What's the weather like today where you live??



[size=medium]I like this thread too!! :daisy

I've heard about those flash floods that happen over your way. If I'm not mistaken there isn't a very good sewer system out that way.
Our farmers, that aren't that far from here, love all the rain we've gotten this year. The CORN stalks are sooooo green and TALLER than normal for this time of the year. And the Soy-Beans are bushier than ever. They should get some really good crops this Fall when they harvest all that stuff. It's fun being close enough to the farms that we can drive and get fresh corn and veggie's whenever we need them. Only problem is that they all come in at the same time and you get a over-dose!! My tomato plants are doing that right now. Can't eat them fast enough and have to give them away. This was a FANTASTIC year for my 7 tomato plants that I have planted here and there around my flowers beds and on the deck in 2 big pots!!

Now back to the WEATHER REPORT: 8:00 a.m in Detroit/Suburbs and it's Beautiful outside. Suppose to get into the low 80's today and NO HUMIDITY. These are the best days of Summer.



Beautiful day here in Western Maryland--low humidity and high of 78* expected. Had plenty of rain this summer. I don't remember the last summer that we had grass so green and full in mid-August. It's usually brown and "crunchy" by now!


[quote Kathie-K2][size=medium]The CORN stalks are sooooo green and TALLER than normal for this time of the year. And the Soy-Beans are bushier than ever. [/size][/quote]

Ah, corn and soybeans. Just like where I grew up in Central Indiana. My Great Uncle still works the family farm with hogs, corn and soybeans.

84 here right now but it is only 8:00. Supposed to get to 107 with 7% humidity.


Pefect weather today in SE Michigan. High today is going to be right around 80. Yesterday the high was like 77, just perfect.


[size=large]TMoore..........so just where in S E Michigan do you live?? I live in Macomb, MI You need to go into your Control Center and list what City you live in. Makes it easier to tell where the weather report is coming from.

It was beautiful here today. No humidity and Sunny skies!! Couldn't ask for more than that.
I took my bike and went to St Clair and parked the car and rode up and down by the water!! Amazing how being that close to water and sun can wear you out. I really don't think it was from the bike riding at all.



[size=medium]Detroit/Metro Suburbs..........Sunny, Clear Skies and cooler today. ARound 74 right now.

Starting today we have the famous WOODWARD CRUISE going on. It's a huge huge showing of OLD CARS kept new!! Cars from the Sixties and even before that. They "cruise" up and down Woodward from 9 mile to 18 mile. Crowds of people pack the streets to see the cool cars from the past drive by. They use to let them BURN RUBBER at the corner cross streets, but it got out of hand and dangerous. Some still do it and don't mind the ticket that they get if they get caught!! People come from all over the WORLD to be a part of this happening. Day and night there are cars cruising even though the Official Cruise Day is Saturday. The side-streets have company sponsored events and cars on display. Art can't wait to go and see the MUSTANGS. He just loves his Mustangs.

Here's the website: Listen to the roar of those old engines: http://www.woodwarddreamcruise.com/index.php

They had 1.5 MILLION people at it last year. It generated 56 MILLION dollars for various charities.



That sounds like a lot of fun. I used to have a fully restored 1967 Mustang. I used to drive it in a few parades. When I lived in California I had a neighbor who was a collector of "famous" cars. He owned "Greased Lightning" from the movie Grease. He also owned the Suzanne Sommers white T-Bird from American Graffiti.

Another heat advisory in the desert today. It is supposed to get up to 107 and it is a little more humid. Humidity is supposed to be up areound 15%.


[size=large]Detroit/Metro Area........it's going to be FANTASTIC TODAY. NO CLOUDS, NO HUMIDITY and SUNSHINE!! Life is Good.

For any of you FORMER Detroit area folks...........today is the Official Woodward Dream Cruise of classic cars. The cruise goes from 9 mile in Ferndale to 19 mile in Pontiac. It brings in 1.5 million people if not more. It's a real happening. All the TV stations are down there broadcasting from the sight. Some of the 50's and 60's Mustangs and Chevy's are just awesome. Some people park their pride and joy on the side streets and people just walk up and down looking at them. It's safer than being in that traffic on Woodward...........and cheaper with the price of gas as high as it is.

Okay, that's your insight of what's happening in the Detroit/Metro area right now!! Have a fun day.:daisy


Let's see... As of 12:30PM it is 86 degrees outside, cloudy skies. I live in Orlando/Kissimmee Florida and Orange County (orlando) is under a Tropical Storm Watch and Osceola County (kissimmee) was just upgraded to a Tropical Storm warning. No rain yet, but clouds are rolling in and the wind is picking up! :help


Not bad today. It was only 80 on my way to work this morning. Supposed to get up to 103 today. A little humid today, about 37% Nice and sunny too.

I can't believe I have not been in one single rain shower so far all summer :(


[size=medium]Nice to see a new poster on here JOSE!! I have friends that live in Kissimmee. You all got hit pretty good with "FAY RAIN"!! Take care.

MBandy: I should say you could really use some RAIN your way. The only thing is when it does rain hard there everything FLOODS for lack of a good sewer system.

It's been so nice here lately that I haven't wanted to BRAG!! :girly Last night it never went any lower than 74 degrees. That's unusal. The night before it was 58 degrees at night. Strange weather patterns. It's suppose to get into the 90's the next 2 days and we're expecting rain around 3 pm today. My hubby is out biking right now and has had a great biking season in general. He did a couple of 100 mile in one day rides with friends and loves the heat. NOT ME.

Take care all and thanks for posting on this WEATHER THREAD!! Enjoy your weekend.[/size]


[quote Kathie-K2][size=medium]Nice to see a new poster on here JOSE!! I have friends that live in Kissimmee. You all got hit pretty good with "FAY RAIN"!! Take care.

Thanks so much!! Yes, where i live all we have is constant rain and winds since Wed. Our sewer drains can no longer hold in water, they are beginning to spew it out.. Some areas in Kissimmee got hit worse than others. I live near 192 and Dyer and so my area was just lots of wind and water but not as strong. My family lives on Osceola Parkway and Boggy Creek and that area has been recieving down pours and debris everywhere. Hope your friends are making thru ok.


[size=large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs!!

We have mananged to have weeks without any HUMIDITY and that ends TODAY!! It's already HOT and STICKY outside and it's not 10:00 a.m. yet!! Should be a total Air Conditioning ON day!! =COOL

We have a wedding to go to today, so at least the Bride will have a SUNNY DAY!! :daisy

Enjoy your weekend folks.


[size=medium]It finally COOLED off a little here from the UGLY HOT HOT HEAT of the afternoon. It's still humid, but at least I can open the windows , turn on the ceiling fans and enjoy the cool breeze.

Hope you all have a nice week!!

Detroit/Metro Suburbs


Only supposed to get to 102 today with 16% humidity which makes it a little sticky. A little cloudy too with a 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms. I heard some thunder off to the south a while ago so maybe we'll get lucky.


[size=large]Mbandy: ONLY getting to 102 degrees.......that's too funny to read!! Good luck with the rain.
We had a fantastic thunderstorm on Saturday night. Got the grass back to GREEN again.
It was nice and cool last night and the WINDOWS were open.

Earl: Love your Countdown Clock. It's different!!

Enjoy your day everyone.


It sprinkled a few precious drops here at work yesterday and then the clouds blew over us and parts of the valley got up to 3/4 of an inch in an hour. Some street flooding over on the east side but nothing here :( Maybe when I am on my trip to North Carolina next week I'll see some actual rain.

Supposed to be 101 today and they say maybe some rain to the south and east.