What's the weather like today where you live??



Still hanging on to the 80's here and tomorrow too. Then down in to the 70's and even the upper 60's for at least the next 10 days. Tomorrow will more than likely be our last day in the 80's for a while. Our average high for October is 85. Our average high for November is 69. Quite a drop for just one month.

SJC... Gas was $3.86 here on last Monday morning. When I passed the same station two hours later it had gone down to $3.79. I saw gas at the same station for $3.69 this morning. I'll bet I see it for less on the way home from work.


[size=medium]Earl: Nice countdown clock! So what's your temp in farenheit temps?

SAN: I got gas at a regular corner gas station for $2.15 gal for reg. I had half a tank, but
stopped and filled up. You just never know when something might TRIGGER a RATE HIKE
these days. Might as well keep it topped off!! Art got gas at Costco for $2.19. And then you
get 3% cash rebate by using the Costco American Express Card. So still a good deal.

Mbandy: I'd take your AVERAGE November 69[sup]0[/sup] ALL WINTER if I could!! =COOL

It's 57[sup]0[/sup] here at 10:35 pm ..........UNHEARD of after the cold we went through last week!!
Suppose to be another fantastic warm day SAT too. X(

Nite all.........have a fun-filled weekend/


[size=large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs: 55[sup]o[/sup] and just lovely
over here today. Picked up my Grandson and we biked and biked and then raked
some of the leaves. Still have tons on the trees!

Hope wherever you live it's as nice as here or BETTER!! Have a fun weekend ALL!!


9:21 A.M on Sunday morning.

Hey, what's with these boards today??? I can't find the area where you change the fonts and
add color and emoticons etc, etc. The Board Staff must be working on these boards or something.
Hope they get the colors and fonts, etc, etc back soon..........I miss them.

Detroit/Metro Suburbs: It's going to be another Fantastic Sunny and warm day here again today.
It's like getting a "Bonus" in November!!

Have a great day all.


Low sixties and showers here in Gilroy.

Gas was $2.799 for regulkar in Ukiah yeserday......still around $2.90 in Gilroy.


[large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs:

A FANTASTIC KODAK MOMENT type of day here in Michigan. Temps got to 70[sub]o[/sub] in the
afternoon, which even surprised me.

Hubby and I raked the front lawn and that should last until the next wind blows off some more

Have a GREAT VOTING DAY on Tuesday and I pray your LINES or not too long!!

SAN: Gas is down to $2.10 regular if you pay cash at most stations. Who would have
thought we'd be THRILLED out of our skin for a price like that!! :pride Only in America!! :pride


Gas just went down to $2.799 in Gilroy today.

Raining like a monkey here this evening....dark too.


[size=large]Detroit/Metro area: We might break a long held record today if the temps get up to 75 degrees!!
How fun to have a INDIAN SUMMER DAY this late in the season!!

I was first to vote in our Precinct this morning. Lines as I was leaving weren't too bad. Maybe 100 people.


Enjoy your day ALL!![/size]


Really cooling off here now. Only made it to 62 today and down to 45 over night. Back up in to the 70's over the weekend. Lots of sunshine though so that helps.


[large]Hello ALL.........from Detroit/Metro Suburbs.

Another BONUS DAY here in Detroit area!! That's 3 days in a row with 70-75[sub]o[/sub] temps.
I'll take it. Tonight it's staying at 58 degrees!! The "SH*T"'s going to hit the fan on Friday night
with a cold front coming and 50% chance of rain on Sat and temps in the 45[sub]o[/sub] area.
Hey, it couldn't last forever.........after all it is NOVEMBER!!

Enjoy your day tomorrow EVERYONE! :wave

Went to the movies tonight and saw "Secret Life of Bee's". Very appropriate after the election results!! Jennifer Hudson was in it too. Good low key movie.


A little chilly this morning. The official low was 42 but out in some of the neighborhoods to the south and west it got down to 38. Only 63 today and it is supposed to get down to 48 tonight and up to 70 tomorrow. Sunset is at 4:39 pm which means it is fully dark when I get off work. That seems so strange because last week it was still just after sunset when I got off.

