Nice recipe, BB. I'll have to try it next time I cook pork chops. Making meatloaf tonight and beef stew tomorrow, so Bill can have leftovers while i'm gone.....what a great wife he has, if I do say so myself. (Usually I just leave him to his own devices:clap:HA), but since he hasn't been feeling so well, I want to make sure he has something other than fast food.
Kevin is feeling quite a bit better, and has gotten his blood sugar down quite a bit, but still has a way to go. However, it's so much better than last week, so he may be able to go off insulin before the month is out. I sure hope so!
Leaving Wednesday morning for FLL, just called Embassy Suites and asked for early check in, they said no problem. Please keep the rain away. I know you probably need it, but we need sunshine!
Funny story about the Ohio lady, PH. Last week when Kevin was in the hospital, Jamie, me and the kids went down to the lobby Dunkin Donuts, and we were approached by a guy who wanted to buy a cigarette from us. We told him we didn't smoke, and we watched him approach a whole bunch of people in the parking lot..then we noticed he had a patient bracelet on.....maybe an escapee from the psychiatric floor of the hospital, who knows? I don't know why he didn't just buy a pack, but maybe he didn't have enough for a pack....strange people walkign around out in the world.....
Time to think about packing..everything is clean and ironed, now just need to weed out stuff. We're going to Chops on formal night, so no need for sparkly stuff, just capris and tops for the other nights. Easy job this time!
(I have to carry my own luggage, so you know I'll be packing light

See you all later.