Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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PH - Well I HAVE had kitties and they were never full of piss and vinegar. Mine were always full of pee and poop. You just had to look in their litter box to know that!:lol I really had never heard that expression before.


hahahaha...you crack me up,BB..pee and poop..........hahaha

Hey san......I saw you on here earlier......and on CC too........nothing to say?? Or are you taking lessons and lurking?? :lol


Geez, that saying has been around for years...I guess my age is showing...maybe it is a CA saying...PH is right...it means full of energy...BB is right also...the are also full of pee and poo.

Busy Wednesday, just waiting for the storms to hit...we were promised major rain today, but so far nothing. Whoops, phone ringing, better get back to work...see you all later.


Yeh PH, I was quickly passing through the boards this morning.....then I had a lot of running around to do. Just finished my ToDo list for today....good thing, it's getting warm out.

Good luck with the job interview Christine.....just make sure that you tell them you are a Californian and not a real Floridian......that should do the trick.

There's a lot of people that are full of pee and poop, BB.....mostly poop!


[quote Kathie-K2]Yup.....our boy SAN can go either way!! ............Sorry I just couldn't help myself. I actually cleaned that up quite a bit.Aw man, K2......that's cold......guess I deserve it for getting on you so much.

PQ: You still around girlfriend?? OK, now I'm really confused about you, K2:cool:.[/quote]


[quote sanjoseca][quote Kathie-K2]Yup.....our boy SAN can go either way!! ............Sorry I just couldn't help myself. I actually cleaned that up quite a bit.Aw man, K2......that's cold......guess I deserve it for getting on you so much.

PQ: You still around girlfriend?? OK, now I'm really confused about you, K2:cool:.[/quote][/quote]

Funny, San!:)D Do you think it's a Serbian thing?????::eek:


That was what I was saying this morning.......

And that saying has been around for ever......... the piss and vinegar.......

Later all.....


San-you sure made up for lost time on CC.......I saw you all over there between last night and today...........


Did you see the post where I told an OP that you would be along shortly to answer her question? She wanted someone who is D+ to call and ask if spacey is on FR 7/14.....I don't think you showed up though, so I had to do a little research. Then there's the dumb b*$t@rd that got on Wolfcathorse because he didn't like her signature.....geez.....after all she does keeping people informed about who is captain of what. The idiot is still not letting it go.


Hey San, do you know who will be on Jewel in September. Captain, Concierge, etc.?? See ya all when I get back from our Breakfast with L&L......

Meeting at Cracker Barrel........ Have a good evening.....


[size=large]Good thing I'm such a GOOD SPORT abut getting picked on!! =COOL Keep it coming folks, us SERBS are made of good stock and can take it.

It's pouring rain here right now and thundering and lightening big time. I'm on the second floor of Jills house and it seems like you can hear it much better than in a ranch style house!! This rain really ticks me off since I spent a good hour watering all Jills flowers , front and back, and then her neighbors flowers too because she's on vacation. Oh well, I sweat off some salt out of my body!!

I posted on the CC thread about Mark making it through the surgery just fine, so I'm not going to go on and on here. I over-did it on the other board! Sorry about that folks.

Marcia: Have a blast with the "LL's" . They're really nice people.

BB: I sent you a e-mail.

Nite all.............


Good Morning all, heading out in just a while to meet our Canadian friends... Then they have to head off to the Buffett tailgating party, They will have a great day.... That is for sure........

I tried to get on the other place and could not get on. I'll try again before I leave. See ya all later.....


Hope you're having fun,Marcia............Im sure you are.......

I did see that post you mentioned that I could help,San.......whatta pal.......hahaha I also saw the idiot on the other thread.......hope he got zapped.............


Hi PH!:wave Looks like we're the only ones around right now. I guess everyone else has a life this morning!:cool:

Just got an email from Kris inviting us over for snow crabs tonight. Guess that means I have to bring my own butter. They never have any in the house. Personally, I'd love to send Bert to the fish market for some blue crabs and steamer clams. Now that would be a perfect dinner for me.


[size=medium]Hi there GANG!!

I'm home from my "SleepOver"!! =sleep Hee Hee.

Got to see Mark at the hospital this morning. I had to drive right by the place on the way home so I thought why
not stop in and say "HELLO". Jill of course was there and we walked around the Unit one time and he said other than the surgery discomfort he doesn't have that HORRIBLE STABBING PAIN anymore. He should be getting released right about now.

Marcia: Hope the LL's brought lots of Sunscreen with them.Sure is early to start a Tail-Gate Party for a concert!!

I'm off to check the mail and just VEG inside today. It's soooooo HOT out there and MUGGY from the rain.
Lots of power outages on the drive home. The worse are the big INTERSECTIONS and not a policeman in sight!!

Later.........enjoy your day folks.


K2 - It's never too early to start a tailgate party! When we would go to nighttime football games (8:00), some people started tailgating 10-12 hours before that! Of course, some of them never made it into the stadium!:cool:


Nedere is the new Concierge on JW.....replacing Andrea who has left the company. Roland said that Nedere is wonderful......but we're supposed to take care of her.

I'm glad that the results of the surgery seem to be so positive, K2......good for mark.

Sounds like a good dinner BB....even without the additions that you talked about.

I feet that there's getting to be a whole lot of losers showing up on CC lately, PH......I think it is because RCCL is attracting passengers with a whole lot less class than they used to. There's no way that you would get me to cruise the Caribbean on a RCCL ship. Maybe another line....but not sure of even that.


[large]SAN: How's the fires out your way. Don't see too much in our papers about them lately?

It's HOT HOT HOT here right now. Got asked to go out on our friends Pontoon boat tonight, but it's too hot to do that. And I heard that the LAKE had quite a lot of BLACK FLIES this year. When a BLACK FLY bites me (or anyone actually) they leave something in your skin that hurts like hell. I get black and blue marks from those kind of bites. I'll wait until Fall and cooler days to go out on that Pontoon. You don't get any relief out there on a night like this.

I went to a ESTATE SALE on the way home from Jills today. Old house full of CRAP on all the tables in every room . Just like the last one I went to last week. Everytime I go into one of these kind of house sales I keep saying I need to PITCH STUFF so that doesn't happen when I leave this world. Do I ever do anything about .......HECK NO!! Too much work. Hee Hee. :girly

Later all..........

Marcia: We need a report on your visit with the Canuks today!! Hey, are you going to Lake George anytime soon??[/large]


K2, you're really missing a key piece of information about our California Wildfires.....CNN said that Bush showed up today to look at the fires, so you have to know that the crisis has subsided or he wouldn't be here. That guy never learned anything from his lack of response to Katrina etc. Most are real close to containment or out now....thanks to help from Australia, New Zealand, Greece, Canada etc.......nothing from the feds though.


[size=medium]SAN: Now that you mentioned the BUSH VISIT I heard that while I was in the car and had the news channel on. Forgot about that until now. I wouldn't put it past him to bring "Marshmellows" with him while he checked out the fires!! :girly

Had a nice visit with my friends at a outside Mexican resturant just now. These are the friends from church that
live up the road off of 24 Mile Rd. (Please don't even start on that one again)
It actually felt like we were out of town by eating outside. Nice breeze........all we needed was the Gulf waters to be there!! Dream on Kath!!

Off to read the paper on the Deck. It's finally letting up a little out there. Suppose to get down to a LOW of 83[sub]p[/sub] tonight.
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