Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well for us it has been cold here today. Actually yesterday after about half an hour at our niece's I had to get my jacket from the car, they had the sliding door open both ends, and the air coming in was to me cold as I was sitting right in front of one door. Bruce turned of the over head fan and then after about another hour we closed the other end door. We used a different way to get to Jennifer's and time wise it was about the same but traffic wise so much nicer.

We did not do anything today except go out to dinner. Tomorrow Jennifer and I will go do the Small Shop Saturday.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning Bunnies.

At high-noon THE Ohio State Buckeyes take on "That team up north". That's how they're referred to here in Ahiya, K2. And although Ohio State is listed as #1 in the country, in this game they're considered the underdog.

No leftover turkey to gobble on K2? That's almost anti-American.

That Starbucks turkey/stuffing sandwich sounds interesting. Anybody know the price on that? And what kind of condiments do they normally put on it?

I don't think any of us Bunnies are big mall shoppers. More computer shoppers.

Yes I did hit the stationary bike yesterday, Lee.

So how'd the Christmas tree and house decorating go BB? Pictures would cool.

Have a good day Wabbits.




Wacky Wabbit
Weekend Saturday GIF by Digital Pratik
Just in case you're all mixed up and can't figure out what day it is!

23 Degrees
here in PURE COLD Michigan! Yikes, way to early for this as far as I'm concerned! Brrrr.
I spent way too much time trying to find out if Starbucks is selling those Turkey Sandwiches with stuffing and cranberries in it. I don't see it on any of the menus. In 2015 it was taken off the menu because of e-coli issues.
In any event this is a picture of what it looks like.


Did my exercises yesterday evening and YIKES I can feel all my sore musles this morning. Just have to push through and keep doing them 3 times a day! :eek:
Breathing exercise is easy!

LEE: I'm thinking that AVA might have stayed in the Subie again this morning if you even ventured out in this cold. I bet Florida is looking better and better and you can't wait to get there.

Out of here to go get a cup of coffee and a Toasted English Muffin. Have good day all. Stay warm.

Karen: There's a new Coffee Drive-Up place that opened up that I pass on the way to church.... it's called SCOOTER's. Made me laugh when I saw it.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, everyone! For some reason I keep thinking today is Sunday. Just too many down days this week. Plus too much food!!!

Dave - You're right. We are more online shoppers rather than mall shoppers. I really do have to hit the mall one of these days. I want to buy a new watch for myself. I'm tired of having to pay $500.+ for service on the Rolex. I intend to repair it one more time and then sell it and get myself something else. There aren't many places that sell watches that look like watches and not mini computers on your wrist that tell you way more information than you really want or need. That tpe is not what I want.
Yes, the tree is finished. I'll try to get a picture of it tonight when it is lit. We still have a lot to get out, but at least the tree is a start.

Kathie - So now that you know how to say charcuterie, are you going to start making some charcuterie boards for your family? If so, go to Aldi's for the cheeses and goodies to put on it. We did one on Thanksgiving that took us about 10 minutes to put together. Easy yo do and looked so good with lots of goodies on it.
Sorry about MSU getting slaughtered last night by Penn State. Unfortunately, with M&J and company here, I never got to watch any of the game. Tonight is our big rivalry game of Gators vs FSU. Not expecting much though. FSU is the #5 team in the country. You never know though - The magic of the Gators might just pull this one off.

Dang, but that's cold up by some of you! We're going to be going down into the 40 a couple of night this coming week. The highs will be in the 60s. I'm thinking a big ole pot of chili will be in order. We don't get to have that very often, but I think it's due right about now to warm us up.

Not a lot planned for today. Need to order a few things from Amazon for gifts for the kids we have angels for. Other than that, I see a pretty quiet day here. For right now though, it's time for a cup of coffee.

Have a wonderful day, gang, whatever you have on tap for your day. Stay safe and watch out for the idiots on the roads.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon folks.
Finally got home after sitting in that 2 mile line at the mall in Troy, MI right by the Panera Bread. OH SETTLE DOWN…JUST KIDDING.
We were up and out to The River as usual for our walk. We headed up to Lasalle for some groceries, a warm beverage and then home.
Tonight is The Amherstburg Christmas Parade so town will be a good place to avoid.
Michigan leads OSU 14 - 10 at the half. :(
You know, come to think of it Kathie, I don’t think Starbucks had their festive Christmas dinner sandwich last year either. Keep an eye on Mr. Manny. Vets at MSU have identified a canine respiratory disease that is very severe and spreads quickly.

