What's the weather like today where you live??


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
70F today and partly cloudy. A bit windy but it felt OK.

Mary Ann,

I had a great day in Stockholm, visiting M/S Prinsendam and walked around for a couple of hours in the city center.



Staff Captain
Nice to see the weather thread is active again. It was first posted November 20, 2006. I have been posting here ever since.

Sunny, breezy and 103 here in Vegas today.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Starting out the day at 68 degrees -- will only be in the upper 70's -- that is a relief for a change.


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Sunshine all day but only 70F here in the eastern part of Sweden.


Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
It's a tad nicer than it has been. 90 degrees with less humidity, however we are still in a moderate drought. We did receive 1/2" of rain Saturday which helped a little. We are right on the edge of the drought map!

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
The minute rain shower we got this afternoon didn't help us at all. But it did raise the humidity.


Staff Captain
A sunny day in the Fraser Valley of BC. Thank goodness we have solar screens on our windows!



Youth Counselor
Been in the mid to upper 90's for weeks. Supposed to cool down tonight. We installed a swimming pool this week. Dug over 6' deep and there wasn't a drop of moisture in the ground. Nothing but dust.


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
It reached just above 60F here in Sweden today. Rain most of the day.
Summer really seems to be over.


Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
Our weather today is great--85 degs and low humidity, however still no rain. Our county just instituted a no open burn ban because our the extremely dry conditions.


Staff Captain
it is very very hot in southern calif I have all the fans going and air is on so house is find but it is going to cool down in a few days to the 80