What's the weather like today where you live??


Water Sports Instructor
Beautiful in Maine

We FINALLY got a little bit of Summer. The past week has been H-H-H, even here on the southern coast of Maine. But we're cooling down to the mid/high 70ºs, and dry, for the next 3 days - heading down to the beach tomorrow and Saturday.


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
Very cloudy in Gilroy today.....and we never get clouds from May through October....nice for filtering the sun's hot rays though, so not complaining. Low eighties.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
San, Nice that the clouds are giving you a break today.

Here in Detroit/Metro suburbs it's a Nice, calm, sunny day so far!! 80 degrees and that's just right for me!! :D


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
Yeah, I'm looking forward to fall weather too.....won't get that until November.....except for our late September Alaska trip.


<b>Queen Bee</b>

It's just PERFECT here in Detroit/Metro suburbs today. Wish EVERY DAY could be like this.

80 , Sunny, NO HUMIDITY. Life is good. :D


Staff Captain
Pretty nice here in Vegas today. Only 84 degrees. First day in a long time we will only have double digits.


<b>Queen Bee</b>
:DDetroit/Metro Suburbs: POURING RAIN all day so far. And 68 degrees. Tomorrow it's suppose to be 95 w/heat index of 100 degrees. Go figure that change!!:duh:

Our creek is overflowing. Ducks love it!!


<h2>His Lordship</h2>
OK, seems that I lied......it's already in the mid nineties here......and it's only early afternoon! The weather man lied to me.....SOB .....hope he gets heat stroke!


<b>Queen Bee</b>
:eek: Yikes SAN........that's just too hot for anybody to stand.

It's been 90 here and the HUMITY makes it feel worse. Tonight it's so humid outside I think it might be dripping from the leaves on the trees soon. :eek:

But it's SUMMER finally and that's a good thing.

Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
83 degrees and thunder boomers in the Lower Ohio River Valley.