Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Dave. a friend of mine last name was Lee and a classmate was name Beck. Those names seem to be popular. Jungle Jiim's in Fairfield has a nice selection of liquor and a very large selection of wine and beer.
Didn't a Hale play skipper in Gilligan's Island Lee. Fay nevery thinks the people that trim our hedges do a good job but she does a very good job trimming them. She trimmed the last time the y were trimmed. I wonder what a chocolat vodka collins would taste like.
A country vocalist Brenda Lee Bill and a baseball player Willie Mays.
Sorry you lost your dentures Karen, just be careful where you sit. The devil made me say that.
Fay chipped her front tooth last night and is going to the denist soon. I don't know if he can do anything for it.


Wacky Wabbit
This brand name GODIVA Chocolate Vodka runs $349.00 a bottle. UNREAL! And it's only 60% proof!


MIKE: Sure hope the dentist can fix Fay's chip tooth without doing an entire Cap! They can do wonders these days so hopefully it will be a quick fix.

Dang it's so beautiful outside today. I finally got done with all my bookwork and phone calls to various companies. One of them was the alarm company. I called to see if we can get a rate deduction before we cancel the monitoring service. Told them we've been with them for 50 years and are retired and the cost is just too high. She said she would send off a memo to that dept and they will call me back. Ha Ha. Any bets on when that will happen???
The alarm would still work it just wouldn't send a signal to the alarm company to call the Sheriffs to check on the situation.
When we were going to Florida for our longer Winter vacations it was a nice security feeling to have it connected. Now we are home "almost" all the time and I wonder if it's worth the cost.
Of course, if we stopped the monitoring you gotta know something would happen right after that! :eek: Pay me now or lose out later!

My Nextdoor neighbor brought all these veggies over just now. He has a friend that lives on a huge lot and gave him lots of veggies and he said he’d never be able to use them all. What a nice guy to share.
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2nd Officer
Good afternoon, it "feel" like 96 degrees here with 76% humidity, I may need to put a jacket on soon :emoticon 0100 smile: But it actually was nicer riding over to Jane's this morning than it's felt in a long time.

Kathie, hopefully the alarm company surprises you & actually calls back. If not, I think I would take the chance & drop the monitoring. Or check out some of the do it your self installs & see if they are any cheaper on monitoring?

Mike, I'm sure you only voiced what all the other guys on here were thinking!:emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Hope Fay's tooth can be fixed without costing an arm & a leg!

Dave, does Ohio still have the State Run liquor stores? When we lived there you could only buy beer or wine at a grocery store or carry out, anything stronger you had to go to the state store.

Lee, you always manage to find just the perfect song for whatever this group is chatting about!

Still no luck finding the dentures, no clue where they could have gone, but I have an appt. next Monday morning at the dentist to get my permanent set done. Hopefully they don't fuss at me to much for losing the other set. I for sure will be a LOT more careful with the next ones.

I got the nicest card in the mail today, it was a Thank you card from the Vestry at St. Mary's thanking me for my work on the B&G committee! That is what I LOVE about this church, people are so kind and caring. I enjoy working outside with the B&G team, but it's always nice to have your work appreciated!
Next Sunday is our anniversary service, St Mary's 38th anniversary. We had a quick rehearsal yesterday after our confirmation class so we are pretty much all set.
Starting to get some rumbles here so I may go sit on the back porch for a while with a glass of wine, enjoy the evening all!


2nd Officer
Continuing with our talk about booze. :)

Yes Ohio still has State run liquor stores, KC. At one time they were separate structures, not in another store. And staffed by State employees. But now most are found in grocery stores, in a separate section. Staffed by grocery store employees. BUT The State still makes the rules and controls prices.

My goodness Mike, Bill & Lee, You guys sure came up with a lot of common last names with 4 or less letters.

Loved the "Name Game" song. I watched a GI performance by the singer of it. Sure enough one GI suggested the name of Chuck. Trick didn't work. At the "F" portion of the song, she changed it to Charley.

