What's the weather like today where you live??



Yes Kathie, I remember those Michigan winters. My last Michigan winter was 1978, the year of the huge blizzard in February. That was it for me. I have lived in warm climates (CA, AZ, NV and FL) ever since.

Nice day here today. Supposed to be 94. The humidity is up today, 24%. Clouds are building over the mountains so we might get some rain this afternoon.

The sage is in bloom. Pretty purple flowers on the light green bushes. A heavenly fragrance but it makes me sneeze :)


[size=medium]Michael.........I remember that snow storm from 1978 too. All our neighbors got together and we made the BIGGEST SNOWMAN in my neighbors front yard. The kids made snow forts and we had snowball fights back and forth. Everyone was off of work because you couldn't even get out of the driveway. Hope we NEVER see that kind of snow again.

Sun is still out, but it's only 67 degrees. Suppose to get warmer each day and up to 78 degrees by Sat.

[large]THANKS JOHN FOR THE QUICK SERVICE!! :daisy[/large]


That really was some storm. I was working at WAAM radio in Ann Arbor at the time. We worked in teams around the clock. One announcer would play music and the other would read a list of things that were closing. The U of M closed for the first time in history during that storm. After a while we decided it would be a shorter list to just read the things that were still open. :lol Volunteers in 4 wheel drives picked us up and took us home and brought us food too. It was quite a week.


[size=large]52 [sup]o[/sup] here in Detroit/Metro area!! At 8:25 a.m. ::eek:

Way too cold for this gal!! Enjoy your day all.


[large]The Sun came out and it got up to or past 78[sup]o[/sup] here in the Detroit Suburbs. Not bad considering it was so cold this morning. Maybe.........just maybe we'll get a Indian Summer here in Michigan this year!! Hey......I can hope!! :daisy[/large]


[large]Hello out there to all!

Not as WARM out here today as yesterday, but the SUN is SHINING and the Skies are BLUE!! 72 degrees. If you're in the full sun you don't need a sweater. I'll take over anything else this time of the year.

Went to the Cider Mill and got a gallon of the pure GOLD JUICE!! It's so nice and strong right now. We're lucky to have a Cider Mill about 8 miles away from here!

Later..........Enjoy your WEEKEND everyone who stops by on here!! :wave


[large]It's a KODAK MOMENT DAY here in the Detroit/Metro area!! 78[sup]o[/sup] and just perfect outside.

Hope you all are having equally great weather!! (tu) :wave


Sounds like you're having the great fall weather Kathie. I remember so many crisp fall days at Michigan Stadium back in the day when I was engineering the U of M football broadcasts for WAAM.

Nice here too. Not too hot not too cool. 95 degrees with a pretty stiff breeze.


[size=large][/size]Go Green.........Michigan State University that is!!
Michael, MSU plays Nortre Dame Sat Morning.........(that's today already) at 3:30 pm. Should be on TV.

I hope they beat their butts!! What a great day for a football game at the campus in Lansing. Those college kids will
be HOOTING and going nuts with this game.

Were you a student at U of M?? Please tell me NO!! =?

Now back to the weather: It's 58[sup]o[/sup] here right now. Cool mornings, beautiful afternoons and evenings, and
COOL nights. Life is good in Michigan right now.

Enjoy your weekend all.


[large]AAAt 7:45 a.m this morning it was 50[sup]o[/sup] here in the Detroit/Metrot area.

Yikes.........that's a tad bit too chilly for me!!
The sun is shining and skies are blue, so hopefully we'll see 77[sup]o[/sup] by noon!!

Have a FANTATIC WEEKEND ALL!! LIFE IS GOOD!! Stock market suck, but we'll get
over it.........=huh Just don't ask me how!!


No Kathie, I went to Ball State in Indiana. I worked the Michigan games 'cause it was my job. It was back in the Bo vs. Woody days.

Sunny and windy here today. 92 degrees. Not too bad.


[size=medium]Michael........those were the EXCITING years of a great Rivaralry between 2 great
College teams. Still is actually, but not as much throwing of headsets lately!! My hubby and I use to go to the U of M
vs Michigan State game both in the "Big House" at U of M and at Sparty's house at MSU in Lansing. Nothing like a
College Football game on a nice Fall Sat afternoon and then good Mexican food afterwards. We still try and get one
game in a year........HOMECOMING is fun.

Looks like another repeat of yesterday over here. Cool now, with warming up to 78[sup]o[/sup] and sunny!! LIFE IS GOOD!

Have a fun Sunday all who stop by!! :wave


[size=large]Another Sunny and Warm day here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs.
Keep them coming is all I can say!

Off for a late evening walk. Light jacket weather tonight, but still nice.


Yes Kathie, Bo vs. Woody was really something and I still follow College Football. I like it much better than the pros. I traveled all the big 10 stadiums with the Wolverines back in the day including one Rose Bowl. Michigan Stadium had some of the best food in the press box but the best food was at Notre Dame.

We have been having beautiful fall like weather here lately. In the daytime it is in the mid-90's and in the morning a very nice mid 70's.


[size=medium]Hey there Michael!! Equally as nice here in the Detroit/Metro area. It's 10:30 pm and the temps are at 69 degrees!! FANTASTIC.

Enjoy your Fall temps over your way and have a FUN TGIF day and weekend.

Now if we can only survive the POLITICAL CRAP of today we'll all be okay!! :pride Only in America!!

Sure hope McCain finds something else to occupy his time while he's in Washington. Seems to be getting in the way according to the news reports!! But if your a McCain supporter you'd never think that!! :girly Can you tell I'm a Democrat!! =COOL I'll leave it at that and pray for our country to make it through this mess!!

My 401K is currently more like a 101K and falling!! Gotta start stuffing the mattress like the good old days!! :)D


[size=large]Hi "ALL"!!
It's a little "FALL LIKE" here today so far. Could stand to get a little WARMER. We might
be starting to get some of the latest backlash from that Storm on the Coast. At least the
SUN is out and it's NOT RAINING.

MBandy hope you're enjoying your nice temps in LasVegas!!

PH8........I know how your weather is...........I've been LURKING!! X(.....but you already know that! Hee Hee.


Hi Kathie! The weather was so nice in metro Vancouver today. It's hard to believe it'll be October in two days. It is 77 right now and it's after dinner. The kids were on the trampoline with the hose this afternoon.....crazy!


More of the same around here. 93 with mostly sunny skies. Looks like we might be about done with the triple digits for the season but we'll wait and see.


[size=large]Okay enough of that bragging about those WARM TEMPS Michael!! :cool:
It's RAINING and 58 degrees here and that's just like NOT FAIR. I was hoping for more Indian Summer
You can send all the EXCESS HEAT over to Michigan anytime it bugs you.

TGIF all you "workers" out there.:wave
