Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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I am so pi$$ed! Just had a long post done & I pressed a button that made it go POOF!:X Now I have to try to remember what I wrote.

The company we had neglected to tell us that they were staying for 2 nights and not just 1. Kind of messed up our schedule, but we survived. The do things so differently from our ways - go to bed early, get up early, what they eat, etc. But then I thought, What can you expect - They're English!! Spoken like a true Irishman, right Rita?

Ahortly after they left Missy called to confirm that they're coming down toad and are staying overnight. Wesley had already asked if 2 girls he hangs out with could also come down, as they want to see where he used to live Huh? Anyway while we're talking she starts mentioning other friends of Wes', so I asked her how many kids are coming for the weekend and her answer was 4. I told her I assumed that included Wes & Justin. She told me NO ... Then there will be 6! Five of whom are 15 or 16 Three boys & 2 girls!::eek:::eek:::eek: Bert and I already have the alcohol bottles out as we're going to need some stiff drinks to get through this weekend!!!

How do I get myself into these situations? Better get off here. I need to give Bert a list of stuff to get at Publix for baked ziti tonight. Figured that's the easiest thing to feed the masses. I'll try to stop by later. If not, watch the news and you might hear about the grandmother who went nuts and killed off everyone in her house under 20 years old!!!!


Where'd everyone go?????????? Looks like I won't have to kill anyone tonight. The kids are all great. After dinner Missy took them all over to Old Town to burn off whatever energy they might still have left after swimming all afternoon.

Let me be the first to say welcome home San & company. Can't wait to hear all about your cruise.

Time to see if there's anything at all on TV tonight that I might want to watch. See ya tomorrow, if anyone else shows up. Otherwise, I'll just talk to myself again!:cool:



I'll be the second to welcome San, Nancy, John, Angelia and the rest of the Mck family home. Hope your trip was wonderful,

Glad everything worked out well for you, BB.. Must have been a really full and fun day.

We've been very busy the past couple of days. Worked a lot both days, then had to take Brandon shopping to Toy rus for his birthday present......been a tradition where I take the kids to the toy store and let them pick out what they want (after checking with the parents as to what they can and can't have, LOL, no drum sets, and no skateboards). Then off to the donut shop so he can have his chocolate glazed donut and chocolate milk, then working again last night. Today was a party for our SIL parents anniversary, so we went to their house, then took the baby home for a nap. Our daughter picked the baby up after her nap, and I was off to Home Goods for some new sheets. I am so fussy about sheets....they have to be very smooth and cool. Actually found some made of tencel....that's the fabric they make wrinkle free clothing out of. I'll try them and see how they are. They feel very
nice, very soft and cool. I think they are 600 thread count, so they should be comfy.

We had a nice sunny day today, with only a passing shower. Same forecast for tomororw, but the next week promises to be rainy. I don't know where we'lll put any more rain! 4th of July next week, and our summer is over before it even starts!

BB and PH, did you ever see the signs at Port Canaveral telling you not to tip the porters as they are salaried employees? I don't remember seeing them, but there is a big discussion you know where about not tipping the porters. I can't imagine not tipping them.....I would like my luggage to arrive in my stateroom, wouldn't you? I'll definitely have to check the next time we sail out of PC.

Time to get off this thing. Have a wonderful evening.



Rita - Yes, they do have signs that you don't have to tip the porters as they are on salary. Bert still tips them a dollar a bag, as we too want to make sure they make it to our cabin. I don't remember ever seeing those signs in Miami or Port Everglades though, but I wasn't really looking for them at either place. They are very evident at PC.

Kids are off to the pool again. Missy & Bert went too, but to go sit at the Grill. I just didn't feel like sitting there in the heat for all those hours. When I feel like going there, I'll call Missy & she'll come get me.

These kids are very very strange ... They are way too quiet and don't talk! It's like they're here, but not here, if that makes sense. None of the visiting kids say a word to us, including no "good morning" from any of them. That was kind of rude. When I made breakfast this morning, none of them talked the whole time. I finally asked if they were all sleepwalking and even that got no reaction from them. Go figure ...