You're so right K2, Las Angeles is going to have to do something beyond spectacular to beat the Paris production. $349 for a bottle of vodka??? Finally something more expensive than printer ink.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Believe it or not I started this note much earlier this morning. Then I got distracted. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

I think it’s just great when I pop on and there has been so much chatter from everyone on such a wide range of things.
Yep Mike. Alan Hale Jr played Captain Jonas Grumby on Gilligan’s Island. I only know his character’s full name from a trivia game. How could we miss “Little Miss Dynamite” in the surname quiz. Great catch.
Actually, I know all of the characters first and last names. Except of course Gilligan who was only ever identified as “Gilligan”.
That’s some haul of fresh veg Kathie. I suspect I will be able to smell good things coming from your kitchen today! You need to get a video doorbell and, if you want, an exterior camera. They alert you to any motion. I like that we can see and talk to people at the door whether we are in our basement or in FL. Likely less costly in the long run than the security company if they won’t come down in price.
“something more expensive than printer ink.“ That is a good line Dave. Sadly, all to true! Why is a new printer, on sale, often cheaper than the ink for the printer you have?
How’s the floor looking Karen? Did you get that glass of wine on the porch.
How’d the hearing aid checkup go Bill? We had a couple of picture postcard days but it’s supposed to feel a little more humid in to the upper 80‘s today and tomorrow.
We’re meeting friends from our old neck of the woods, Kitchener, at Paglione Estate Winery a little later today. They are visiting other folks in the area. It will be good to see them again.
So from north of the border I hope all of you have a super day, eh!


Chief Security Officer
Hearing aid check included a cleaning, so I am hearing well and won't need to go back until December.
After my most recent VNA visit I no longer have to take warfarin so that is one less pill each day. It looks like my last in-home physical therapy
session will be this Thursday. Pain is almost non-existent which is a nice improvement. After I see the surgeon at the end of the month I hope to be cleared to drive. Now if I could only get several hours of uninterrupted sleep all would be well.
Waiting to hear about a place in Ft.Myers for next winter. The owner of the house we were. hoping to rent has sold it and he is looking for another property in that community that we can rent.
Our weather has taken a turn for the better since Sunday and we are enjoying warm temperatures and low humidity.
Tonight will be the last night for us at cribbage. The season actually ends next week but because we have an odd number of teams (5) we have a bye next week. Where we finish may all depend on how well we do tonight. Wish us luck!


Wacky Wabbit
FANTASTIC CHATTER on here today! I can't keep up. Good work Wrabbit family!

Nice reports on your dropping one pill. What does VNA stand for? I'm too tired to google it. Glad you hip is doing so well.
And last question for you.... where do the people that just sold and bought a new place in Ft Meyers live when not in Florida? If it's up North you would think they'd want to be down there in the Cold Winter months. Or maybe they have 2 places down South. One to rent and one to live in all the time! Just wondering.

Karen: The Alarm company actually called back today and I was around to answer the phone. Got $20 bucks off the 6 month invoice. Could have gotten more off, but I would have had to be locked into a "contract" for 3 yrs. And if you break the contract you have to pay what's left on it. NO WAY. I can cancel anytime. Which I'm actually thinking of doing. We tested the alarm system with the company yesterday and the siren still works even though we haven't replaced the old battery that gets the signal to the alarm company if we TRIP it or if robbers TRIP it. The big question we had was HOW LONG WOULD the SIREN BLAIR if it wasn't connected to the monitoring system and we weren't around to unarm it. 15 mins. The HORN/SIREN is in the furnace ducts so it wouldn't bother anybody around here. We never had one put outside. Nobody pays any attention to alarms when they get tripped! :emoticon 0136 giggle:

Nice that the church sent you a THANK YOU NOTE. Good people for sure.

Lee: How was the winery trip?

DAVE: WHEN IS THAT VEIN Surgery? Must be coming up soon. Let us know.

