What's the weather like today where you live??



[size=medium]Well it's 4 hours later since I posted and hubby and I went out and shovelled snow and used the snowplow and it's STILL COMING DOWN like no tomorrow!! UNREAL.

We have NO MORE ROOM FOR SNOW!! ::eek:

We're done for tonight. The weather people said it could snow all night!! (td) :help

From Detroit/Metro Area. Only good thing was that the WIND wasn't as bad right now.


[size=large]kWell, we survived another HIT of SNOW. Just don't know where to put
the stuff anymore!!

Detroit/Metro Area temp: 18 degrees!!

PyscoCruiser: No matter how cold it is in California..........it's nothing like it is here..........and you're not rubbing it in to let us know how cold it is over your way. :)D

I do feel sorry for all those folks in Washington these last few days and the next couple of days. Brrrrrrrrr cold.

I can't understand WHY the Networks are broadcasting from ROOF TOPS outside. I think that's just nuts and way
unnecessary. Yesterday, that group of men on MSN all but froze up there. I turned them off after awhile because they were making cold just watching them. NUTS!! :cool:


Kathie-K2 said:
[size=large]kWell, we survived another HIT of SNOW. Just don't know where to put
the stuff anymore!! ]

Well, I think that there are any number of people on here who will be glad to tell you where you can stick your snow. I happen to like snow, so I don't have any suggestions right now..

70s and sunny here in Gilroy, CA.


Kathie- They closed schools because the wind was blowing, it was raining, and the roads were solid ice on the side streets. They were afraid of buses sliding off of the road. Anchorage had an additional day closed too, so those kids got a 6 day weekend because of MLK day tomorrow! Our sanders were out like crazy, and so our school district thought it was safe to send the kids out. (I still drove mine to school on Friday.)

Today it's still 40 degrees. Our snow is melting, the backyard is UGLY with what's been uncovered (we have 2 dogs), and my car is disgustingly dirty. I don't LIKE this warm of weather!! Thankfully tomorrow it's supposed to cool off to 20 and maybe get some snow. I hope it dumps snow on us later in the week so dh and my oldest can actually go snowmachining like they planned on.

It seems like everyone I know is going to Hawaii, Mexico, or just come back from one of those places with nice tans! This is our time of year to escape. I'm pickin' out what we're going to wear on formal nights!! Does anyone know if there are designated nights for it, on a 7 day cruise? Can I find out in advance?


Still having nice weather here in Vegas. Mid 60's all last week and more of the same forecast for at least the next ten days.

Sure has been nasty in other parts of the country. Stay warm everybody :)


[size=large]Hello from Detroit/Metro area. 20 degrees and SUNNY!! Actually pretty out there from inside of course.

Hello GottaGo: Nice temps you're having. What part of Califonia are you in?? SAN is in Gilroy!

MBandy: Good to see you on here again. Enjoy those 60 temps while you can. You know what you're in store for soon.

San posted:
I happen to like snow, so I don't have any suggestions right now..[/size]

And just when was the last time you spent more than a weekend in a snowy area? ATV'G in the Mountains doesn't count??

Have a fun week all and keep us posted of your temps!! Some think this is a silly thread..........I happen to really like it and love that it has lasted this long. :)-D


Hi Kathie. I'll bet you're looking forward to your trip out west. It will be nice and warm in Phoenix by the time you get there.

You can always tell how busy it is here at work by how much I post. This is our busy time of year but I try to drop by as often as I can.


Kathie-K2 said:
[size=large]San posted: I happen to like snow, so I don't have any suggestions right now..[/size]

And just when was the last time you spent more than a weekend in a snowy area? ATV'G in the Mountains doesn't count??

I lived for many years outside of Toronto......and.....I have a long memory. Whine on there, young lady!


We still have snow on the ground and it's about 20 degrees here in Ohio where I live.

Carnival Imagination-2008


[size=large]Detroit/Metro Area: 5 degrees here at 11:00 pm Tues night. Just way too cold if you as me!!

Freckles......welcome to the Weather thread. What part of Ohio?? We have a Ohio thread on Cruise Critic board and there are a LOT of OHIO people on it. I live 2 hours or so from the Mich/Ohio border!!

SAN: Who are you trying to impress..........you don't even remember what you had for dinner 2 days ago, yet alone what SNOW was like when you lived outside of Toronto. :)D You can send some of your WARMTH over our way anytime you feel like it. Let the bitching continue!! Hee Hee. I won't beat you up like some are doing!! :girly [/size]


1-21-09 Louisville Kentucky 10:24am EST
19 degrees wind chill 9 It is suppose to get to 32 degrees today. We had snow flurries yesterday. On Monday we had 1" of snow.


Kathie-K2 said:
SAN: Who are you trying to impress..........you don't even remember what you had for dinner 2 days ago, yet alone what SNOW was like when you lived outside of Toronto. :)D You can send some of your WARMTH over our way anytime you feel like it. ]

You mean WARMTH like in that sentence, Hotstuff?:cool:

Sixties and overcast here in Gilroy, CA. They're talking about showers for the next few days.....we'll see.


[size=medium]SAN: I mean WARMTH as in temperature type warmth. I have ART around for any other kind of warmth. :girly But I know what you meant by "warmth" as opposed to rudeness!!

We got a warm spell of 32 degrees here to day. It's 22 right now and going down as the Sun does. Scottsdale is 79 degrees. Yikes I hope it doesn't get TOO HOT there. Hee HEE NEVER happen.


[size=large]Detroit/Metro area: About 25-28 degrees outside and Partly Sunny. Not bad at all compared to the ZERO temps we've been having. Amazing that I'm saying that!! =COOL

71 degrees in Scottsdale............keep it going over there folks......we're all but on the road trip to AZ.


Yeah Kathie. A nice break, but the weather gurus are saying it's supposed to drop back into the freezer this weekend. *shesh*


[size=large]Wow Calgon........what a nice history about yourself and your family. I took the time to read it all. Very interesting. Bet you can't wait until retirement and this time for GOOD. By the way your
GuestBook is FULL on your website!!

Yup.........it's going to get COLD COLD COLD again this weekend. It's starting already tonight with the wind.

We're off to the movies right now to see Revolutionary Road. With Kate Winslow. Looks like it will be a good

Temps are dropping ...........20 degrees right now and WINDY.

SAN: How are you Buddy, EARL ......nice to see you around. Mbandy, we're almost out of here for our trip.