Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
No cookie baking here on Friday.
Instead, I was outside trimming the 15 shrubs in the long line in the backyard.
Perfect day to do that job since it was mostly cloudy with little sun beating down.
Temps were just right too. Sure glad that is over. Art was my savior, as usual, and picked
up the clippings. Our trash & yard waste pick-up was delayed by 1 day because of Labor Day, so we were able to put out all the bags for the Saturday pick-up.

Here a past picture showing just how OVERGROWN the shrubs were. Shame on me for letting them get so straggly.

Went to the Township offices and paid the Taxes. Quite a few folks doing the same thing. Seems like the ONLINE TOWNSHIP site was down and you couldn't pay that way. Taxes are due next week. Not a good time for the site to be down and out.

Thought a lot about Negc too. He had a good life and did a lot of neat things.
I guess that's a blessing. All those cruises and fishing trips with his son and buddies and going to the Casino's and Winter vacations in Florida. RIP friend.

Have a good weekend Wrabbits! :emoticon 0152 heart:

Mike Elias

Security Guard
Very nice pictures Lee, thanks for sharing.
We are going to get that 40 degree temps you have gotten Dave. I think it got up to 102 Tuesday in the Cinci area.
There used to be paddle wheel boat that went up and down the river, may still do and we would swim out near them and ride the waves. I am pretty sure they were much smaller than your freighters Lee. Thanks for the hug.
Thanks for letting us know about Bill K2.
Add me to the list that had never watched Yellowstone Kc.
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Oh Kathie, how could you possibly let your shrubs get so scruffy! I’m surprised the neighbours didn’t petition to have you kicked out of the area! :emoticon 0111 blush: What a beautiful shot of your yard with the plants, the creek and your pet ducks! Simply lovely.
Ya, I have to admit Bill was on my mind off and on too. He was quite the character. I’ve never known anyone as loyal to his Boston and New England sports teams as he was.
Ah Mike. Back in the day when we all knew no bounds and things like swimming in the wake of a boat was fun. We never thought of stuff like that as anything but fun.
G’nite my friends.


2nd Officer
Feeling so very sad this morning.

The passing of Marcia, then San, then BB and now Bill. Yea, yea I know it's the circle of life.

Rita now has to wake up and remember that she is now a widow. As Bert wakes up and remembers he's now a widower.

And this circle of life is also making our Bunny circle a very much smaller circle.

As I said, I'm so very sad this morning.

So many people effected and hurting.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So starts another day. Our early walk was a quick one with the temperature sitting at 49F plus a stiff wind making this grey morning feel even cooler.
I don’t really have a lot on my wandering mind this morning.
But I do want you all to have the best day you possibly can.


2nd Officer
Our circle is indeed getting smaller, and it stinks! But on the other hand how lucky we've been to be chatting together all these years, a group of random strangers. Different states, countries, ages yet with a common bond of cruising & just plain ole nice folks here we are 20+ years and still going.

Now if we could just get Kathie to do something about those scraggly overgrown bushes out back of the hutch things would be just dandy!

Made it to the gym yesterday for my 1st work out, I did 10 mins on the bike & 10 on the treadmill. Will definitely do longer on the treadmill next time as this morning I felt zip, plus I am used to walking. The bike I'm going to stay slow & steady cause it's been years since I rode a bike of any kind.
Take care my friends

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
We are indeed lucky Karen. Blessed and Lucky.
Good on you for getting a start at the gym. Our bike allows us to increase the target time, distance and the resistance. With the treadmill we can increase the time and distance as well as the speed and incline. Above all else, keep it at your pace which will keep it fun!


2nd Officer
Lee, these bikes & treadmills are the same as yours, will take me a while to figure out all the options on both so for now I'm sticking to basic walking with a slight incline & pedaling on the bike


Wacky Wabbit
Still Chilly here if you ask me! 59F at 5:08 pm Saturday. But the Sun is shining and that does help.

Karen: I'll get right on those darn shrubs in the back of the Hutch. Out of site - out of mind! :emoticon 0136 giggle:

Met up with Jill & Ashley and it wasn't planned and had breakfast.
I went to buy some of that yummy coffee place called "A Bean To Go", where Art & bikers go on occasion, and when I stepped outside to cross the street to go to have breakfast Jill & Ashley were sitting at a Window Table waving to me. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Art was there a little earlier. Nice of the family to support the little in town places.

Stopped at an ESTATE SALE on the way home in a rather affluent area. I really wanted to see what the inside looked like and this was the time to do that. Let me tell you folks, the lady that lived at this place had NOTHING LESS in the closets For Sale than DESIGNER CLOTHES. The man that lived there (not sure if they both died or what) had equally FINE Suits and Sport Jackets. The house had the VERY TOP of the line kitchen appliances and refrigerators that where huge. Same in the lower finished basement. I've seen a lot of cool looking homes/condos when stopping at these Estate Sales, but this one was like something out of Architectual Digest Magazine. Everything matched. I can just imagine what was already sold and removed from the house yesterday.
Oh well, at least they didn't hoard their money while they were living in this place. My money is on the thought that they are both GONE!