I made my FIRST GUMBO from most of those veggies and added some others on my own. Actually, bought the Andouille sausage and some raw shrimp to put in it. Made enough that I took a good size serving of it to the neighbor who gave me the veggies. Also, some white rice to serve the Gumbo over. I must say it was good. Just enough heat from the sausage to make it interesting.

Okay, this gal needs to go rest her legs. I was standing way too long in almost one spot today. Also, changed the beds and did some laundry. The shrubs still are waiting for me, but it has to COOL DOWN before I even think of doing that job.

Nite all. Sorry as usual that this was so long and wordy! :oops:

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Bill, glad t he cleaning of t he hearing aid helped. I need to c hange the tubes occassionaly on mine. One poll less sounds good.
Dave, you are so right about printers ink At one time a person could get generic ink, doln't know if it is still avalable. I never bouht it, afarid it would gum up my printer.
I never heard the name of t he captain on Giligan's Island, just assumed he was alway called Captain Lee. After the show ended the only one I would hear of would be Ginger. I hope you enjoyed the gettogerther.
Karen, The dentist filled two teeth, and fixed the chipped tooth. Fay said she didin't feel a thing and is very pleased with the work done.
Nice you got $20 of K2, the squeeky wheel gets the oil.


Wacky Wabbit
8:27 pm and 79F outside. WOW. I had to close the windows. Too hot to sleep well.

Actually, I got $30 bucks off on the Alarm monitoring. I just went to pay it and saw I posted the wrong amount.

I managed to get 3 months free on the Bally Sport channel that was taken away from us because they had an issue with Xfinity/Comcast. They made up and offered the 3 months free. I just need to make sure in November to cancel it or keep it. Time will tell.
While I got all that accomplished, I also managed to get an upgrade on our channel selections for 12 months without an increase. Not that it matters, because most of them are totally useless. All the good channels you have to PAY for. :( o_O

Yup, I wasted a lot of time waiting and talking to someone in the Philippines, but I'm always out to save a few bucks. Ha Ha. Art said he would never take the time to be on the phone that long. Ha Ha.

Dinner was really good, and I don't usually compliment my own cooking. I'd make it again in the Winter.


2nd Officer
Happy Hump-Day!

I'm not ready yet for the end of summer, although some people are already talking about it in the past tense. Last night it went down into the 50's but today should top out around 83, with lots of sunshine.

Interesting Lee, no last name for Gilligan. And I never knew that the Captain had a last name.

Happy to hear that your pain is almost nonexistent, Bill. Wish I could get my pill count down.

No vein surgery scheduled at this time, K2. I tend to like Lee's security system, and I'd be tempted to dump the security company.

Mike; Kathi once bought that generic printer ink. Not worth the minor savings. Happy that Fay's chops have been all fixed up.

KC; I'd guess that your dentist appointment on Monday can't get here soon enough.

I really like my Sketcher Slip-In shoes. Yesterday Kathi got herself a pair. In their adds they say it's like they have built in shoe-spoons.

I bet if you asked a bunch of kids what a shoe spoon is, over half of them would have no idea what you are talking about.

I took a trip down memory lane yesterday thinking of where we'd go to get a new pair of shoes, when I was a young lad. At the time, our little town had 2 shoe stores. And that's all they sold there. They had sales people that actually sat you down and measured your foot length and width. (Remember that metal measuring gadget?) Well built shoes that would get resoled or new heals from time to time.

Well neither of those 2 shoe stores are around anymore. And neither is the shoe cobbler.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
And I repeat…I love popping on and seeing lots of post from everyone.
I reckon part of every company’s “customer service” plan is to get people to weigh the wait time on the phone vs the possible savings they may or may not get.
Shoes like so many other things have become “disposable”. And with that the old fashioned cobbler or shoe maker has also disappeared.
Dinner at Paglione’s was nice. The company was better. They have raised their prices to the point that I can’t see us going back any time soon. One individual pizza, an order of arancini balls and two glasses of wine was over $80 with a tip.
And on the heels of that, the A’Burg gang is going into Windsor for breakfast this morning. I won’t want to eat for a week! Not that I won’t be hungry. I’ll be too broke to afford groceries! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Anyway, that’s about all that’s in my head this morning.
You all have a great day!


