Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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Staff Captain
BB----sounds like you had the most credits(unless the others were already in suites or OVs)...maybe you'll get that free bottle of champagne/wine


<b>Queen Gator</b>
Guess we'll just have to wait and see who has the most cruises. Can't believe I won one time for having 15 cruises, Boy, are those days gone!

I am soooo stuffed! Corned beef was so lean and delicious. We have enough leftover to do it all over again, plus enough cb for sandwiches. Wait till I tell Bert in the morning that we need rye bread!!!

New Landscaping looks great and they're not even finished yet. They have to put down the stones tomorrow and finish straightening out the area. Next week they'll be back to pressure clean the house for us, at a price, of course.

Think I'll get a glass of wine and go chill on the deck. There's nothing on tonight except Jay Leno at 10. If I wasn't so full, I'd convince Bert that we need to go to Starbuck's tonight!


Staff Captain
Dennis home................just fed him..the turkey was sooooooo moist..........left some meat on the carcass so I can make soup outta it..........

Your landscaping sounds so nice.................

Im gonna watch Hells Kitchen............

oh yea.called Cox before and not only got my bill lowered $25 a month,got HBO,Showtime,Starz and Cineamx free for a month!!


RCI <b>Tail-Gator</b>
Glad your knee feels better,Gordon..........you still need sugery??

Got my bill for the xray on my knee............insurance didnt cover it(sucky ins) but it was only $33.25..............didnt know anything medical came that cheap!


As of now, I still have to have surgery. Don't think that will change. Just need to get off my butt and get the MRI lined up.

I can't wait to see my medical bills for this whole epsidoe. Just hope that it stays under two grand and I will be happy.


Staff Captain
You never know how much those medical bills are.........sometimes they can be shockers!!
Speaking of shockers,I just looked up the MN for next week(4 nighter).......I can go as a solo for $160 TOTAL!! UNREAL!!


Staff Captain

Headed to Tampa today to have lunch with Lauren and see her new apt..............

Hope you all have a wonderful Happy,Hump Day!!:boogie:


<b>Queen Gator</b>
Hope you haven't left yet, PH, so I can tell you to have a dafe trip. Enjoy your visit with Lauren. If you have left already, disregard what I just said and read this: Welcome home. Hope you and Lauren had a great visit. I bet she enjoyed showing off her new "digs"!
You did great with Cox Cable! DISH Network has never given us anything and we've had them for almost 10 years between the old house and here. I have no premium channels at all, so you're really lucky!


<b>Queen Gator</b>
Taken from your comments on the Nassau thread below, PH - You're welcome.....I know Nassau as well as I know my own home town,it seems.. Obviously you know Nassau BETTER than your own home town, as I had to tell you what's coming downtown these days! LOL
By the way - Did ya hear about the naked motorcycle driver that go stopped on 40? He didn't know where he was going and he didn't know why he was naked!!! Oh yeah - He also had double the allowable alcohol in his blood! Can we say BUSTED???:duh:

Rita - Just finished reading SailorJack's review of your transatlantic. I was hysterical reading it. He is too funny!


Staff Captain
hahaha.I thought exactly that when I said that Nassau comment BB...cuz that was right after you told me about the new places..............heard about that motorcycle guy.............not too smart ,was it??

Had a real nice day..............had lunch with Lauren and Daniel.......then went to their apt......I gave them a crockpot since they are both working most of the day.........and a cookbook!! They do like to cook and were excited to get it.............

Only thing is now I am so tired.........didnt get good sleep last night..........went to bed at 11.got up at 1:30 to take Dennis to the truck.............came home and watched HGTV till 3am............got up at 8.........think its an early night for me..........


Quartermaster (Helmsman) - QM

Have a minute to HOHO.

Glad to hear you had a nice day yesterday, PH, and I'm sure Lauren was glad to see you and happy to show off her new apartment.

BB, how's the landscaping going....is it done yet?

