What's the weather like today where you live??



We have cancelled WEATHER in Gilroy for the next couple of days.....it's just boringly the same.......low 60s and sunny.....maybe we will resume weather when things change. No clouds.....no wet stuff....no white stuff....no wind....no cold......


[size=medium]FREEZING COLD here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs. It was SUNNY though, so
that did save the day. Last time I checked the temp was 18 degrees and who knows what it is with the
ugly WIND CHILL today//

SAN: How come your signature has a message on it now?? I think you need to fix something!! :wave


Dunno......K2......I followed the link, but not sure how it pertained to me....not sure I'm in violation. If it gets removed, that's fine, I'll just get another approved one from this site......the old one came from this site anyway. Do you suppose bOB has something against California?....he's a Nevadain you know.


[size=medium]Hello to ALL from Detroit/Metro Suburbs!

It's starting to RAIN and the temps are rising just as promised. Suppose to rain all day
on Tues. Then the rest of the week it will get cold again and flurries. JOY JOY!!

I have a hair cut appt on Wed mid-morning and it better not be slippery. It's on the other side
of town and I need to use the freeway. Hate being on that thing when it's snowy!

Nite all!! :wave[/size]


[size=large]Good to see you again EARL!! Sorry about your snow!

Here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs it's RAINING and will keep RAINING all day!! Up side of
all of this is that the temps are in the 40's!!

Enjoy your day everyone!!


[size=medium]Hello there LIS.........where do you LIVE??? It makes it more fun to know where you live
so we can relate to your weather better!! You are a very charming young lady (ref to pic). Not
too sure about that online survey stuff though. You have to PAY to belong!! Sound shaky to me.

It's 20 degrees here in Detroit/Metro area. The WIND CHILL must make it come down to the
low teens. It was like that ALL day. Only saving grace was the BLUE SKY and SUNSHINE.

Later all that come and post and lurkers too!! We love LURKERS on this site!! REALLY. :wave[/size]


I may be doing weather reports from Gilroy, CA again.....'sposed to rain this weekend. Gasoline is $1.799


[size=large]Earl.......good to see you posting again!! Your weather sounds a lot like Michigan's right
now!! It was 18 degrees last night and it's about 20 degrees right now. SUNNY THOUGH!! =COOL

SAN: Sorry your plans might be foiled because of the weather. Just be glad you're not getting SNOW!!

Detroit/Metro suburbs: 20 degrees and SUNNY!!

Enjoy your day.

I'm suppose to get the rest of my new computer today! I set the monitor up already on the dining room table and
it's awesome!! I ordered this accessory kit that has 4 clips that you clip on the sides. 2 of them are for papers or
pictures and they tilt back and forth, one is a vase for either a small bud flower or you could use it as a pen holder,
and one is a hook that you can hang your ear-phones on the side of the screen. Too cool. Now I'll have a place to
put a small calendar and see the whole month without digging around for one.

STAY WARM!! [/size]


Kind of dreary today in Las Vegas. Cloudy and 48 right now. It is supposed top make it to 61 today.


[large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs.......32 degrees and holding right now. Bright outside, but NO SUN.

Nice to see you on here Michael. I got the new computer. Lots to learn with that new Vista program. I really need
to find out how to get this print to show up LARGER and stay that way. I'm going blind. :girly

All in good time. I'm just thrilled to have such a nice computer system. It's a HP.

Have a nice rest of the weekend everyone!!


[size=medium]Good Day ALL!! Detroit/Metro Area is having a warm up of sorts!! Suppost to get
to 40 degrees today. It's dreary outside right now, but warming up slowly. I'll take 40 anyday this time of the year.

I'm still getting use to my new HP computer. So much faster than the old one. This 20" screen needs some tweaking. I can't seem to get the "Brightness button" to change and soften this screen. Might make a trip to
Best Buy and ask one of the tech guys there about it. Always easier to talk to someone in person.

Have a FUN, BUSY, and hopefully STRESS FREE week everyone! I have tons of baking to get done.[/size]


It has been snowing here for five hours. It started at about 7:30. We have had a few inches so far. I have heard it is just raining in town but up here in Summerlin we are a little higher in elevation. Very strange to see snow in the palm trees.


Rain has stopped here for the time being. High 40s.

MB....snow.....it never ceases to amaze me the great lengths your casinos go to to attract attention and publicity.....are you sure that it's real snow?


Still coming down...and hard with huge fluffy flakes. It has been snowing for over seven hours. Everything up here is blanketed


[large]Wow........I don't show up for a few days and it SNOWS in VEGAS!! How unreal is that??

We're in the middle of a HUGE GIGANTIC SNOW STORM here in MICHIGAN right now. It's been
snowing hard and steady since 5 a.m. and no sight of slowing down until 2:00 p.m. from what the weather people
are telling us. I can barely see across the street it's so snowy out there. Just UNREAL. My hubby tried
to plow and gave up. It was filling in right behind him as fast as he was snowblowing.

It is fun looking at the birds and ducks flying around the backyard. The ducks fly into where the feeder sits on
the ground and wonder where it is?? The birds at least have feeders and can get food. The RED CARDINALS are the best to watch against the white snow. Can't get a picture of them now because the snow is making it a blurr out there.

Take care and if anyone wants some SNOW come on up to our place in Michigan!! It's FREE for the taking.


K2, I have to say that this year you are handling the snow much better. Last year at this time you were bitchin' and bitchin' about the white stuff. Good for you.

Rain here.