It will be nice to have the house to ourselves for a few days though. I'll have to get the house back in order for Joanne & Jeff's visit on Wednesday. Just call this place Pat's B&B!

Missy just came back to take me to the Grill, so I'm out of here. See ya later.


]Well, you haven't killed anyone, so I guess the weekend has been a success:D I think most kids that age don't speak around adults......or maybe Missy said you used to be a teacher and they were afraid.

It's cold and rainy here again....boy that's different, NOT! I can't stand much more of this depressing stuff. May have to head out to find some nice warm weather.

I haven't seen the signs at PC, but you better believe we would still tip the porters.

Where is our friend PH these days.....hope she's OK and just taking a little time off from chatting.

Hope your afternoon at the Grille was fun. I've done nothing except go to Susan's for a cup of tea. I lead such an exciting life......I can hardly stand it.

Off to finish my book.



Hey all, just checked in to see is San made it home yet..... Guess not, or else he is too tired to check in before tomorrow....
Breeze, glad you made it thru the company.

Hi to Rita. And where is PH, off on a cruise?????


Hi all........

sorry to be MIA...been a busy weekend and had puter troubles.............I wasnt sure if it got zapped or not,but knock on wood.its all good now........funny how the people we all know assume we're on a cruise,if we are not around...........hahaha

Better you than me having all those teens................I think some just tend to be shy around adults they dont know well.I could see Lauren being like that........well,I would hope she would talk some.......but they could had talked some,,,,,,who can figure them out...........

There is no way Im not tipping those porters......the one time I didnt tip a porter(it was at DFW airport),I didnt see my luggage for quite a while.lesson learned......I swear I saw signs like that at Pt Everglades...................could be wrong

sounds like you had a busy weekend with the family,Rita.............thats always nice................

So no San sighting,huh?? Well, we'll keep up the girly:girly colors till he reports back in with us,


She lives!!!! Rita & I were starting to get worried about where you had disappeared to. If you hadn't posted, I was going to give you a call to see what was going on. Glad it was just a matter of being busy. That's always a good thing!

We were out of here bright and early today for Bert's appointment to order new hearing aids. Man, have they gotten expensive!::eek: He didn't have a choice though. They both had broken in the past week. I've been getting a sore throat from having to talk so loud and he still missed half of what I said. Can we say SELECTIVE HEARING?:cool: He'll get the new ones next week, thank goodness.

Ran into torrential rain on the way home which was no fun. Now the sun is shining brightly, but it feels like a sauna outside. We just can't win.

Time to do some laundry. Bert's off to the post office & library. After that I think I'll give him his HONEY DO LIST which includes fixing the garbage disposal ... UGH!


Hey Bb------------havent you seen the informecial?? Bert can get a hearing aid for only $14.95!! But he better act fast......limited time offer......hahahaha


Good afternoon.

We returned home at 9:45 PM yesterday evening, drove down from Eugene, Oregon yesterday.....629 miles. Little over 400 miles from Vancouver to Eugene on Saturday......the border held us up for over an hour. 2249 miles by road....over 2200 miles by sea.

The cruise ended up being great, I was pleasantly suprised with the food on board....only one dinner menu sucked.......Ther menu has cheapened as far as selection of food, but it was cooked well and tasted fine. The windjammer still reminds me of Hometown Buffet. Had a nice birthday dinner in Chops....too much food but it was good. Concierge Lounge was not crowded at all......47 D & D+s.....Rahul was great.....he's now going to Freedom. It was wonderful to have all the kids along......we all did so much together......we went seperate ways in Seattle, but joined up again the night before the cruise. We went up to Whistler with A&A....and Trousers and Poet......did a lot of walking at the ski resort.....really nice hotel too.

