Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
Took a ride to the nearest casino yesterday and emerged a bit poorer though it was good to get out of the house for a bit.
Still not getting a solid night of good sleep and so I usually feel sleepy during the day but getting out and about sometimes helps.
Governor Walz was in Boston yesterday and apparently got a very good reception and raised some money for the campaign.
Even though I should know what to expect from
Trump, he never ceases to amaze me with the stuff that comes out of his mouth. What is more frightening is the stuff that his cult believes and promotes. The media fact checkers should be getting combat pay considering how overworked they must be.
My final PT session should happen today but I will continue the exercises and getting up and walking so I don't lose all the progress I think I have made.
Patriots play the Eagles tonight so at least there will be something to watch on TV.
Weather forecast for today is sunny and temperatures in the low 80's but drizzle late in the afternoon.


Wacky Wabbit
DAVE: Did you get "SOME RAIN" down your way today or is that supposed to be on Friday.
Saw a lot of GREEN RADAR in OHIO. Take care.

72F and might get a shower tonight and then off and mostly on this weekend.

Mother Nature must not be a big fan of old cars! The annual
WOODWARD DREAM CRUISE is going on and it looks like there will be thousands of people very disappointed.
Art might miss his annual visit to see his beloved MUSTANG ALLEY. All his favorite old and some new MUSTANGS all lined up on a closed street on both sides. Hence, the name Mustang Alley.

Lee: Hope you don't get too much rain by you. And really hope your grass cutting is up to date. It's going to be wet for a few days.

Bill: Bummer on your giving away some
Green backs at that casino. Keep moving around. Lift those legs up and down while sitting too.

Night all.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
sorry you didn't come out of the casino richer Bill but I think the casino was built for the other way around. I always wonder what crazy thing trump will think up next and what wonder full thing he did. Keep up the exercises.
We had a very nice time with our 2 daughters today, a lot of laughs.
K2, is sour dough the one that partly has to be saved for the next batch. Oue neighbors use tomato juice for the skunk smell, don't know if it did any good.
my dress shoes are the ones I wore when I was in the military, when I was in my early 20's Dave that should put you at 39
A lot of the times I am confused in the mornings Lee,very slow thinking.
Have a good night.


2nd Officer
Just coming by to say good night, we had choir practice tonight in preparation for our Anniversary service on Sunday. 2 of the songs we are singing are in Spanish, and only 1 person in the choir speaks Spanish, should be interesting on Sunday for sure.
Humidity dropped significantly this afternoon and it was a very pleasant ride to & from practice.
Catch up with you all sometime tomorrow, several of us are going over in the morning to set up the tables in the Parish Hall & decorate for the picnic.


2nd Officer
Is it time to get out the jumper cables to get your mind started this morning, Lee? :)

No rain here yesterday, K2. It's incredible how strong the spray of a skunk is. And you smell that stink long before it gets anywhere near you.

Any others know what the formula is to get the smell off a pet?

Of course Mike, I'm 39. How'd you guess?

It's good to hear that you plan on continuing the exercising once the formal physical-therapy ends, Bill. And yes, the term "Cult" is appropriate for the Buffoon's followers. Hey people, don't do it if your messiah tells you to drink the punch.

Dumb question KC; If only one person in the choir speaks Spanish, why the singing in that language?

Nothing much went on here yesterday. But our nephew/contractor stopped over for measurements and getting our specific choices about the walk-in shower he's putting in next month. Lots of luck getting that old cast iron tub out of the house.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
Rain off and on overnight. At least we got our early walk in.
Like you Kathie, we’re expecting a couple more rain days. Too bad The Woodward Cruise Is gonna be damp.
I have shoes Dave. I got kicked out of a bar once for taking in jumper cables. They didn’t want me to start anything. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Agreed Mike. What will “The Man Who Would Be King” dream up to add to his imaginary list of accomplishments?
Going to the vet for Ava’s annual checkup. That’s like going to the casino Bill. I know I’m walking away with less money.
Do you write the lyrics to the Spanish songs phonetically Karen? No, I’m not being a wise guy.
Today is Statehood, or Admission, Day in Hawaii. In 1959 Hawaii was admitted into The Union. It’s also Friday. So here’s a little tune that kinda covers both events…

Have a great day!


