Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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[quote Breeze]Hi PH!:wave Looks like we're the only ones around right now. I guess everyone else has a life this morning!:cool:

Just got an email from Kris inviting us over for snow crabs tonight. Guess that means I have to bring my own butter. They never have any in the house. Personally, I'd love to send Bert to the fish market for some blue crabs and steamer clams. Now that would be a perfect dinner for me.[/quote]Fuuny thing..we went and bouthg King crab legs tonite...........bought 5 pounds...had way too much so we called the inlaws over to help us out.....I made garlic butter to go with it.............yuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmy.

San--I love the Caribbean itineraries cuz I love the beaches and warm weather.........I know you just prefer the cold weather cruises.......

Read again that Maritza did leave RCCL............just like "my source" told me back in June...


I also vote for Caribbean cruises, even though we don't do the beach stuff. I just like relaxing in the shade on a hot day. Besides, it's much easier to pack for the Caribbean. Remember that it was a discussion about what to bring to Northern Europe that got our group started. And I still say, San, that I didn't have enough of the right kind of clothes!:p


Yeh, I remember the discussion on packing for the Northern Cruise BB......long time ago, huh?

I think the clientel is different on those warmer climate cruises. The people on Northern Cruises are much, much more sophisticated and worldly. The Caribbean doesn't really bother me....the people do. [Not you guys though....you're just misguided:D]


[quote sanjoseca]Yeh, I remember the discussion on packing for the Northern Cruise BB......long time ago, huh?

I think the clientel is different on those warmer climate cruises. The people on Northern Cruises are much, much more sophisticated and worldly. The Caribbean doesn't really bother me....the people do. [Not you guys though....you're just misguided:D][/quote]

I think SNOBS and PHONIES would be a better term for them. Remember some of the ones dancing in the centrum every evening on the Brilliance? They looked like they had just graduated from Arthur Murray's and were so stiff dancing, I thought they had a pole rammed up their you-know-what! Even R made comments about some of them.

On Caribbean cruises people just want to have fun and are not pretentious. What you see is what you get. It's much more casual, whether you're on RCCL or Carnival. I think the most casual are the Windstar cruises which cost a bundle. NCL and Holland America attract a different crowd - OLD PEOPLE! The midnight buffet on those ships is at 8 o'clock, so they can get to bed by 9!:lol


[quote sanjoseca]Yeh, I remember the discussion on packing for the Northern Cruise BB......long time ago, huh?

I think the clientel is different on those warmer climate cruises. The people on Northern Cruises are much, much more sophisticated and worldly. [/quote]You mean boring,dont ya??

Haha..........I was coming on to post that and I see BB beat me to the punch........


Well OK, but neither one of you would recognize a sophisticated traveller if you saw one. I always knew that you would fit right in on Carnival in the Caribbean, BB.......looks like I was right. When were you ever on NCL and HAL?

And you, PH, you know better.


[size=medium]BB: You going to just let that %*&^)&_ Brother of yours talk at you like that?? :cool:
The only class he has is from hooking up with Nancy. She's still training him!! :girly

Okay, I'm out of here really FAST!! I see INCOMING coming my way already~


[quote sanjoseca]Well OK, but neither one of you would recognize a sophisticated traveller if you saw one. .[/quote] I saw you on the SR........was THAT sophistication???:lol

I have cruised on NCL.......AND Carnival to the Caribbean..........still say give me a Caribbean cruise anyday.........(ok, wish I could afford an European one)


[large]Nope SAN..............That was just a "B" bomb!! Hee Hee. Wouldn't use my F bomb on a guy like yourself.

Watered the flowers front and back, trimmed off the dead rose pedals and got myself 3 REALLY NICE MOSQUITO BITES! F'ing Bas&)(*&^^.......... yup that was a F BOMB SAN!! Oh my goodness they itch!!

It's so humid out there tonight. Suppose to rain and I wish it would hurry up.

Have a fun SAT everyone.

SAN..........you have a safe trip in case I should miss you.


I wasn't saying that I am sophisticated PH....just that I like to hang out with people that are.

If you want to see an example of the type that cruise in the Caribbean, check out the foul language poster above:cool: hah, hah, hah!


[quote sanjoseca]

If you want to see an example of the type that cruise in the Caribbean, check out the foul language poster above:cool: hah, hah, hah![/quote]Thats why RCCL wont let her back on any of their ships............you think it is really her idea not to cruise anymore?? Heck no,come on think about it..............who wouldnt want to cruise?????????


Wow, what a wound up bunch on here....

So now I know why San likes me. I'm so sophisticated, I even wear White Gloves to formal dinner....... :)D

And I've been on Royal Caribbean, Hal, NCL, Admiral, Royal Olympic, Odessa/American, and Delta Steamship Line. Have never tried Carnival..... But I do prefer a little cooler weather..... And lots of sea days.....

I wish it would cool off a little right now. We need rain to wash out the air....

Back later.....


Morning all...............

I really would like to take cooler weather cruises like you guys do(Alaska,Europe,Canada,etc),but compare the price of those with airfare that i would need and you'll see why the Caribbean/Bahamas win out most of the time............I do like the warmth of the Caribbean but it would be nice to do something different too..............heck,I'd take them all if I could.........

Wish it would rain here too..........we just planted more plugs(sod) yesterday......I really dont want to have to go put the sprinkler on..........



You're right about the cost of non Caribbean cruises......I know I could sail the Caribbean for about 60% of the more northern cruises ['cept coastals and TransAtlantics.]. Alaska is really getting out of hand.


[size=large]WOW........have you guys noticed that we're "Sticky'd" to the top of this message board!!
Thanks JOHN or BOB!!

SAN.......just wanted to tell you and Nancy to have a good time on your excursion the next few days. Be safe too!!

Still getting spits of rain on and off.

Out of here........Have a good Sunday everyone.:daisy

Wonder where BB is today?? Haven't seen her around the boards.[/size]


Sticky?? How do you figure?? We have been the top thread for a LONNNNNG time........but dont see a sticky next to it....

BB posted on CC earlier.........

Im staying up till 1am when Dennis gets home........told him I rather pick him up then 7am.........I like to sleep in......

went and got wings for dinner.......

Nite Marcia!


Good Morning all,

We have been the top post on here forever...... At least it seems like it.

All ready to head out to Church, at least it will be cool there. I feel sorry for the people out at the fair. The kids, their parents and the animals. Going to be in the 90's again today and the humidity is awful.

Back later.....


[size=large]Good Morning All!!

And YES, I know we've been up at the top, but I still could have sworn that there was ONE other thread that was above ours from Bob or JOHN for quite some time and then we were next. BUT..........since I'm such a EASY GOING GAL....hee hee......Please let's just drop this. Not worth debating.

It rained more here during the early morning. I don't know when the "Party" across the street let up, but it was still going strong at 1:30 a.m. They're really nice neighbors and remind Art and I of how we "USE" to party at our old neighborhood. This was a Birthday Party for Todd. They hired a professional Karaokee to run the music and do the announcements.

Finally, got a call from my Brother yesterday. We're suppose to get together today. He and SIL and Grandkids and my one Niece were in town for a Grad party on SIL's side of family.

Marcia: Hope the A/C was on at church. :daisy Do you ever see or hear from people from the "Old Church" you guys use to go to??

Have a great day all.

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