What's the weather like today where you live??



Detroit/Metro Suburbs here: Looks like another really nice day in store for us here in Michgian. It's 75 degrees at 9:30 a.m. Friday.

Earl.......bummer about all this RAIN you're getting up your way. Hope the SUN finds it's way to Canada soon!! =huh

To the rest of you .........have a FANTASTIC TGIF and a wonderful WEEKEND.


We're having some really strange weather here in Detroit/Metro area!! First of the week it was 78 and no humidity. Then Wed/Thurs 83 and lots of HUMIDITY. And now at 1:00 a.m. Friday it's raining outside and the temps are down to 58 degrees. They say on Sat it's going to break some kind of record for the coolest day for July 18th!

Just blink here and the weather will be something else.

Enjoy your weekend all.


Aother 100[sup]o[/sup]F+ hot, sunny day here in Gilroy, California. Too darn hot for me.


[size=large]Yikes........I've been missing in action for awhile. Hee Hee. Just had the Grandkids here and they can really keep you busy.

It rained last night and right now it's gloomy and OVERCAST here in the Detroit/Metro Suburbs of Michigan. Bummer. It's been a rather HORRIBLE SuMMER so far. Up and
down with the temps and rain and weather. The flowers and tomato plants don't stand a chance to take off growing. The Farmers are really taking a huge hit on their corn fields.
Needs those nice HOT NIGHTS and days too to get growing.

Take care all and keep coming back and letting us know how the WEATHER is in your CITY/STATE!! :wave Lurkers are most welcome here!! :girly


[size=large]Calcon1 So just WHERE DO YOU LIVE?? Ya need go up to the Control Center and add the City,State so we know just where your WEATHER Report is coming from. So much more fun to track.

So do you live in Bloomfield Hills, Royal Oak, Birmingham......must be Michigan if it's only 1/2 hour difference!! =huh

Friday, July 24th and after a night of rain on and off it looks like we might make it today without any more. It's Sunny right now and 67 degrees. Suppose to get to a high of 80 today. Can we all say HUMIDITY for sure!! (td) :help Yup, I'm never happy when it comes to weather!!

Have a fun WEEKEND everyone!! Oh, all you LURKERS too!! Yup, that's means YOU!! :girly[/size]


[size=large]Good SUNDAY Morning All!! Yup..........lurkers too.......always welcome here!! :girly

It's Sunny out right now, but we might get some rain later here in the Detroit/Metro Suburbs.

I'm off for a nice long walk before that all happens and it get MUGGY and HUMID out there. Hate humidity.

Have a fun Sunday all................LIFE IS GOOD!!


Sunny and 98 here in Vegas right now. Supposed to get to 102. The monsoon is certainly here. It has been humid here. 48 percent the other day. That may not sound like much to some (Kathie) but when it is 107 outside, 48 percent is pretty rough, especially when we're used to single digit humidity.


Finally in Montreal today sunny and hot, tto bad I have to work. friday I am off
hope its nice then!!!!


It was 111 here in Las Vegas yesterday and 113 today. I had to chuckle this morning when the weather man on TV said it was going to "COOL DOWN" to 104 by Thursday.


106 in Vegas right now. With the humidity at 7% the "feels like" temperature is a refreshing 99.

Earl, if you think 80 is very hot, what would you consider 106? Our overnight low tonight is supposed to be 83.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Wow.........took forever for me to find this THREAD again. Sure hope the rest of you nice people can find it.

It's HOT , STICKY , MUGGY and HUMID here in Detroit/Metro area. FINALLY it's what we use to call SUMMER!


<b>Queen Bee</b>
SURE would be nice to have a STICKY on this thread. After all I have kept it current and active and it has 975 posts!! Only the RCCL MISC thread has more than this one. HELP me out here JOHN!!
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<b>Queen Bee</b>
:D Well, I hope you nice WEATHER GEEKS figure out how to get on this thread again real soon. Hate talking to myself here. :D

It's a really nice day here in Detroit/Metro Suburbs. Around 80 degrees or so and sunny. Could use a breeze or two, but I'm not complaining.

Hope you all are having a great HUMP day.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
SAN: Good job finding "The WEATHER THREAD"!!

Here's a tip on how to get the different Fonts, color, size, etc, etc. Good luck all.

How to get the fonts, size and color to work.

Across the top right of this page you will see QUICK LINKS under USER CONTROL PANEL click on EDIT OPTIONS scroll all the way down until you see MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS "message editor Interface" in the drop down you want "Enhanced Interface". then click on save changes.


Staff Captain
Sunny, breezy and 106 here in Vegas. It has been 106 every day since last Friday. A little more humid today at 12 percent.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
Hey there MBandy and Earl!! Nice to see you found this and are posting. Hee Hee I just saw the BAT Smiley Face they added too funny......here it is: :bat:Watch it turn into a BAT.

Michael those TEMPS are just TOO HIGH even for you guys. Good luck staying COOL.

Earl: Sounds like you're finally getting SUMMER TEMPS just like we are here. The evenings are still cool in the low 60's or 58 degrees, but great for Sleeping.

SAN: I like your temps and humidity. NICE!!