Wacky Wabbit
Just a quick HELLO. HAVE a NICE DAY and we're off to the Dream Cruise before it rains. WHY....because I don't want Art to be alone and walk around ALL DAY until it actually rains. He's hoping that MUSTAND ALLEY is set up early with the folks and their cars, but I'm thinking some of them won't be bringing their GEM CARS out if there's even a chance of rain a day early or not.

Lee: Your post was fantastic this morning with all the cute come-backs and the fact that you'll be leaving money at the Vets like Negc left at the Casino, just not as much fun building up to the loss.

Karen: Good going on getting the Anniv celebration all ready for Sunday. And we sing in Serbian every Sunday. There are members that don't speck the language and have been in the choir for decades and they still belt out the tunes. You'll do just fine. You just won't know what the words mean unless there are captions. All the best. Don't OVERDUE IT. Watch your back and bones.

Later all.......Have a great day. RAIN is coming later and the rest of the weekend. Gotta find a good book to read.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Loved the song too. Forgot to mention that earlier.

5:01 pm:
We did go to the Woodward Dream Cruise and had our umbrella's with us and used them for about 5 mins while walking around. Since the weather was touch and go and it was only Friday, Mustang Alley was full of OLD POLICE CARS. Tomorrow it will be filled with MUSTANGS. (how much you want to bet ARTIE GOES AGAIN TOMORROW) Ha Ha ;)
We did see some folks cruising on Woodward and there were Mustangs that are in races being set up in another area. Saw a lot of HUGE California decked-out Bronko's too.
I'll post some pictures later from my iPhone.
On the way to our parked car there the local Ferndale Police Dept set up a tent and tables with FREE HOT DOGS, WATER or POP and a bag of chips and whistles on a wrist type band and hand sanitizer that you could take with you.
The HOT DOG and Sota came at a perfect time. We were going to drive to a place to eat, but this is all we needed at the time. :clap002::clap002: The whistle is great to have on your wrist if walking or biking for safety alerts.

So all in all, even with the drizzle on and off, we had a nice few hours.

Right now it's beautiful outside and MUGGY/HUMID as all get out. It's suppose to RAIN and we were to have winds of 50 mph, but so far I see none of this. I've looked at RADAR and see a ton of green on the screen, but who knows when it will start here.

I hope you all have had as good of a day as Art and I did.

I have a GREAT STORY for you all, but it will have to wait until I'm not so tired to post. You'll like it! Remind me if I forget. Maybe over the weekend if I get stuck in the house because of rain I can post it! :loveya:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It sounds like you two kids had fun at the Dream Cruise.
Dont forget to tell us your story and share some pics Kathie. Jus’ doin’ what you asked.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
We are going to the funeral of a 102 year old friend. I used to dance with her at our dances. I would try to goof her up by doing different dance step and she would laugh at me. I want to be with you always by I think Pattie Page was my favorite song to dance with her and she would sing along with it.
Trump spends less time on track than a decommissioned train car I like that.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
We are going to the funeral of a 102 year old friend. I used to dance with her at our dances. I would try to goof her up by doing different dance step and she would laugh at me. I want to be with you always by I think Pattie Page was my favorite song to dance with her and she would sing along with it.
Trump spends less time on track than a decommissioned train car I like that.
Thanks for the song Lee, where do you find all of them?
Dave, if that is a cast iron tub it has to be old. I wonder how much it weighs.
I'm like Dave Kc, why would you sing the song in Spanish??? Arent there any words for it in Emglish???
Michael came over this evening, he will take us to the funeral.


Wacky Wabbit
Mike/Fay: Sympathy going out to you for the loss of your 102 yr old friend. She had a good long life. May she now RIP. Take care you two.

DANG that weather people. It NEVER rained here late this afternoon like they said it would. No 60 mph winds either. I'm glad for all the Dream Cruisers that they could come out of hiding and cruise Woodward for the crowds. You just can't imagine all the tents and seats set up that were empty when we were there in the morning, but full by 2:00 pm.
Our grandson and granddaughter were down there and said it was a HAPPENING! Ha Ha.

Art is going early in the morning (Sat) to see his beloved MUSTANGS that will be all lined up for the crowds. He takes a folding chair with him to sit and watch the cars driving by after he's done looking at the Mustangs. I guess it's like a Tradition for him. Jill and her gang will meet up with him. I stay home. The humidity and sunshine would do me in big time.

Karen: By the way........I think it's great your choir is doing some singing in Spanish. Variety for all. We do English and Serbian. We respond in the same language that the priest chants at the time. He switches off back and forth through the entire service. After doing this for over 60 yrs I'm use to it. Ha Ha. Have a good service on Sunday.


