What's the weather like today where you live??


Forever Remembered

It's a "cool" 101F (38,3C) with partly cloudy skies.

I think the loudest, most annoying noise I can remember was as a young child - an old steam locomotive chugging into the railroad station and me hiding behind my parents. I was 2-1/2 years old and we were taking that train to Chicago.

I hope your first day back at work wasn't too bad. :whistle:

You are most welcome to join the weekend Open Houses, even without a dog. But Pucci would be happy to meet another friend...here's a photo with his favorite (and only) type of treat...



Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Mary Ann,
Pucci is a real cutie! :doubleup:

Now I have managed my first two working days after the holiday. The worst part is the early mornings. :yawn:
I am counting the time to my next holiday, a short trip to Helsinki and Turku in Finland (by ferry) and a few weeks later the Mediterranean cruise.

Today we only had 68F, no sun and lots of rain. Maybe it's time for autumn here already?



Forever Remembered
Hello Erik,

We are 101F (38,3C) with partly cloudy skies today in the Phoenix area (Scottsdale). We may get thunderstorms later on. This is our "monsoon" season where the prevailing winds change direction and come from the south and east, bringing the possibility of heavy thunderstorms, strong winds and rain.

Thank you for your nice comments about Pucci. He is my heart and soul.

I am chuckling - you are taking a short holiday in Finland and Christoffer, our Finnish resident, takes short holidays in Stockholm! You two keep the ferries busy. :biggrin:

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
It has been a beautiful day -- temperature is only 82. Spent time just sitting out and enjoying low hunidity.

Keith & Rita

3rd Officer
It's pretending it may rain! We can only hope.


Getting EVEN closer to suspension
Another beautiful summer day here in Akron. The projected high is 80 with partly cloudy skies.


Staff Captain
Here in the Phoenix metro area, it's currently 89F with 47% humidity (high for us), so it feels like 92F. Monsoons may be moving in again.

Our humidity was 47% here this morning. As Mary Ann said, that's high for us. We're used to single digit humidity. They say we'll get to 103 today.


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Today almost 75F and just a few clouds. Nice! :sunny:

Hello Erik,

We are 101F (38,3C) with partly cloudy skies today in the Phoenix area (Scottsdale). We may get thunderstorms later on. This is our "monsoon" season where the prevailing winds change direction and come from the south and east, bringing the possibility of heavy thunderstorms, strong winds and rain.

Thank you for your nice comments about Pucci. He is my heart and soul.

I am chuckling - you are taking a short holiday in Finland and Christoffer, our Finnish resident, takes short holidays in Stockholm! You two keep the ferries busy. :biggrin:

Mary Ann,

It's kind of a hobby here for a lot of people to take the ferries between Sweden and Finland. A nice short holiday with 2 nights onboard, tasty food (actually really really good food, but you have to pay a lot for it), nice music, a lot of bars and pubs, tax free shopping and as a bonus a couple of hours in Stockholm, Turku or Helsinki (if you don't have a hung over from the evening before... :hammer: - some will definetly have that, but not me of course! :whistle:).



Forever Remembered

With the very bad storm we had yesterday evening, our temperature was somewhat lower today - our high was only 104F (40C). Humidity is 38% which is high for us (as Michael also noted - Las Vegas and Phoenix have similar climates).


This is a photo of a Saguaro cactus that fell over during the high winds last night.

At the time of our first trip to Scandinavia many years ago, we were told that the ferries between Stockholm and Helsinki were very popular, among other reasons because liquor was far less expensive than ashore where government taxes added so much to the cost of a drink. I'm guessing it's a very pleasant "short cruise" getaway between two beautiful cities.
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