Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good morning Wrabbits.

Off to get the hair cut this morning. (35 min drive one way) Been going to this guy and place since I was in my 20's. WOW.... I should get a Faithful Client discount. Ha Ha.

Karen/Lee: Sorry about your cold spell, but it never lasts too long down there. Get a book and a fresh cup of coffee and relax.

Bummer on the Pee Pee issue! Good luck in 2 weeks. I wonder if they could just place a Flexable STENT in "there" and if that would help?? Looking forward to a report in 2 weeks.

We miss you buddy. Hope all is well with you and Fay. Take care.
Have I mentioned a few hundred times that I can't stand WINTER! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: :oops:

Out of here..........21F and who knows what the Wind Chill is out there. Brrrr.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
All is well in Fairfield Ohio. We got about 8 inches of snow, it varied in different parts of this area but I think we got the most. All of the roads are clear now but the snow will be here for a while as the temps are predicted to get above freezing for a while. Did you get much snow Dave? Sorry to read you are still having problems.
K2, you and I have both mentioned how much we dislike winter and we will probably mention it a lot more before summer gets h ere. A belated Merry Christmas , sorry I don't have a picture like I used to have for you. Glad Marc' brother is doing okay.
Lee, Karen, sorry it is chilly in warm Florida, I hope it warms up for you soon, you must be putting in a few miles Lee, good to hear you are doing a lot of walking. Freezing temps in Florida Karen. That doesn't happen too often I hope.


2nd Officer
I was looking out the kitchen window yesterday at all the beautiful snow and thinking how great it would be to be a kid with a sled, a toboggan, or a pair of ice skates. In the last week and at least for the next 2 it's going to stay like this. I could be making snowballs or building a fort, or making a snowman.

It's not one of those quick snows where everything melts by the next day. It's an extended winter wonderland. I just hope the kids are able to pull themselves away from their "devices" and go outside and play.

Lee; I hadn't thought about all the extra exercise you get just by walking around to the things you want to see while in Florida. That and your smart eating. Serving sizes are way too big at restaurants. A curse for most people's waistlines. Breakfast is usually my big meal of the day, too.

K2; You must be very happy with the place if you're willing to drive 35 minutes to it to get a haircut.

Speaking of haircuts and trimming; Kathi took the pooches to the groomers yesterday, and to my surprise she pulled back in the garage 20 minutes later with the little barkers in the car. The place was closed, and will be till the 10th, for their Christmas break. Somebody goofed. Either they gave Kathi the wrong date for their appointment or Kathi wrote down the wrong date on the calendar.

Happy to hear that you are well, Mike. As for your question, we didn't get 8 inches of snow like you, but we're holding steady at 5 to 6 inches.

Make me smile KC. Tell me that your microwave is still working just fine.

For us, high teens lower 20's today with a bit more snow tomorrow.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning friends.
A big hi to you Mike. So good to see you back. That’s one whack of snow you got!
Kathie, if you hate the cold this isn’t the place for you right now either at 37F.
I hope you and your friends are staying warm Karen.
With the odd exception Dave, do you think kids even know how to go outside and play in the snow? You painted a picture of a winter wonderland. Oh, what you’d give to be able to go out back and “pee your name“ in the snow.
I don’t know why my mind retains some things. Like an episode of “Wings” from, oh, likely around 35 years ago. Anyway, as I recall, everyone was singing Christmas songs. The rather slow witted Lowell was corrected and couldn’t believe the lyrics he had been singing all his life, “walking in my winter underwear”, were wrong.
Time for a walk.
Everyone stay safe and warm.


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternoon Wrabbits.

We watched the entire Pres Carter funeral service, and it was by far the sincerest rendering of this man's life and accomplishments. There certainly won't be another that came from nothing to be President of the United States. The eulogies from all were just spot on. Whomever organized these last few days and especially today should be mentioned in the press. AMAZING.
You did good President Carter, rest in peace.

It was BELOW ZERO WIND CHILL early this morning. Now we're at 24F and EXTREMLY SUNNY

I have dinner of Lamb Shanks in the oven cooking away. The house smells of onions, garlic, celery and carrots. Can't wait until 6:00pm rolls around for dinner.
I think of Mama Bear (Pat/BB) when I make Lamb shanks. She liked them a lot.

Prayers for all those thousands of people who lost their homes in the fires. Just unbelievable.
I contacted Nancy and she said they weren't in the line of the fires and are fine.

Stay warm all you good people and SOMEBODY put another LOG in the fireplace in the hutch.