My best memory ever was The Zip Rider in Icy Strait Point. Angeline gave it to me for my birthday. It had 6 lines.....they let three at a time go, so I got to ride down alongside Angeline and Anthony. It's over a mile long, 60 MPH and ends at the beach as you engage the braking springs at the bottom of the line......you come in pretty hot and heavy, so it's a quick deceleration......everyone is so wired/high when you get to the bottom.....in photographs, you can see it in our faces......Nancy said that we were like an exclusive little club for a while that the non zippers couldn't break into.....I think she was right. One of the most exhilerating things I have ever done.

Met up with Andrea and Monty in Vancouver....had dinner with them.....and an excellent visit....they are both so nice to hang out with.....the visit was too short.



Glad to hear that everything is fine now PH.......puter troubles are awful. I hit the enter button on the laptop yesterday, and it didn't do anything. I told Bill I thought the computer was dead, and he came up with some smart a** comment about it being tired because of playing the stupid word game. Well, I couldn't let that go, of course, so I smart mouthed right back at him:D:D

I know what you mean about "selective" hearing, BB. Happens at our house, too.

Had to babysit today as Lisa went for a job interview. Right around the corner from her house, but the money wasn't where she wanted it.......same as her last job.....but her last job was part time, four days a week, she worked from home, so she had no child care expenses. This was full time and she would have to put the baby in child care pretty much full time, and would need child care after school for the other two. She said she would clear more just staying on unemployment. Then headed off to the grocery store, and now I'm home thinking about what to cook for dinner. I'm thinking scallops, french fries and corn on the cob. Anyone want to join us?

Paid final payment for our TA the other day.....glad that's done. Now have a month to pay for the girls weekend cruise on the Enchantment in September (really looking forward to that one).

Marcia, hope you both are doing better.. .... that was some storm you had.

San, did Nancy throw you overboard?;)

Talk with you all later.



WELCOME HOME,SAN.................sounds like you had a wonderful time.........................what fun that ziplining must had been!!

Ok, back to basic black,I guess........


ritag35 said:
San, did Nancy throw you overboard?;)[/color][/color]

Uh no, she loves me. I think that you missed my post above yours......talk about selective hearing.


Hi San, Welcome back from Serenade.... Where did Trousers and Poet stay during the Cruise, or did you manage to sneak them onboard ship...

Hi Rita, Just figured you were doing your favorite thing PH, Cruising.... And glad your puter is O.K. And hi to BB....


They stayed in a kennel in Vancouver that Andrea recommended, Marcia.

Hey Rita, did you get any eMails from RCCL?


Welcome home San & family, no I didn't get any e-mails from RCI, but I'll check the office tomorrow. The zipline sounds like fun (but not for me). And, by the way, you were typing the same time I was, and mine was longer, so no, I didn't see your post.:)P)

No basic black for me.


OK, I sent you details for the cruises that I booked.

BTW, once again I never got the window table that C&A D+ told me I would get. SOBs!!!!!!

Yeah, I don't look good in Basic Black.......... Makes my butt look big.


[size=x-large]OK, I see how it is.......I come back and everyone disappears.[/size]


[size=x-large]OK, Now I really see how it is. I'm all alone and lonesome....tired and hungry.[/size]


IM HERE!!!!!!!!! We had to go to Tampa today..found out around 12:30pm Dennis' TWIC card was ready..........so we drove down and back right away since he now wont have any days off during the week when they are open.........whatta trip....was NOT a good day to be driving anyway......the rain was so torrential at times,I couldnt see the road or even the exits to get off...........must had seen at least 10 accidents(mostly people driving off the road into ditches or guard rails.............I was glad to get home....................

No more Keys load so we're back to our old sucky schedule........he'll sleep till late and get up and go......which is tough cuz then I have to keep the dogs quiet during the daytime.........we're gonna see how all this works out...........might not be so bad if we had a second car,cuz I'll have to take him when he leaves.........PITA......

Oh well......at least he's working........

so what cruises did you book?? Celebrity?? and did you only pay the $100 deposit???

So no good kennels closer to home?????????

I guess the ladies of the group are busy today..
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