You are so right about watches Pat. I have more than one good analog watch sitting in my drawer because I’ve gotten so used to the convenience of my Apple Watch. First time I can recall getting an email from Amazon explaining that yesterday’s “guaranteed” delivery wasn’t going to happen.
Good for you Dave. Together it’s up to us to inspire the rest of the folks in the hutch to do their physio and / or exercises. I think the sandwich was around $5 - $6. I always thought it was well priced. I like to bring it home and put it on the panini press.
24 - 17 Michigan with 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.
Sure do hope you don’t catch a cold or anything after sitting in a cold breeze Nancy.
”Hi” going out to Bill and Karen.
Have a great rest of your Saturday folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Thanks for the HEADS up the Canine Respiratory disease that's going around. I'll be sure to pass it on to Jill and Mark.
And I MANAGED to get 1 Set of my exercises done today. And two sets of breathing exercises too. I was actually sore this morning from all those stretches'. :oops:

BB: Thanks for the heads-up on going to Aldi. We have a really big nice one close by. Not sure my gang would get into one of those boards, but I could try and put together a small one. If I do make one I need to go and buy the assortment of cheeses, crackers, etc, etc within the next few days! They is NO WAY Artie could shop for one of those. HECK, that's why I made up so many meals for us. The man is not a grocery shopper. He knows how to take back bottles & cans and use the recycle machine and I bet he could figure out things like 1/2 & 1/2 and lunchmeat and bread. Ha Ha.

I busted butt all morning and up until now cleaning and dusting and vacuuming. I was amazed at how much dust that stick vacuum pulls up from the carpets that were just vacuumed last week. I even dusted the walls with one of those fuzzy dusters. I kept seeing the dust on the walls when the sun was shining through the windows. I know you all think I'm nuts, but trust me WALLS DO GET DUSTY!
I still have the HOOD FAN in the kitchen to clean. I have a nice mini ladder for that job.

Feels good to get all this bigger cleaning done.

As cold as it is outside (37F) we will be eating out someplace. Just not into making a meal after all that I did so far.

Enjoy the rest of your day and weekend.

Hello KAREN and NEGC!


Wacky Wabbit
Im So Sorry GIF by MyPostcard
DAVE, sorry for your Teams loss. It was a good game to watch until the end when your guys needed to have GLUE on their gloves to hold that football. BUMMER.
But hey, it's the 1st loss all season. ;)

I'm just so happy that Jim Harbaugh wasn't in the Big House to see the WIN in person! :emoticon 0140 rofl:
Should be interesting to see what happens to him after the NCAA makes their decisions.
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2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Yesterday was a quiet day here but we did go to Outback Steakhouse for dinner.

This morning Bruce, Jennifer and I went Small Shop Saturday shopping. At one of the antique shops I was almost finished waling around and came upon some real nice different Nutcrackers so put them on the counter and then i saw one more so I bought all three and they will get put up for next year Christmas. One I noticed is missing something from it's one hand so I have to research on what is supposed to be in there and somehow get whatever made.

An hour ago I got a pot of my stuffing starting to cook in the slow cooker. When it is close to dinner time Jennifer will go and get Publix fried chicken to have with it.

All have good night.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Kathie - You might be surprised how much your family might like a charcuterie board. I never thought our gang would either, but they all fooled me. They all can't get enough of the cheeses and other goodies you put on the board. Salami, pepperoni, etc. make up the meats. We pick a couple different types of cheese and Bert slices some. Makes it easier for them to just grab a piece to put on a cracker. Then we add extra "goodies" like fruit, nuts, olives. Jellies and honey are also winners on the board, as well as spicy mustard. Now did I give you some ideas? I hope so! Before you know it, you have a beautiful tray of snacks for family to nibble on.

Dave - Sorry about your loss today. Can't win the all!

It feels so darn late and it's not even 6:00!!


Wacky Wabbit
On the way home we took some time to check this popular decorated house. There was a line up of about 6 cars looking at the lights.

Dave: Check out the car with all the lights on it. We got a picture just in time before he left the parking lot! Maybe it was a Uber driver.


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Wacky Wabbit
A small town a few miles from our house decorated all the store fronts every year. Pictures don’t do it justice.

Dave here’s the car. Really unique.


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2nd Officer

Morning, FRIENDS! :)

BOO-HOO, the Buckeyes lost to "that team up north". Oh well.......They played better.

Good to see you keeping up with your exercises, K2. Breathing and physical. Neat Christmas lights pictures. Thanks.

It seems that the canine respiratory disease started at the west coast and hasn't taken that long to spread around here.

I may just have to call a local Starbucks and see if they sell those Turkey/stuffing sandwiches.

And your Christmas tree photos are where, BB???

A quick trip to the grocery store for us this morning. LOTS of Turkey-Day stuff should be on sale.



2nd Officer
Good morning! This waking up at 4:30-5:00 a.m. is starting to get old!

Dave, sorry about THE Ohio State loss, but you had a much better year football wise than us Gator fans did. Good luck at the grocery store.