Wacky Wabbit
Quick Good Morning to all.

Lee: Hope the breakfast was good and not as expensive as the dinner!

Dave: I bought and tried the Sketcher's slip in shoe around the house and had to take them back. Just too high and tight around my ankles that have a tendency to swell with our ugly humidity. Other than that they felt wonderful.

I have nothing for you folks this morning. I've been online researching what the difference between Banana Cake vs Banana Bread is. Still not very clear on that, but I will be making a Banana LOAF to use up 2 bananas that have PEEKED! (RIPE) Ha ha.

We had a SHOE COBBLER (as opposed to a Blueberry Cobbler ;) in our choir. Raised his family back then on repairing people's shoes. His son did get into the business, but not sure if he's still has the shop. I should ask someone about that!

In our never-ending quest to support the medical field, ART is off to the Dermatologist for a check up on all the digs he had a few weeks back. It's amazing how the top of a head heals and you can barely see where the stiches were. Wish my knee stitches disappeared as much!

You all have a good day.


Chief Security Officer
VNA is the local visiting nurse association which covers a dozen or more communities on the South Shore providing all sorts of care including physical and occupational therapies, K2.
Dave what you refer to as a shoe spoon is, I think, what we call a shoe horn. I have a long one which helps considerably putting my shoes on. I've been thinking about getting some Skechers and am happy to hear your opinion.
Cribbage was a disaster last night and we only took one of our five matches with the team that has the worst record. To make it even worse they skunked us once. Now we have to wait until next week when we have a bye to see just where we finish. Everyone will get together at a local restaurant some time in the
near future to celebrate the end of the season

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Bill, we call them shoe horns also. I have an old metal one some where and a long plastic one.
I leave my right shoe untied. If I don't the pain is pretty bad. I can slip it off and on like skechers
The last time I went to a shoe repair the cost very high for a whole sole and not too much better for a half sole. I remember my Father puttinf new soles on his work boots..
Dave. don't think you can find shoe cobblers any more. There was one in Hamilton but I think he retired a few years ago and I could almost buy a new pair of shoes for what he would charge for new heels and soles. It has been years since I bought a pair of dress shoes. I think the dress shoes I have now are 40-50 years old. they are probabley dry rotted. Thanks for the comment on the generic ink. I am never ready for t he end of summer. When September rolls around I start counting when it will be June.
Lee. we very seldom go out to eat now so when we want pizza we get Red Baron. It isn't very large which is fine for the two of us. It is also pretty good, at least we like it. I would not be surprised the two glasses of wine had a lot to do with the high price of t he meal.
Fay brought in a lot of grape and cherry tomaoes. Her larger ones are beginning to ripen.
Our daughter Linda is coming tomorrow. It has been a while since she was last here.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon, another HOT Sunny day here in Belleview, they are saying we will be getting a cold front this weekend with temps in the 60's, I will believe it when I feel it!!

Dave, Another here one who refers to them as shoe horns vs shoe spoons, but I knew what you meant Glad the sketcher's are working out for you, I buy the cheap elastic shoelaces from Temu and do the same thing with my sneakers.
Kathie, my guess on the difference between banana bread & banana cake is the cake would have more liquid & oil in it vs the bread.
Hope Art's follow up visit goes well.
Lee, that is a pricey dinner, but as long as the company was good it was still time well spent. Hope breakfast is easier on your wallet.
Mike, enjoy the visit with your daughter today. Glad they were able to take care of Fay's teeth without any pain issues!
Bill, great to hear you are basically pain free now after your surgery & dropping medicine at our age is definitely a big plus! Hopefully the other teams will do worse than you at cribbage and you will still pull out a win.