Okay, out of here for now. I'll get to those Hutch shrubs next week. :clap002:


Wacky Wabbit
Here’s a picture of what I saw when I pulled in off the street into the subdivision that had the Estate Sale today!
Lee: I thought I was looking at the Belle Isle planetarium. Unreal.

Mike: I got all the shrubs in MY backyard trimmed yesterday. (Friday) Art helped to clean up the clippings!

Mike Elias

Security Guard
I see where you replied to my comment before I accidently deleted it K2, but it isn't in here. Cute little home.
Dave. Would Grandma be in your list???
)Ah Mike. Back in the day when we all knew no bounds and things like swimming in the wake of a boat was fun. We never thought of stuff like that as anything but fun.

- 1968
YouTube Playlist: "Those Were the Days" is a song credited to Gene ...
Jul 18, 2021

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I hope you didn’t bruise your chin when your jaw dropped Kathie! What a site as you turned up the drive!
Those were indeed the days my friend. Thanks for the tune Mike.
I suspect long pants and a jacket will be in store for tomorrow’s early walk. The guessers are calling for clear skies at 6:00 and 45F BUT the windchill could feel like 39F.


2nd Officer

Remember this one? And NO, I don't speak Portuguese. Or is that Spanish?

Good morning Wabbits. It's going to be mostly sunny and pretty here today. As long as you're wearing a jacket. Heck, it's not going to get out of the 60's.

Did you ever find your "wandering" mind, Lee?

Glad that you made it to the gym yesterday KC, and you plan on going back. One good thing about those stationary bikes is that you've got to be really creative to fall off of one. (Keep wearing your helmet, Lee.)

Fantastic pictures, K2. You never did say if you bought anything at the estate-sale.

Great song Mike. To be honest, I have no idea if Grandma is still alive or not. She just went POOF off the Bunny Board.

Grocery shopping today. I have gotten REAL used to using one of their electric carts.
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good rockin’ morning.
I should have watched Sergio BEFORE Ava and I went out on our walk. That unmistakable Latin beat sure gets your heart beating. Excellent tune to start the day Dave. I looked around but never did find my mind. Then something popped into my head. It was my mind finding me.
This afternoon is the “Walk for Parkinson’s” up in Windsor. It should be a nice afternoon for a walk. Being pet friendly we thought we’d take Ava with us.
Working Out GIF by Planet Fitness

Enjoy your day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit

Going to church and will say a prayer for “All” of us!

Stay WARM. IT’s COLD in the house, but no way am I turning on the furnace. Ha ha. Just too early. :) Have a good day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Just too early.
Love the pup pic!
Too early, cheap, frugal. :emoticon 0100 smile: Ya, let’s leave it at frugal.
It‘s cool in here this morning too Kathie. But I’m not turning on the heat either. For all those reasons. Especially when it’s supposed to feel like the mid to upper 80’s by mid week.
A bit of a change in plan for us. Lu-Ann’s knee was a little wonky after The Navy Yard so she made the tough decision to skip the walk. The young physio gal told her not to overdo things, especially if she wants to be fit for FL and The Princess 5K.
So, I’m off to cut the grass.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon, lit a candle for Rita & said a prayer for all of us at church today.

Lee, hope LuAnn's wonky knee feels better soon!

Kathie, that was a pretty fancy looking building you saw on your way to the estate sale, kind of reminded me the first time I visited Pat & Bert at Bellalogo & those big old ornate gates opened up, kind of like I imagine the Pearly Gates to be.

Mike, about 3-4 yrs ago my sister saw a post on Facebook from one of Darlene's family members wishing her a Happy Birthday & there was a pic of Darlene, she was living in a nursing home at that time & if the person hadn't said it was her I would have never recognized her.

Dave, have fun at the grocery store, I can't wait to hear what pumpkin or other fancy flavored item found it's way into your grocery cart.

Woke up at 4:30 this morning & could not get back to sleep, so finally got up at 6, I have a feeling it's going to be an early night for sure! One of my choir friends is having knee surgery tomorrow so Pat & I are going to go sit with her before surgery and wait until she's done. She will hopefully only have to spend 1 night there. Not sure what time we are going to go but she has to be there at 6:30 so I'm sure we'll be there shortly after that.
Not much else going on, I was thinking about going to the pool today but it's grey & cloudy so may take a nap instead.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you Karen. For lighting that candle for Bill and Rita and for saying a prayer for all of us.
I simply don’t know what to do for my Sweetie. She knows she needs to exercise to keep the PD at bay but she can’t go at it like she wants to because of her knee. I can see the frustration in her.
Hopefully your friend‘s surgery will go as planned.


