What's the weather like today where you live??



[size=medium]AW GEEZ ......MBandy.....you've gone on to become a POET on here!! Too cute.

We finally got a decent amount of rain about 15 mins ago. It brought some cooler temps with it too, but the humidity is still out there. The little MOSQUITOS are just going to be in heaven out there tonight!! ::eek:

Saw a really neat RAINBOW around 7:30 pm tonight after a 5 min shower. Tried to find the POT OF GOLD at the end, but it was empty!! Bummer!! Hee Hee.

Have a great week everyone!

texas cruiser

:) Well it's hot here in Mesquite today!!! It's gonna be 101. It is sunny though. And we won't be getting any rain here from Hurricane Dolly. Tommorrow will be cooler at 97!!!!!


[size=medium]Detroit Metro/Suburbs.

80 + calm and overcast in the morning. Sun came out around 1:00 pm and humidity came with it, but not as bad as the past few days.
Hope I can open the WINDOWS tonight and let the cool air in. Too early just yet to try.

Hope the folks in Texas make it through Hurricane Dolly. Lots of rain going on right now. :help

Hope you all have a fun Thursday and weekend if you don't come back on here.

I should have studied to be a WEATHER PERSON in school. Just love to know all about it.


Jersey Shore is hot and HUMID....just got back from a land vacation in Las Vegas(first time) where it was HOT coolest was around 94ish....hottest got to 106...and I dont believe the "its a dry heat"......LOL. not used to seeing 100 degrees at 11pm...dont know how those folks handle it. I would have been happier at sea, hopefully sometime in the next couple of years we'll be able to swing another....


A little less like Miami and a little more like Vegas today. Supposed to get up to 106 this afternoon but the humidity is back down to 7%. We may get some of the residual moisture from TS Dolly over the weekend but I really doubt that it will reach this far north.

texas cruiser

Well this week-end it's supposed to be 102and 104 and several straight days of 100 degree weather. Ugh!!! I hate our summers here. We got only a few sprinklers here in Mesquite from Dolly. I was really hoping for some actual rain.

Kathie-K2: Enjoy your weather. Looking forward to fall here.


Jersey to Vegas to Isreal to Texas on four posts. I love this thread :)

OK so back to Vegas now. 107 Today sunny and breezy with 10% humidity. That's hot enough for one day.


Wow........Isreal........how nice of you to join us!! I can just bet it's HOT HOT HOT there!!

Detroit/Metro Suburbs: It's MUGGY and we should be getting RAIN sometime soon!! The clouds are mounting and getting darker in the distance. Hope it brings a Cold front with it, but just for a little while!!

Got another load of Star Buck coffee grounds and put some in the veggie garden and the rest around the front shrubs where the ground is hard as a rock. Hoping it will help break-down the earth. You walk around this house lately and it smells like you're at Star Bucks ordering a Latte!! The more humid it is the more the smell sticks in the air.

Mbandy: Enjoy your EXTREME temps........better you than me!! :lol


Big surprise today. Sunny when I was on my way to work. Out here on the west side we are up on the hill near Red Rock and have a great view of the whole valley. By 9 o'clock it got cloudy and you could see the rain down in the valley. 50% chance of scattered thundershowers today and supposed to get up to 100. Only 86 right now with 41% humidity.


[size=medium]MBandy........I don't know how ANYBODY could handle 107 temps. Good luck. Sure would suck if your Air Conditioner went out during these hot spells. That's one job that must pay well!!

Detroit/Metro Suburbs: Today it was HOT and MUGGY as the day went on. 90's. Tomorrow more of the same. Maybe we won't be as muggy. I have the A/C on right now and usually by now it's off. The Electric company is going to LOVE me if this hot weather continues much longer. But it BEATS SNOW anyday!!

TGIF ALL.:daisy[/size]


107 really isn't that bad, especially when you can stay inside. It is those pesky one-teens that get to you.

In another thread the other day Ship Maven and I were recalling a day in Phoenix a few years ago wheen they had to shut down the airport because of excessive heat. It got up to 122 that day. Aircraft operating manuels only rated passenger jets to operate up to 120 degrees.

Another 107 today but only 9% humidity.


[size=medium]Detroit/Metro Suburbs: Looks like we're in for a KODAK moment day today! Should be SUNNY SKIES, NO RAIN, and 83 degrees tops!! Just perfect. Right now it's nice and cool outside on the deck.


MBandy.........you just keep your over 100[sup]o[/sup] to yourself. Just too hot for this Michigander!! =COOL

PH: Nice to see you up and at em already!! [/size]


Weather forecast for flajack's return to Vegas today is 97 but with 50% humidity which is a bit sticky. Isolated t-storms for after 4 this evening. Isolated thunderstorms predicted for the rest of the week with temps in the low hundreds. Having said that, they always promise some rain but we never seem to get any, at least not in my neighborhood.


Dark skies to the south and thunder in the distance. Maybe we'll finally get some rain.


Lots of rain on the RADAR to the southwest and to the northeast of the valley....but nothing here :(

95 right now with 25% humidity. Supposed to make it up to 102.


[size=large]Mbandy: Good work on keeping this thread up towards the top. I was busy with a garage sale and not on here much.

[large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs..........finally got nice over here around 3:00 pm. Had clouds most of the morning. It's great right now about 78 degrees and sunny skies.



No problem Kathie. This is a fun thread and over a year and a half old.

The other day the skies up here on the west side got really dark, the wind started blowing a bit and the temperature dropped a bit. Wouldn't you know it blew right over us and it poured down rain down in the valley. Even had some flash flooding. Not a drop up here =grrr

Today it is back to desert weather again. 101 right now on the way to 104. 7% humidity and no sign of monsoon weather for the forseeable future.