Had planned a swim lunch with my sisters & Pat & Pam from church, but Pam ended up not feeling good today & Pat had car problems so it was just my sisters & I. Had the pool to ourselves so it was a nice relaxing time.
I had planned to mow Jane's front yard tomorrow but she said it's not looking that high, so I get the day off & will mow Tues. instead.
Not much else going on around here so will wish you all a good day & catch up again tomorrow!


Wacky Wabbit
Made Banana Muffins instead of the Bread or Cake!
Karen: Posted Kathie, my guess on the difference between banana bread & banana cake is the cake would have more liquid & oil in it vs the bread.
I think you are absolutely right. If I make these Banana Nut Muffins again I will add some oil too. They were a tad dry for muffins. Thanks.
FYI to Karen: I see you posted that you bought something from TEMU. Careful giving out any credit card info to that company. I have read that it can track a lot from peoples purchases and it wasn't good. Just wanted you to know. If I come across the article I will be sure to pass it along. :oops:

Art did have to have another spot dug into. I swear those Dermo's always find something.
It should take 2 weeks to get back if it was a cancer spot or not. They'll let us know by phone.

ALWAYS SOMETHING. So right now Mr ART has another white crisscross bandage on the top of his head. o_O

Got a call from George/(Marie) at 4:55 pm to ask if we wanted to meet them at a local Pub for a quick Hamburger dinner. I said SURE! He said we're leaving at 5:00pm to get there. Nothing like a 5 min notice! They live real close to the place. We live about 15 mins away. But that's George! The hamburger was good and the company was even better. Good thing I didn't have to change to meet up with them. Art said it was a good thing he didn't have to shave, or we'd never have made it in time. Ha Ha.

Out of here for now.
Tired Good Night GIF by Holler Studios


2nd Officer
Actually I call them shoe-horns too. I just used the term that Sketchers used in some of their commercials.

Sorry those Slip-Ins didn't work for you K2. But I've never had ankles that swell with the humidity.

Did you get enough to eat yesterday, Lee? :)

I'm like you Mike, my dress shoes are the ones I wore when I was in the military, when I was in my early 20's. AND they are still spit shined.

Bill; Thanks for explaining what VNA stands for.

I didn't know that they make elastic shoe laces, KC.

According to yesterday's Massillon paper, this dinky little town will soon have not one but two stores that sell recreational marijuana. One in the downtown area. (Right behind a McDonald, in case you get the munchies, I guess.) And the other less than a mile away right beside a Target.

I still can't believe that people voted in Ohio to make it legal last year. I voted to make it legal. Way too many people were ending up in jail just for possession of small amounts of it.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good mornin’ folks.
A chatty bunch again yesterday.
Our breakfast with the gang was good! The Twisted Apron never fails to impress.
Some mornings my head just won’t kick in to gear. This, it seems, is one of them.
You all have a fantastic day! I’ll try to check in later on if I can get my mind started.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning greetings Wrabbits! :emoticon 0115 inlove:

We had a SKUNK "pass a scent" through the yard last night. Strong enough to come through double-paned windows and through the return air circulation of the A/C! Amazing how such a small, cute, fuzzy little critter can do that! The smell woke me up! :oops:
The neighbors that have their son and DILaw staying with them before they move into their newly bought home and have a huge Golden Retriever, and it got sprayed last week when it went out to do its business late at night! The young gal mentioned how much she had to do to get the smell off enough to let the dog back into the house! She did take it to a groomer the next day to get De-Skunked!

Dave: My ankles have been swelling since I was a teenager. I guess I had poor circulation all my life or just bad "ankle genes"! I hate it. I truly wish I could wear those Sketcher shoes.

Mike/Negc: We have one of those LONG medal shoehorns too! It hangs right next to the shoe rack. Love it.

Mike enjoy your visit with your daughter.

We got a surprise visit from Jill & Mark last night. She's into "sour dough bread making" and brought us over a loaf. It makes the best crunchy toast with jam on it!

Out of here for now.
You ALL have a good day.

Political Quote for the day: ( in reference to his speeches)

Trump spends less time on track than a decommissioned train car.