Kathie, that cold front you're going to get is the same one that came threough here the other day. It wasn't as bad as originally predicted so I'm hoping the same for you.


[size=large] I live across the border from Detroit in Canada (south a littlebit) and our weather has been very nice. Today it was 70, but yes it is going down starting tomorrow. Today felt like Summer was coming back. We are leaving on the 30th for our Cruise and I want it good and cold here so that it will make it worth our while. HAHA.


<center><embed src="http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/show.swf?clickURL=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/&clickLABEL=MySpace Countdown Clocks&flashLABEL=Countdown Clock Codes&skin=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/skins/37.jpg&text=Our%20First%20Family%20Cruise%0Don%20The%20Freedom%20of%20the%20Seas&untilColor=16711680&textColor=13369395&datesColor=0&year=2008&month=10&day=30&hour=12&minute=0&second=0&x=4&y=127" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="countdown" align="middle" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
MySpace Countdown Clocks</center>



[size=medium]Detroit/Metro Suburbs here:

MBandy: Thanks for the "heads-up" on the cold front coming our way!! Saturday looks like it's going to be
pretty crappy.
Today WAS GREAT! I rode my bike and just hope it won't be for the last time.

CruiserRC: So you must live just outside of Windsor!! Go there a lot. Use to go to the Casino before we got
3 of our own on this side of the border.
Come back and join in on the WEATHER REPORTING during the Fall and WINTER!! You and I can compare
how many INCHES/FEET of snow we get!! I HATE SNOW. :wave


68 and sunny in Gilroy......well, it was until it got dark....now I can't tell.


Hi Kathie-K2, yes I live in Amherstburg. We cross the border often. Will be flying out on Nov 30 from Metro. Hopefully no snow in the forecast until Christmas.

We'll keep our weather review insinc, haha. ttyl

<center><embed src="http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/show.swf?clickURL=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/&clickLABEL=MySpace Countdown Clocks&flashLABEL=Countdown Clock Codes&skin=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/skins/37.jpg&text=Our%20First%20Family%20Cruise%0Don%20The%20Freedom%20of%20the%20Seas&untilColor=16711680&textColor=13369395&datesColor=0&year=2008&month=10&day=30&hour=12&minute=0&second=0&x=4&y=127" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="countdown" align="middle" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
MySpace Countdown Clocks</center>



It warmed up a bit today. High is 70. It will be in the 50's over night and up to 72 tomorrow. Pretty nice. Then back in to the 60's for most of next week and back up to the mid 70's next weekend. I take the nice weather for as long as we can keep it.


[size=medium]RC: I know just where you are in Canada.........not far at all!! Hope you and your
family have a FANTASTIC CRUISE!!

Michael: Your temps aren't really too bad compared to our 50's today. It did start to get much colder and WINDY
in the late afternoon. They said we might see "Snow Flurries" tomorrow. ::eek: Way too early for that stuff!!

Now tell me.........anybody...........do you know any place in the lower part of Arizonia that is safe and nice
to stay for the month of Feb. We have one place we're looking at 12 miles outside of Sedona right now.
I'm just worried that it's to far North in that state to be warm enough in Feb. Hey, even 60 during the day
would be better than what will be going on here in Michigan then. Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks a bunch Kathie-K2!! Hope to have a fun time.

Hey, did u see the snow today? Lasted a few seconds and then gone. Thank goodness, too early!!

Stay warm!

<center><embed src="http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/show.swf?clickURL=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/&clickLABEL=MySpace Countdown Clocks&flashLABEL=Countdown Clock Codes&skin=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/skins/37.jpg&text=Our%20First%20Family%20Cruise%0Don%20The%20Freedom%20of%20the%20Seas&untilColor=16711680&textColor=13369395&datesColor=0&year=2008&month=10&day=30&hour=12&minute=0&second=0&x=4&y=127" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="countdown" align="middle" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
MySpace Countdown Clocks</center>



[large]RC.........do yourself a typing favor and just call me K2!! Much shorter!!

Detroit/Metro area: We DID NOT see or get any SNOW here today!! :) That's a "four letter word" in my book!!

Have a great week everyone you shows up on here or reads!! :wave