What's the weather like today where you live??



[size=medium] Hello all that come here.......and lurkers too!! Hee Hee.

Just a KODAK moment day here today. 76 degrees right now and Sunny. If it could only be like this EVERYDAY all YEAR Round.

Hope you're all enjoying nice temps where you live. Check in and let us all know!1



73 and sunny here in Gilroy........seven day forcast is for more of the same. Hope the really hot weather holds off until we leave for Alaska.


[large]Hello all from Detroit/Suburbs!! We have a nice 69 degrees right now at 8:30 pm. It was a rather nice day here today.

Finally NO WIND.

Our Detroit Red Wings lost the Stanley Cup in the hockey game here last night. Embarrassing. to say the least to lose on HOME ICE. :(

Hope you all have a great weekend.


Another 73 degrees here....and sunny.

Don't worry, the Sharks never seem to get that far.....there's always LAST year for the Red Wings.


[size=large]Earl : I'm right there with you about it being TIME for WARMER weather. We had a few really nice 75-78 degree NO humidity days and today
we got a good RAIN for 3-4 hours. It's nice outside and the humidity is there, but NOT BAD at all. Just DAMP. Of course that's because the SUNSHINE isn't out there today. We'd be dripping in humidity if the sun was out. I just checked and at 5:43 pm Wed. it's 66 degrees here in Detroit/Suburbs.

Have a fun evening all.

SAN: Our friend from Gilroy is on his way to a Alaskian cruise with family. How fun.



[size=large]Partly sunny and breezy here in Detroit Suburbs!! Nice. The HUMIDITY is UNREAL because we had thunder showers last night. Didn't last very long.
At least I don't have to water my garden and hanging plants.

Hope all you "FATHERS" out there have a grand Fathers' Day tomorrow.

It's 75 degrees here right now and it feels like the Bahamas from all the humidty!! BEATS SNOW any day!!


Cloudy and 68 in Vancouver, British Columbia today. Board the Serenade of the Seas this afternoon.


[size=large]SAN: Thanks for posting here..........have a GREAT CRUISE buddy!!

Happy Fathers Day out there to all the Dads!!

I took my hubby to Henry Ford's GREENFIELD VILLAGE earlier. They had "old cars" on display from 1940's on up. He loves Mustangs and they
had tons of them all over the grounds in "year Catagory". It was a nice event. We also got to go into the old houses and buildings that are on the grounds.
I can't believe how many PEOPLE there were out there today. The Car show brought a lot out I'm sure, but at times I felt like we were at Disney World. ::eek:

It's a PERFECT SUNNY Medium humidity day here w/ a breeze coming in the windows right now. Love it. Wish it could be like this all Summer.



Hi Kathie... I love Greenfield Village. Do they have the JFK Limo on display now? I know they have owned it for years and were planning to display it at some point.

You can always tell how busy we are at work by how much I post. Obviously busy lately. If people think folks aren't booking cruises because of the economy, you couldn't tell by my phone calls.

Weather's been great here in Vegas. Upper 80's to mid 90's most days. That's nice shirtsleave weather for us.


[size=large]Hey there Michael. Good to see you on here. And glad your weather is just right for Vegas.

It might get up to 100 degrees here in the Detroit/Suburb area of Michigan. UNREAL for us. Just a tad too HOT too SOON for me. I like it at 78 degrees and NO HUMIDITY.

I'm off for a walk before it gets any hotter. Actually had to turn the A/C on last night. Hate doing that.

Enjoy your DAY EVERYONE................lurkers included!! :)D


Good Morning All.............yup........lurkers too!! We love lurkers on here!! :)P)

Had a huge 60 mph wind and rain storm on Thursday here. Took out a lot of trees in our area, but we only had the creek crest really high in the back of our lot. Saw chairs and all kinds of stuff floating down the creek when it was highest. People are so dumb to put brand new beautiful composite type furniture on the lower part of their property . They never expect to have the waters come up as high as they did. Only the second time in 18 years.

Nice here today. Cool morning, but it's already at 70 degrees since I got on here.

Enjoy your weekend all and stay safe!!


Detroit/Metro Suburbs...............at 9:00 a.m. it's overcast and 69 degrees and humid. We're expecting RAIN any second!! :cool: Just want it to get over with before the 4th of July celebrations start!!

Hope you all have a fun day!!

I see the WEST Coast and Texas are having some REALLY HOT HOT DAYS! Anything over 100 degrees is WAY too hot for this kid. :wave


[size=large]It never did RAIN yesterday! They showed on TV that we're suppose to get RAIN (80% chance) today in the afternoon. We'll see if it really happens or not! Just wish the SUN would come out and brighten this area up a little out there. :pride

Going to the Anderson side of the family's cottage on a lake for the 4th of July!! Should be fun. They decorate the boat and get into a parade around the lake. Lots of fun to watch.
My Sister-in-law is actually letting the rest of us BRING some of the food this year. I had to beg her to let us all help out. Makes it so much more fun when everyone can chip in with the food.

Have a FUN and SAFE 4th of July holiday. It's always the BEST being around family for holiday!! ENJOY and BE SAFE. :pride :pride :pride A special thanks to the Service Men and Women who keep us safe!![/size]