Cat Coffee GIF by Cat's Cafe Comics

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you for reaching out to Nancy Kathie. We were wondering and hoping that the entire family was safe. Such an unbelievable tragedy unfolding before our eyes.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
Dave, I think I am like you thinking about the snow and the fun we had. Wheeling had a lot of hills and there was always some place to sled ride.
Pee in the snow, I haven't thought about that since the last time I did it, must of been a long time ago. When we wanted to eat the snow we would have to brush off the top of the snow to get rid of the dust.
Hi K2 and Kc


2nd Officer
Nothing much to gab about this morning.

Yesterday in the news it was pretty much a sad day due to Jimmy Carter's funeral service and the horrible fire news in California.

It's hard to wrap your head around the idea of everything being fine one day and losing your home and everything in it the next day. I'm just happy that the death toll remains very low.

Still cold around here with lots of snow on the ground, and yesterday there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Beautiful.

I grinned to myself yesterday when I thought of going outside and playing in the snow. Even us old farts can have fun. Hell, we're known for falling down. So if we do, while down there we can still make snow-angels. :)

Have a good day my fellow bunnies.

We may go grocery shopping this morning.



A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It was indeed a less than stellar news day. I can’t imagine how those folks in California will even begin to pick up the pieces. But you know they will. And then saying farewell to President Carter.
After a week of the furnace being on here I’m finding my nose and throat very dry. Yes, we have furnaces at home but it seems to be a different, dryer artificial heat. This colder weather sure has brought out armies of trucks from various heating and cooling contractors!
I don’t have much this morning either other than to wish you all a very good day.


2nd Officer
Good morning, it's been an interesting start to my Friday! Woke up early Thurs morning & noticed my right ring finger hurt when I flexed it. Not terribly bad, just figured it was from the cold weather, maybe a touch of arthritis. Woke up about 6:30 this morning, again flexed my right hand & the finger was definitely hurting and I could feel the finger was swollen. I wear a diamond anniversary band on that finger and I could feel it digging into my finger. So off to the ER I go & it's freezing COLD, luckily there isn't a lobby full of people in this stand alone ER and it's 5 mins. from my house so I was taken right back to a room. The nurse tried putting gel on my finger to get the ring off but it wasn't budging, she gave me an ice pack to rest it on until the Dr. could look at it. A few minutes later the Dr. came in, took one look at my fat finger & said, well, it's a thin ring, we won't have any problem cutting it off & a jeweler will be able to repair it no problem. So that's what they ended up doing, using a hand crank cutter to take it off, it hurt more when he was trying to spread the ring enough to get it off my finger, cause the cut edge was digging into my finger. They did take an x-ray to make sure nothing was broken & nothing was, just some mild arthritis. The swelling has already gone done quite a bit in the finger so I don't think I'm going to be in a hurry to get the ring fixed. Always something, I was planning to plant flowers at the church this morning but I think I will wait, it's still freezing cold out there!


Wacky Wabbit
Good AFTERNOON. Where did the MORNING run off too??

Karen: Good move going to ER and getting that finger check and ring removed. Bummer they had to cut it, but it can always get soldered back together again.
Your lower temps might have kicked in some Arthritis in the hand. Soak it in Epsom salt water.

Dave: SNOW ANGELS.... my neighbors and I at our old house would get out there and make them on the front lawns all in a row. The things we didn't do back in that neighborhood and when we were younger were amazing. I should have kept a journal of everything! Ha Ha

Mike: Still NO SNOW here. I think if I didn't pay for Snow removal we would have 5 inches. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: It's our insurance policy. (rather costly, but worth not having to get out there in the cold if it did snow)

Lee: Hang in there with your cold spell down there. Better days are coming.
Put PANS/BOWLS of water around the heat vents (if they have them) to add moisture to the rooms. Cover with large holes cut in foil or saran wrap so AVA doesn't drink the water from all of them. I'm sure that place doesn't have a furnace humidifier attached!!

Art got his CAULKING project done this morning. Where the counter and backsplash meet had a grout in it that was pulling away and leaving a GAP! I was able to go to a large tile store and found Silicone/Sand Caulk in a color that matches the tile perfectly. I didn't even have my sample tile with me at the time. (good eye work) Anyways, we put a bead of it on a extra piece of the tile and let it dry and it dried to the same color and was pliable but still stiff. IT TURNED OUT GREAT. Only a homeowner would have noticed the gap where the backsplash meets the quartz counter! But it's nice and clean looking now.
I wonder how much a tile repair person would have charged us for this type of job. :oops:

Well, don't we US CITIZENS have something to be PROUD of now.......Felon for a President!:(
Donald Trump GIF by Storyful

And with that I'm out of here. Stay warm. We might get snow later today here. :mad:


Wacky Wabbit
I must have JINX’d myself saying we didn’t have any snow here.
WRONG!! It’s been snowing since 4:00 pm. Not coming down hard, but steady! About 3/4” so far!