2nd Officer
Great song, Lee. As far as gambling in a casino; As one fella said, "It ain't gambling if you win."

K2; Sounds like you and Art had a great day at the Woodward Dream Cruise". How cool that the Police department handed out lunches.

Like the rest of us Mike, we attend more funerals than weddings anymore.

Yesterday Kathi got her regular eye test. All good. "See you in 2 years."

On the way home we decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store, since there wasn't much on this week's grocery list.

What caught my eye was a couple of new flavors of Campbell's Soup. SPICY chicken noodle soup and SPICY tomato soup.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A good Saturday morning to you all.
I understood not a word of that song. But it was nice to listen to and the background photos were amazing!
The weather here was as wonky as yours Kathie. Not nearly the rain the guessers called for. It was super humid and buggy along The River last evening. Not a hint of a breeze. Hope Art has a great day on Woodward! Does he still get a model Mustang every year?
”see you in two years”. That’s what you want to hear at the eye doc’s Dave.
I have a story that made me smile…

Jake is 5 and learning to read.
He points at a picture in a zoo book and says “Look Mama! It's a Frickin' Elephant!”
Mother takes a deep breath...”What did you call it?
It's a frickin' elephant, it says so on the picture.”

And so it does...A frican Elephant!

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
Beautiful song K2, nice harmonies also. We use to go to the antique car parade a long time ago and take folding chairs to sit on. The last time or so I looked for my of Tbird.
Great story Lee, keep them coming.
A doctor says I'll see you in two years, I never heard that. Tell Kathi to keep that Dr. Dave/ We don't go to too many funerals, not a lot of people left our age and then mostly people we know from t he dances.
After we came home from the funeral Michael did a lot of small easy jobs for Fay, then we sat around and watched t he old movie Big; I remember watching it a long time ago. Can't go too wrong with Tom Hanks.


Wacky Wabbit
The Dream Cruise sure was lucky so far. Just a sprinkle that didn’t scare anybody away. Lasted 5 mins. Same thing here at home.
Lee: Only “take with“ from Mustang Alley this year was a really huge 60th year Mustang poster. Art has enough T-shirts from precious years to open a small used T-shirt shop!
Watching Channel 7 ABC right now with the Special coverage Cruise show!
Here’s some various cars we saw on Friday. I don’t have any of the ones from today (Sat)
The Yellow car on the street is the Original Bronko!


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning all you fellow sinners. Going to church, or eventually crawling out of bed and fixing your mimosa for breakfast? (Good thing we picked up some orange juice the other day. :) )

Thanks for all the pictures, K2. Good call by Art on getting that Mustang poster and not another T-shirt to add to his pile.

Got a kick out of your "frickin elephant" story, Lee.

Refresh my memory Mike; What year was that T-Bird you had? Don't ask me why, but my favorite is the one in 1959.

Got my Harris/Walz yard sign. Friday night Amazon let me know that delivery has been delayed and that it wouldn't arrive until Wednesday. Then....It showed up yesterday.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A very overcast start to the day.
We spent part of yesterday afternoon checking on friends and neighbours in our old town of Ayr. A tornado touched down just outside of the village. The big hardware store and the feed mills sustained a lot of damage. Many trees were knocked down and homes damaged. Fortunately nobody was hurt. All of our friends were OK. Shaken, but OK.
Enjoy your church‘s anniversary service today Karen!
Thanks for the pics from Woodward Kathie. There was over a two hour delay coming back into Canada on both the bridge and tunnel late yesterday afternoon. Everyone returning from The Dream Cruise AND The Tigers game. Hmmm. I wonder how many CDN dollars were contributed to The Michigan economy from those two events!
You’re right about Tom Hanks movies Mike. Fun or serious he does a great job in them. Nice of Michael to take care of a few smaller things.
Hopefully Amazon thought there would be a delay in your sign because so many folks want them Dave. Now, I would have thought that the local Democratic Party would supply lawn signs to people who want them.
Did the home visit folks cut you loose Bill? That would be a sure sign you’re well on your way to a good recovery!
Glad the story made you smile. I know I did when I read it.
Hard to say what today’s weather will bring. Even the guessers are divided on wet or dry throughout the day.
We’ll make the best of whatever comes our way. I hope all of you good folks do the same.
Have a great Sunday.