Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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I saw on a thread that priority debarkation has now been taken away fro D & D+. Don't know if it's true.....ahppened on Mariner in LA.


Well, maybe it was just on the Mariner because of the number of D & D+ on the 46 dayer.


Quick post...
BB - Glad to see that you had a great cruise.

PH8 - Yep, if Gary got the opportunity, he would go back to Disney...he's used to the corporate environment...this good ole boy stuff just isn't his cup of tea...The appeal was hand delivered to the county administrator last Monday...of course, he put in his resignation effective Friday...so, we'll have to keep on top of it.

Rita - hope you stay safe...the weather looks horrible up by you...at least you know that you'll be on a cruise soon...

Hi San


Having some fun on CC, PH, but not a whole lot.....how about you?

Christine......I really feel like things are going to turn out OK for Gary......I bet he's going to end up being much better off job wise.

Hi there, marcia.


We had no D/D+ departure lounge on NV. Just got white luggage tags and had to be in the show lounge to get off by 8:30. First group off after those who carried their own stuff off. Departure instructions we received told you where to be and when, according to your color tags. It also said that wherever you were to wait, there would be coffee, water, and danish available. D/D+ were treated like any newbie onboard, except that we got off first! It would have been nice to chat with some of the people we had met in the CL, but otherwise, it was no big deal and we were off the ship right on time. How'd they do it when you were on NV a couple of weeks ago, PH?


BB, I swear that RCCL is trying hard to do away with as many C&A benefits as they can....and as quickly as they can. What have you RCs been told about what's going on?



quick hello cuz we are headed to Mimis for breakfast,but I will tell ya BB.we had the normal D/DP departure lounge in the dining room on deck 4.............sounds like more changes.............jeez......



Good Morning, just wanted to stop by and say Hello to those on here..... Have a good day....


Good morning ladies. Hi Marcia.

Actually, we never really use the departure lounge on day of departure, so any change with that won't really affect us. Isn't there a deal now where you can stay in your cabin until the appropriate color is called? Aren't they giving all passengers access to some sort of departure lounge?

Maybe RCCL is gradually removing some C&A perks so that when they do redo the levels it will look like less of an impact on members than has been the practice.....you know....like dumbing things down gradually.

Interesting times!


Good morning. Nice to see you drop by, Marcia. Please do it more often.

San - Yes, you can stay in your cabin until it's time to go to your departure lounge, but no announcements are made as to when you can leave the ship. You have to go to your designated departure lounge for that. Biggest pain in the butt was that they locked down the casino and you couldn't cross deck 4 to get to the other end and the theater on deck 3. We found this out the hard way! You had to go up to deck 5, pass all the shops, take the elevator down to deck 3 to get to the show lounge. When your color was called, you had to walk up the stairs to deck 4 to get off the ship. We saw the people carrying their suitcases off them selves and they too had to walk up a long flight of stairs. It looked very dangerous with everyone bumping into each other and trying to be the first to get off. I'm surprised more people don't get hurt doing that.
I think you're probably right about C&A taking little things away one at a time. The ones that will particularly feel the impact are those who only cruise every couple of years.


The way that I heard it, the new disembarkation process was supposed to make it easier for everyone to depart and feel less rushed. It seems like the Express Kick Offs have really caused problems with their trying to herd their luggage through the masses congregating in any open space. ......and people are looking forward to the Oasis!!!!


The new process really does make you feel less rushed. We were able to sleep until 7 instead of being up at the crack of dawn, not knowing when the ship would be cleared and the D/D+ could get off. They were doing a great job of keeping to their timetable. Only thing that got Bert mad was that we docked at a different terminal than the one we sailed from. No one told us that it would be necessary to take a shuttle bus back to the parking garage. It was very confusing leaving the terminal with cabs, buses, vans, and private cars all over and not having a clue where you were in relation to the parking garage. That part they could definitely improve on.
The number of people doing express off was ridiculous and should definitely be limited. They tell them only 1 bag to carry off. Well, guess what - some of them were dragging 3 bags piled on top of each other! There was still a long line of express people waiting for the elevator in the terminal as they had too much to go down the escalators. This is one of the worst ideas that the powers that be have come up with yet!


Yeah......good ideas.....but like everything else, the "me firsters" abuse it!


You got that right!

I was just thinking that it's possible that they did have the D/D+ departure lounge. They may have let everyone know at the platinum/diamond party. We went to Portofino that night at the same time as the party. It really didn't make any difference though, because they would still have to be at the show lounge at 8:30 to get off.


K2 left Arizona for home today. Kinda feel sorry for her.......she hates the cold. That's gonna be a noisy drive for Art with all the bitchin' she's going to be doing. It's been a quiet month for all of us though:D


San - Liked your LOL on CC. Wish I could resist posting there. But some are at least as biased as they are accusing the RCs of being.


Im baaaaaaaaaack..............

Welcome Marcia..............glad to hear from you on here......now dont be a stranger................

BB--The NV does come back to another terminal that it leaves from................I think when the new terminal(18) is built,it will solve some problems with that......

I agree 1000% that the carry offs should belimited to CARRY ON size.......thats it.............should be able to go thru an opening the size of the scanner............IMHO.........it is ridiculous that people cant handle what they have............

OH,I see Paul peeking in.........:wave

Had a busy day since Dennis is home.............he always wants to go here and there...................he goes back to work tomorrow afternoon.....................

Getting rather nippy out.........time for the long johns..


Good evening...Just my =twocents Disney had debarkation down to a science. They let you know when the ship clears, and then you just walk off the ship...They prefer you to go to breakfast first...first seating at 7:00, second seating at 8:00, eat breakfast than walk off. If you don't want breakfast you can just wait in the atrium/lobby, and after they clear the ship, they lower the ropes and off you go. We were typically off the ship by 7:30 or 8. Great!

Nice to see see you Marcia...

Let's see how long it takes Kathie to complain about the SNOW :lol
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