What's the weather like today where you live??


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
104 here in So Cal. Should cool down to the 80s by the weekend.


Social Host
Today warm and sunny and a slight breeze


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
64F, gray and rain all day. Oh, the sun was out for 10 minutes but decided to hide again for the rest of the day.



Staff Captain
Humid here in Las Vegas (well 20% is humid for us) and clouds building over the mountains. They are teasing us. Supposed to have "isolated thunderstorms" this evening but I'll believe it when I see it. Only about 101 today. :sunny:


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Only 60F today. The day started with some sunshine, then a bit of rain and then sunshine again.



Staff Captain
A beautiful day in Vegas. Only 85 right now and it is supposed to make it to 87. A nice little break from the summer heat. No rain though. It has been 129 days since we have had any "measurable precipitation".


Staff Captain
Cloudy and dry but rain is due soon. I am not going to complain tho' as we have had a great stretch of sunny weather here in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
It didn't even reach 60F today here in Sweden. Mostly sunshine.


Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
Partly cloudy and 87. Some areas in the tristate had a little rain this morning.