What's the weather like today where you live??



[size=large]Earl: Nice to see that your temps are rising over your way. It's been a LONG COLD WINTER for most of us!!

Here in Detroit/Metro suburbs it's suppose to get up to 52 BIG DEGREES!! It's sunny right now, but that WIND is still relentless.

At least all the people in Downtown Detroit will be dry for today's First FINAL FOUR GAME tonight. It's really nice to see so many
PEOPLE WALKING around downtown Detroit when they show all the festivities on the TV NEWS.

I'll just watch the game from the comfort of my home and avoid paying the "BIG BUCKS" for the tickets. :lol

Take care all and enjoy your weekend.[/size]


Sunny and 60 here in Vegas. Supposed to make it to 63 but it is really breezy and that makes it feel cooler than it really is.


[large]Well here in Detroit/ Metro area it's been a strange day. Sunny earlier then SNOW SHOWERS on and off that didn't amount to anything and sunny again.

Still COLD.......in the 30's right now. It's APRIL........can somebody tell "Mother Nature" to get it together already. I saw Spring flowers that were covered with snow
while out today. Just not right.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.[/large]


[size=large]Detroit Tigers WIN their Opening Game over Texas today. NOW THAT IS FANTASTIC!! It's a start for a team that was LAST PLACE in 2008!!

It was partly sunny here today and in the 60's. Not bad. Next week it's suppose to warm up a little more each day. FINALLY.

Hope you all have a wonderful EASTER and that the sun comes out for you too. :thumb



It rained over night. I love the smell of the air after a rain. Cloudy today and supposed to make it to 66.


[large]Hello All............from Detroit/Metro Suburbs!! It's partly cloudy and "Chilly" here today and we're expecting RAIN later in the day and tomorrow. Can't wait until
someone finds the "HEAT ON" button and we get a little steady warmth over here in Michigan.

Hope you all had a great Easter and didn't over-dose on Ham and Hard cooked Eggs!! I wonder if the Satalite up in space can detect "Sulfur Clouds" around the USA!! :)D

Have a great week and stop by and let us know how YOUR WEATHER IS IN YOUR AREA!! :wave


[size=large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs: Rained early this morning, but only enough to get the sidewalks damp. Suppose to get more
later today. NO SUN out there now and it makes it dreary as all get out. Temps in the mid 40's. NO WINDS, so that's a good thing.

Enjoy your day all.


Strange weather for the next couple of days.

It was 65 degrees at 6:30 this morning which was the overnight low. Supposed to make it to 80 later today. Then another front with high winds and cooler temperatures is coming through so the low tonight will be 45 and then only 55 tomorrow, 25 degrees cooler than today :dizzy


[large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs: It's going to be another lovely day here. THANK GOODNESS. We're at 70 degrees and it's not quite noon yet.
Sunday it's suppose to drop to 59 degrees for a high. Bummer.

Enjoy your weekend all.


[large]Detroit/Metro Suburbs: Just lovely here today. It's Eastern Orthodox Easter today and the weather turned out better than expected. We're at 64 degrees and sunny. Hot in the car, had to open the windows.
Have a great week all.


I live in Wesley Chapel, Florida just north of Tampa. Woke up to about 68 degrees and sunny. At noon it looks like it's about to pour very hard! It's completely overcast with some drizzling. We've had the coolest April ever, have had to turn on the heat to take the chill out. Now you northerners will think I'm crazy but that means when it's 68 the heat goes on for a few minutes! We're freezing here in that!


[large]Detroit Metro Suburbs are suppose to get up to 78 degrees today and the rest of the weekend looks just as great.

CruiseOften: I've heard of you Florida folks having "Thinner Blood"!! Hee Hee. 68 degrees is really not bad up here for walking and biking. 74 would be my perfect temp for all the time. With sunshe of course.

SAN: Those 101 temps must be killers this early in the season.
