I am so pi$$ed! Just had a long post done & I pressed a button that made it go POOF!:X Now I have to try to remember what I wrote.
The company we had neglected to tell us that they were staying for 2 nights and not just 1. Kind of messed up our schedule, but we survived. The do things so differently from our ways - go to bed early, get up early, what they eat, etc. But then I thought, What can you expect - They're English!! Spoken like a true Irishman, right Rita?
Ahortly after they left Missy called to confirm that they're coming down toad and are staying overnight. Wesley had already asked if 2 girls he hangs out with could also come down, as they want to see where he used to live Huh? Anyway while we're talking she starts mentioning other friends of Wes', so I asked her how many kids are coming for the weekend and her answer was 4. I told her I assumed that included Wes & Justin. She told me NO ... Then there will be 6! Five of whom are 15 or 16 Three boys & 2 girls!:
Bert and I already have the alcohol bottles out as we're going to need some stiff drinks to get through this weekend!!!
How do I get myself into these situations? Better get off here. I need to give Bert a list of stuff to get at Publix for baked ziti tonight. Figured that's the easiest thing to feed the masses. I'll try to stop by later. If not, watch the news and you might hear about the grandmother who went nuts and killed off everyone in her house under 20 years old!!!!
The company we had neglected to tell us that they were staying for 2 nights and not just 1. Kind of messed up our schedule, but we survived. The do things so differently from our ways - go to bed early, get up early, what they eat, etc. But then I thought, What can you expect - They're English!! Spoken like a true Irishman, right Rita?
Ahortly after they left Missy called to confirm that they're coming down toad and are staying overnight. Wesley had already asked if 2 girls he hangs out with could also come down, as they want to see where he used to live Huh? Anyway while we're talking she starts mentioning other friends of Wes', so I asked her how many kids are coming for the weekend and her answer was 4. I told her I assumed that included Wes & Justin. She told me NO ... Then there will be 6! Five of whom are 15 or 16 Three boys & 2 girls!:
How do I get myself into these situations? Better get off here. I need to give Bert a list of stuff to get at Publix for baked ziti tonight. Figured that's the easiest thing to feed the masses. I'll try to stop by later. If not, watch the news and you might hear about the grandmother who went nuts and killed off everyone in her house under 20 years old!!!!