I went to the grocery store and managed to spend $126.00! Some of it was bigger items.
Did NOT buy any eggs. They wanted over $7 bucks for a doz. I can see the price of donuts going up and I bet the “breakfast” places will be adding a Surcharge on egg orders!

We had homemade Chilli tonight and I must say it was good! Dave would have had to add LOTS more peppery spices! :D

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good evening.
Good that you got that finger looked at when you did Karen. It could really have caused a mischief it you’d have let it go.
We had thought of water by the vents Katie except every last one of them is in the ceiling! Good job by your eyes and Arts skilled hand getting the caulking matched and done. Are you getting the snow Amherstburg is seeing? We looked at it through our “Ring” doorbell camera. Looks like a good couple of inches so far.
Hi Kathie. I guess that you just answered my question!
“a substantial percentage of felony convictions from the USA render the offender criminally inadmissible to Canada for life”. I sure hope that our country upholds the border security issue that your president elect is so concerned about and keeps his embarrassing, lyin’, cheatin’ a$$ out of my CANADA. :canada:
I hope the rest of you are well. See you all tomorrow morning.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
I was watching the Ohio-Texas game and the time got away from me. This game is a thriller with big plays.
Lee, you shouldn't talk that way about Don the Con, all he wants is to be emporer on America. It wa snowing here at 8:0 but is supposed to quit by 10, sure hope so.
I'm going back to the ball game, Ohio needs me.


Wacky Wabbit
Mike: We watched the entire Ohio State game.
Great game and what made it better is they BEAT TEXAS in Texas!

Now to beat Notre Dame!

All the late shows are reruns on Friday's. Now watching “
To Catch a Smuggler”. Love watching people trying to smuggling cocaine and other drugs into countries. Sure have learn how to act if an officer asked for my Passport. Declare everything you are bringing into a country which means money too.
Limit us $10,000 cash.

Good Night GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios


2nd Officer
Yikes KC! That's a rough way to wake up. With a ring threatening to cut off the blood supply to your finger. Happy that it was handled quickly at that ER by you. Usually a trip to an ER takes hours and hours. And all because of some mild arthritis.

Lee; I'm surprised that in Florida you'd have a problem with low humidity in the air. Hope your nose and throat adjust to the difference.

See K2, you're never too old to make snow angels. I can imagine you and Art doing rows of them in your front yard just to see the look on your neighbor's faces. You mentioned "caulking". Over the years I've learned that the majority of plumbers and construction people are REAL lousy at caulking. Can't do a straight line if their life depended on it. Even guys who install tile for a living.

I am so dreading when the coo-coo bird felon is back in the oval office.

Mike, that Buckey football game sure kept me on edge. Definitely not a run-away by either team. Very happy how it turned out.

At the last minute our groomer had a spot for our 2 pups yesterday, so now they are all beautified.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
A little rain here “to keep the dust down” this 59F morning. I feel bad for the Disney 1/2 Marathon runners this morning! I hope our run in February is dry.
This house doesn’t have regular cable tv or satellite service. So, no local or network programs! All of the sets are on Roku. We have to rely on news, weather and sports on our iPads. So, I didn’t get to see any of the Buckeye‘s game.
I think Dave, the dryness is really from the furnace being on so much combined with the very cool temperatures Florida has seen. As Kathie said the folks here don’t have, or generally need, humidifiers. Nice the pups were able to get all prettied up.
How’s your finger feeling today Karen? It’s 20F warmer than it was yesterday at this time! If you’re up to it, it may be a good day for planting at St. Mary’s.
Did you end up with much snow Mike?
How ‘bout you Kathie?
Lu-Ann showed me some really pretty pictures people had taken in Amherstburg during the snowfall last night.
Not sure what this Saturday will bring. Likely if I wait long enough it will bring Sunday. ;)
Have a super day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning.
I was up and outside "brooming" the 2" of snow we got. I really think it was 1.5 inches and the rest was drifts. No WIND this morning, so it wasn't bad outside.
Anyways, our snow-removal guy (Eddie, he cuts our grass too) was here again early and did the front and driveway and the side up to the side garage door. He stopped doing the brick pavers all the way to the backyard for some dumb reason. NO BIG DEAL. The broom was all I needed to get to the bird-feeders to put in Peanuts for the Blue Jays. They put on a really nice show when they FLY IN to grab a whole peanut. Fun to watch.

Karen, how's that finger doing girl?

Mike/Dave: Great football game last night. Glad OHIO STATE won.

That's it from me. I have a STOVE TOP that
REALLY needs my attention. Not to mention the kitchen floor could use a mopping. ALWAYS SOMETHING.


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