belleview Karen? Are your sisters and Reverend Lisa keeping you hopping?
All of you good folks enjoy and have a great Friday.


Chief Security Officer
Kevin & Jamie are on the Margaritaville at Sea Islander, which was originally the Costa Atlantica (circa 1990). The line is offering "heroes" fares for veterans, educators, and first responders, so the cruise was extremely affordable. There have been a number of relatively negative reviews of one of their ships (not Islander) but from the pictures I have seen Islander has been attractively refurbished, and remind me of cruise ships we enjoyed before the mega ships were introduced. Kevin and Jamie are veteran cruisers and I value their opinions which are very complimentary about the ship, the food, entertainment and especially the crew.
They primarily sail out of Tampa and Palm Beach and go to Key West, the Bahamas, Mexico and Grand Cayman on 3, 4, 5. and 7 night cruises. They also offer a cruise and stay program that includes a couple of nights in a resort on Grand Bahama Island. We might just look into taking one of their shorter cruises out of Tampa while we are in Ft. Myers this winter, although we are already booked on the Wonder of the Seas next March.
Football season is suddenly upon us and the Pats opened the pre-season last night with a victory over Carolina. Few of the first stringers played but a couple of newbies made a favorable impression. It may seem a bit unusual not to have Belichick coaching the team, but I have a feeling that Mayo will handle the job well.

Physical therapist is coming at 2, so I will check out. It appears that we will miss the worst of the remnants of Debby thank the Lord.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon, HOT & MUGGY is the current weather here in Florida! We had one half way not muggy day after Debby passed thru but now the humidity is back with a vengeance!!

Kathie, do you have any type of side effects with the Prolia shots? I'm on the generic Fosamax and my last scan actually showed improvement, but it's a pain having to take those pills every week. Great news about Mark's blood work!

Dave, glad to hear those tornados didn't cause any problems for you & Kathi. The linemen & workers who are away from their families & working so hard to restore power for folks hit by these storms are true hero's in my not so humble opinion!

Mike, nothing is as aggravating as having a nice post typed out & then one little mistake and it's GONE!

Lee, I've noticed the past few days it's not nearly as bright early in the morning as it used to be, hopefully Fall & cooler weather isn't far behind! So how did the toe dipping party go for the guy's while the ladies were enjoying their night out? I've looked for video on You-tube but so far no luck ;)

Bill, a local weather guy I follow on FB was on that ship with his family about a month ago, he gave it a pretty favorable review as well! If things work out as I hope with my new cruise buddy Pam I would definitely consider booking a cruise on that ship.

Worked at Jane's yesterday mowing the front yard, it was just so hot & muggy we had to keep taking breaks to go inside & cool off! You know it's HOT outside when you go into your house that ISN'T air conditioned and it feels COOL!!

Tomorrow is work day at the church, hopefully we will have enough people show up to work that we can get done quick.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi gang.
Just have time to answer one question right now. (yeah, I know WHEW aren't we the lucky ones) Ha Ha

Karen: I use to be on Fosamax. When I started going to the Oncology - Hematology specialist after my breast issue she got me on Prolia.
No after effects at all. My insurance pays for it too.
I will say one thing. Make sure if your insurance pays for this to do your
'homework' on where you get it done. The Oncology place has it's own in house lab and they take my blood right on the spot and I see the machines they use to process it. It takes up to 1 hour sometimes to get the calcium reading of the blood finished. Not a big deal since they let me lounge in a recliner, give me warm blankets, TV and even coffee while I wait. I use to go into that area after my surgery for other treatments.
The down side is that you see other people in the recliners that are hooked up to Chemo or are getting blood transfusions and you feel so bad for them. I must say today they were all upbeat when talking to the nurses as they got their treatments.
Makes you thankful for the little things in life and the health I do have, even though it's not perfect.

They also have the doctor read your labs and then make the decision on just what Prolia amount I get. They warm the Prolia so it doesn't bother me when injected.
I tell you to look for a very professional place and not just the doctors office so that you get the absolute best trained care you can. I hold my Oncologist in high regards for CARING.

Okay, that's all I have to say about that. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I'm not a fan of taking pills and I take more than enough since my breast issue. I was hesitant, but glad to get 1 shot every 6 months. Just do your research as to where you want to get it done. It's important to have PRE-LABS done and have someone who knows all about those labs on your side.

Karen: Are you telling us that JANE DOES NOT have A/C in her place? Yikes, how does one live in Florida without it? Does anybody use the pool that your one sister had to have installed? I can't remember if it was Barb or Jane. I never hear about anybody going in the home pool. Is it still up in the yard? Just wondering.o_O

Mike: Bummer on losing your post. Hate when that happens.

Dave: All that damage in Ohio wasn't on the news the other day. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope the people can get their homes and lives back together soon. Weather can be a friend or your worst enemy.


2nd Officer
Just had a wild end to my evening. I was taking my shower and after I shut the water off I could hear water running, LOUD! I went out into the living room & the hall way was flooded, I thought at first is was the A/C, then realized the water was still running & the a/c was off. The supply tube for the toilet in the hall bath blew apart. flooded the bathroom, hallway & into the front bedroom. Hopefully I got it mopped up in the bedroom before it damaged the flooring. Thank the good Lord I was home when it happened or it would have been really bad! The water couldn't have been spraying for much longer than 10 mins. cause I didn't take that long of a shower


Wacky Wabbit
OH KAREN.. like WOW! So glad you caught it as quick as you did. Always something! Yeah.:(

I think I need to have a look at our water tubes in our bathrooms. Thanks for sharing this with us.