Wacky Wabbit

I also LITE a CANDLE and said a prayer for dearly departed Bill and a prayer for Rita to get through the next stage of what life has in store for her.
And of course, all my extended family Wrabbits got a prayer too. That goes for Marcia, Tony & Pat too.
I really should have lit 2 candles! ;)

A dear friend that grew up in our church community and after High School moved to NYC to go to an Art College and then moved to California was in church and up in the choir loft with us today. Great to see her and sing with her. She has a fantastic voice.

She looked a little down when talking (before the service started) about her apartment in NYC that she has acquired, and I asked her if she was alright???? She shook her head and said NO. She and her Husband of "50" years SPLIT.... l like 'fa-knee-toe (FINISHED) Yikes, like WOW! Never would have figured that at all. Life really can throw you some huge curves at times.
I didn't ask any more questions after church. She said I ever came to NYC she would insist I stay with her because she has 2 bedrooms. Ha.... like I can't even get to Florida lately, yet alone NYC. Nice of her to offer.

Karen: I'm not sure I'll make it to the Pearly Gates, but they better be MUCH BIGGER and BETTER than Bellagio's gate! Ha Ha. I would expect Shiney GOLD or Silver Gates with Angels there to greet me! Ha Ha. Tony and Pat for sure!

Came home changed clothes and we went for a drive to St Clair, Michigan. Had a late lunch or early dinner at the same place we went to last trip up there. LEE, we saw one huge freighter stream by. Can never get enough of seeing them.

Then we took the lakeshore drive home so we could stop off at another dear long family friend's cottage to drop off a Nut Roll. He was my brother Georges buddy growing up for decades and is one of 2 in that group still with us. I went up to the door and knocked (the bell doesn't work) and knocked. Then I saw the door was ajar and opened it and SCREAMED OUT HIS NAME ....... no response. I went a few steps further into the kitchen and SCREAMED his name again towards the lake side of the house thinking he might be asleep on the closed in glass porch..... no response. Same thing towards the upstairs steps and even banged on the walls by the steps..... no response. I went back to the kitchen and looked in the sink and there were WATER DROPS in the sink, so I figured SOMEBODY was here recently.
Back to the car and wrote a note and put it on the Nut Roll and left it on the counter in the Kitchen.
I was happy nobody had a gun and shot me during all this. I've been in the house many times and knew there were only a few places he could be and he wasn't in the house.
So I go to the neighbors and no answer.
Go to the next house that had a storm door and the inside door was open and no answer.
Three times is a charm..........A nice lady names Mary greeted me and knew who I was trying to find and said if his car is not on the side of the garage he must be out. She said did you walk through the house upstairs. I said NO WAY. I told her I left a note and a Nut Roll. She said she would keep an eye out to make sure she see's his car later today.

Now if she was smart, she would run over grab the NUT ROLL and NOTE and never say I was there! Ha Ha.
Sorry for yet another LONG boring story, but what else do you Wrabbits have to do when you come on here but to read what we've been up to! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile::clap002::clap002::emoticon 0152 heart:

Sure hope that LuAnn's knee stops acting up for her. If you lived a tad closer, I'd let her try some of my CBD/THC stuff I bought at the Cannabis shop. "CHILL MAXX" 1,000 THC and 1,000 CBD. Lately an Extra Strength Tylenol has helped with my arthritis in my left knee area.

Dave: I though of Kathi today when the lady at the restaurant gave me a list of PUMPKIN drinks for the season. Ha Ha. Not a single one that I would even attempt to try. I had a nice Bloody Mary.

Later gang.

We're going to try and go to Goderich this week. Does that tell you something???
YUP... NO Doctor's appointments this week! Yippee. Calendar is blank.


2nd Officer
Good Moan-Day morning Bunnies!

Lee; I don't know what you looked up or found it, but I think that video of the guy wearing a helmet on the stationary bike is very funny. Feel so bad that Lu-Ann has to not only deal with the Pakinson's but now has a bum knee. Yup, backing off for a while on any exercise involving her legs is a good idea.

One fantastic picture of the sleepy dog with a coffee cup, K2. It's probably greatly appreciated by your New York friend to have a friend just listen to her problems. After church you had quite the adventures. Oh yea, being quiet is the key to breaking in to peoples houses. :)

No pumpkin items snuck into our grocery cart, KC. I'm amazed too. What really caught my eye while there is all the disgusting flavors of beer there is. How very kind of you and Pat to stick with your choir friend until she finishes her surgery.

Mike; Get cold at your place yesterday? It sure did here, early in the day. When I got up it was still in the 40's. When we went grocery shopping I had to wear long pants instead of shorts and a fall jacket. Didn't like that one little bit.