Bill has a bad cold, so he's been sniffling and coughing for a couple of days. I'm on oxcycillium (or something like that, it's like Airborne) so i won't catch it. DS was hospitalized yesterday for tests, and we're waiting to see what's wrong. Never a dull moment.

Off to the dry cleaners than to the office. Will try to HO later.



<b>Queen Gator</b>
As RR would say YUMM-O!!!! My mouth is watering for some delicious stinking toe as an appetizer to be followed by some Rhino Beetle Butter Poached Lobster with a conch penis on the side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: How he eats that stuff and says how delicious it is just isn't right!

Glad you had a good day down Tampa way.

I went to our neighborhood watch meeting last night. It was mobbed. The chief honcho who runs the community was there to answer people's questions and complaints. All I can say is that some of these people need to get a life. I actually thought it was pretty funny. Like who cares if guests coming through the front gate have their bathing suits on. Huh???? Or that guests were arriving for a party at midnight. Huh??? One even suggested that there should be a curfew in the community after which no more cars should be allowed in. WHAT!!! Some of these people are nuts!

Today should be a much quieter day. Just have to get some papers notarized for Bert's puny pension from the company he worked for in NJ. This is the second batch of papers needed to be notarized. Leave it to the teamsters to make things difficult!



Staff Captain
Rita---------------sorry to hear Bill is sick..get it from the cruise?? and let us know about DS.......whats the matter with him???

I cracked up with the conch penis.........come on,ya gotta try it and if you like it,send me some......hahaha

Next thing they will be building a Great Wall around your community.......some of those people need to go live at OTOW if they want quiet...........Jeez............so tell,did you speak up or just roll your eyes??:cool:


<b>Queen Gator</b>
Rita - I missed that you had posted just before me. I hope Bill feels better soon. It's so easy to catch a cold this time of the year. I hope it's nothing serious with your son. As you said - Never a dull moment! Keep us posted.

Landscaping is all finished and I think it looks great. They did a super job. Of course, a "friend" is complaining that due to landscaper doing our job and one for our neighbor who just put in the pool, her lawn hasn't been cut in 2 weeks! Ha Ha .. Just wait until she sees him pressure cleaning our house next week. She'll go ballistic, if he hasn't cut her lawn yet!
By the way, she's one of the biggest complainers from the meeting last night. She also does nothing but complain about the guy who runs the grill. She showed up here earlier in the week trying to get us all riled up about things that went on over the weekend. Bert & I wouldn't bite. She'd definitely be one who would want a wall! Oh wait ... We already have a wall and gates, don't we?:duh: She has a very bad Joisey attitude!

Time to fix some chili dogs for lunch, but without that side of conch penis!!!!:clap:


<b>Queen Gator</b>
OK, I'm now "His Lordship" once again, so I should start to get much more respect on C-A.

Ha! Me thinks His Lordship's head is getting to be as big as His Lordship's butt!!!!!:p Is that enough respect for you?? LOL

ATTENTION JOHN: We need a really good animated laughing smilie to use in cases like the above.:clap::boogie::banana:Just don't work! Help us out here, please.

So you finished packing yet, San? Get with it already. The clock's ticking!!!


Staff Captain
So anyway BB.whats new in Ocala today??:cool:

Hey Gordon..............stopped and filled up my car in Brooksville yesterday...........thought of you..............almost time to make my annual trek to Rogers.........


<b>Queen Gator</b>
What's new in Ocala? Hmmm ... Still talking about naked guy. Last thing he remembers is being at Hooters, but no one at Hooters remembers seeing him there. And the mystery deepens! Oh yeah - He also had lost his license for 10 years for previous DUIs! Definitely a real jerk.

PH - Would you believe there are still 8 JS available on our cruise? Also the FS right next door to us. I don't see this as being a very full ship at all, even with it being one of the special sales this week. I guess people don't like taking chances of a hurricane during September.
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