What's the weather like today where you live??



[size=medium]Detroit/Metro Area: SUNNY, but only 25 degrees outside now. Lots of snow melted yesterday. Weather people are calling for 2 - 3 inches of snow late Tuesday night and Wed Morning.

How are things where you live?? [/size]


Here in Waslla, Alaska it's warmed up to -10!! Last week we had -26 so this is a veritable heat wave. LOL Now, if only the wind would go away completely we could get from the car to the store without running. Spring Break can't come soon enough, Mexico here we come!!!


[size=medium]Welcome aboard Jen from Alaska!! So just how are things going lately in
Wasilla?? Hopefully, the "Politics" end of things have settled down. :cool:

Can't blame you for looking forward to Spring Break. I don't know how you can stand those low temps!! Yikes, I'm cold just reading them.

It's suppose to snow here very soon. We just got rid of most of the last snow-storm and here we go again.

Later all..........enjoy your Wednesday. I'm Serbian Eastern Orthodox and it's our Christmas tomorrow. Yup, a little late, but it's all "church stuff" and traditional customs......NO PRESENTS. WE do that on Dec 25th.



Thanks Kathie, I appreciate the shout-out! :) Yeah, everyone now knows where "wasilla alaska" is, we are no longer correcting the pronunciation or having people say "where is that?" haha Things haven't calmed down much at all, as Sarah is now a grandma and everyone is giving her soon-to-be SIL a hard time about getting a job his father helped him get. (Happens all the time with slope jobs, but because of who it is it's a big deal, apparantly.) :sigh: I barely watch the news anymore.

Bigger news for us is the COLD! I am planning our excursions and trying not to break the bank, but the more I read about beaches and horseback riding the more I want to sign us up! Enjoy your Serbian Christmas, I hope it is a blessed day for you and your family. We are Roman Catholic so our Christmas season is wrapping up. Traditions are special, aren't they?


Thanks Jen: Yup, it doesn't get much better than celebrating 2 Christmas's!! One with presents
and one for the "real reason" the religous side.

Hope it warms up by you. We had a small ICE slick tonight here in Detroit/Metro area. There was a
40 car pile up on one overpass on a rather busy street. Police cars involved and ambulances too, it
spared no-one. Somebody had a camera and we got to watch cars sliding into each other as it happened.
A HUGE MESS. There were quite a few pile up all around the city.

Hope it warms up by morning or I'll be praying at home!! I HATE Winter and Snow, but I detest ICE & FOG.


[size=large]Hey there EARL..........make sure you keep that SNOW STORM in your Country!! This is not a good time to share with the USA!! Thanks!! Hope you have good plows up your way!!

Here in Detroit/Metro area it's a Brrrrrrrr 27 degrees cold, but Sunny and NO SNOW today.

Jen: I saw on the news that it's still BELOW ZERO over your way in Wasilla. Keep warm!


Much nicer here in Vegas today. Supposed to make it up to 60.

Kathie... the weather in Phoenix will be much nicer in March. The average high temperature in March is 75.


[size=medium]Michael.........glad you had a better day today in Vegas.
We're hoping for NICER TEMPS in FEBRUARY buddy........that's when we'll be there!! It can snow
in March if it wants too!! :)D


[size=large]Detroit/Metro area: Just as promised by the wonderful weather people..IT'S SNOWING RIGHT NOW!! Suppose to get up to 6 inches of the white stuff and more on Saturday.
And guess who needs some half and half cream?? Yup, bought lunchmeat, bread, green peas to make soup and
forgot the 1/2 & 1/2 cream. I'll go out now before it gets any worse out there.

Enjoy your evening you all........and have a fun and safe WEEKEND!![/size]


:help I'm sitting here freezing and getting for 10 " of snow today. :( I want to be bored with sanjoseca.


In SE Michigan 24 feels like 13 and a winter storm warning. 4-7 inches of now possible by the end of it.


Still boring in Gilroy, CA.....getting up into the mid sixties during the day.

Minus two metric.....of Fahrenheit B2?


[size=large]DETROIT/METRO SUBURBS: GOT BLASTED WITH SNOW TODAY AND TONIGHT. IT FINALLY HAS STOPPED FOR NOW. Weather people tell us we're getting 4 more inches Sunday around 7pm and then more on Monday around 7 pm. And Arctic freezing temps for at least a week. WOW.....now I hope that cheered you all up!! (td)

Nice to see so many new posters on this WEATHER THREAD!! Keep coming back.
REMEMBER TO SAY WHERE YOU LIVE somewhere in your post!! Thanks.

BoBa: So where do you live?? Must be somewhere close in the Midwest with all that snow!!
JACQ: YIKES -2 degrees is just not right. We're going to be getting those temps real soon here in Detroit area.
TMoore: I feel your pain........you're right here in the middle of it all with us.

SAN: Feel free to hop on the next flight out to Michigan and see what it's really like in the Winter months!! Not boring at all. You could take over one of the snow blowing shifts from Art and myself. Bring long underwear and warm socks and boots! Oh and bring Nancy too.



[size=large]Detroit/Metro area: It's BRIGHT and SUNNY outside. Oh and VERY WHITE!!

Suppose to get more snow later in the evening tonight and tomorrow. Soon ......of course NOT soon enough, it will be SPRING and we'll be talking about RAIN STORMS.

Enjoy your day everyone!!


[large][size=x-large]Detroit/Metro area: FREEZING COLD!!

Suppose to get below ZERO tonight and tomorrow. HELP SEND HEAT this way!! :(


Really much nicer in Vegas today. 65 and sunny. We're supposed to be in the mid-60's for the rest of the week :) I saw it was supposed to be in the 80's in LA today.

Stay Warm Kathie.