Detroit/Metro area: 40 degrees right now and CHILLY if you ask me. Hopefully, APRIL will warm up fast this year!! Most likely it won't......never does!! :girly
Earl: You're having better weather than we are. What's with that noise!! =huh
MBandy: I'd love to see those fireworks. I hear the economy, being the way it is, is really starting to hurt Vegas. Even the crazy people who throw their money away are being careful these days.
I can't stand to listen or watch radio or TV with all the doom and gloom of the Auto crap. It hits home in our family!! "Ford" people here. But it doesn't matter which auto comany you work for they
are all getting hit hard. SAD. DAMN BANKS and Wall Street to blame for most of it. The auto companies aren't without blame, just not as much if you ask me. Okay, I'm off my soapbox for today. :loveya Have a good rest of the week all.