Kathie, neat Christmas pics. And good job keeping up with the exercises, you are going to be a model patient I'm sure!

Lee, that is just crazy that Amazon wouldn't just credit the $40 back to your account, I bet they are counting on most people not bothering to return the item, so they get to pocket the extra $40.

Pat, nice that the gang showed up to decorate the tree for you! Do you still do your Gator tree too? I have seen some cute designs for Christmas Charcuterie boards that I may just give one a try!

Bill, hope you & Rita had a nice Thanksgiving!

Spent Friday & Saturday cleaning house & putting out my Christmas decorations. I cut back a lot this year & plan on getting rid of some things when I pack up this year.
Barb called me yesterday to ask if I'd take her to pick up a sofa she found on facebook, guy had it listed for $75 and them messaged her & said if she could pick up asap he'd sell it for $25. They even loaded it in my truck & tied it down
for me. We got it home & in her house & found a tag on it that said Made in Italy, so that wasn't a cheap sofa. She's a happy camper & I've got a sore arm from unloading it.
Almost time for Scooters morning meds & then get ready for church, have a great day all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
“Oh I’ve got friends in low…”. Sorry about that. You caught me singing along with Dave’s tune this morning.
Nice pics of the Christmas lights Kathie.
Darned fine deal on Barb’s sofa Karen.
I too have been awake forever this morning. Since about 2:17 to be precise. I niddy nodded off and on but I have a feeling it’s gonna be a long day.
Other than that I don’t have much right now. But coffee is sounding like a good idea.
You all have a fantastic Sunday.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Sunday Sun GIF
Yup, finally Sunday. Now maybe I can keep up with what day it is the rest of this upcoming week! Holidays seem to throw off the routine!

DAVE: Nice song. I always did like Garth and his style.
And I got done with the 1st set of breathing and physical exercises this morning. 2 more sets to do today! It's getting easier.

Lee: Bummer on getting up and not being able to get a good nights sleep. Too early to be thinking about SANTA stopping by. Could it be 1 to many JAVA's during the day??

Karen: Nice catch for Barb on that couch. Sorry about your lack of sleep and your sore arm. Hope you SANG really loud and good today in church. I passed on going. It was suppose to be Flurries and Rain here and I told myself I wasn't driving in it. Turns out by the time I got up there still wasn't any of that outside.

I spent at least 45 mins on cleaning the Stainless Hood fan in the kitchen yesterday. It had some kind of residue left on it towards the top by the ceiling from the protective film they put on it. Never noticed it until I got up on the ladder to clean the darn thing. If I knew it would be this much trouble cleaning stainless I would have paid the extra for a wooden hood fan unit that matched the cupboards. :rolleyes:

BB: How's that decorating coming along? Hope the gang is doing a good job for you.

Negc: What have you and Rita been up to lately. Bet you can't wait to get out of town and down South. Although, some areas have had some BRRRR colder weather this past week. My friends on LBKey showed pictures of empty beaches because of the chills lately.
Ask me how sorry I feel for them! Ha Ha. NOT!

Out of here to go to the Bulk Food Store to buy Whole RAW peanuts for the Blue Jays. And I need some spices refilled. I save the bottles and just buy a scoop of the spice I need and it's so much cheaper than the stuff you buy in the stores.

Later gang. BE HAPPY and stay warm if you live above the Tenn border! Ha Ha


Chief Security Officer
Had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with Kevin and his family and yesterday we went to Lisa's for dinner and to celebrate Juliana and Evan's birthday. They are headed back to school in Maine now and will be home before we all leave for our Christmas cruise.
Didn't go anywhere near the stores or a mall on Friday. Apparently the crowds were so enormous that one local mall was sending out announcements asking people not to come there because traffic was so bad that they would not be able to park and get to any of the shops before they closed. I did read that sales exceeded what had been estimated. I guess the economy isn't in such bad shape. Which reminds me that gasoline prices have continued to drop locally. Yesterday the station at the supermarket we frequent, was offering regular for $3.19 a gallon. That market has a rewards program and when Rita filled the RAV4's tank, she paid only $2.49/gallon.
Not a good weekend for a lot of sports teams, especially Boston teams as the BC Eagles, Boston Celtics, and the Boston Bruins all posted losses. Not terribly confident that the Patriots will reverse that trend, but hope springs eternal.


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: Good to hear from you.
We had that one UPSCALE MALL that had the 2 miles of solid cars waiting to get into the Mall. Now how dumb can you be. You're stuck in a 2 mile long line going NOWHERE and you still stay in the line. The mall had no parking open. On a NORMAL DAY it's hard to find a parking spot on the 'deck parking'.

I heard on the radio yesterday that it's expected that people will spend a TRILLION dollars during the entire holiday season. REALLY!! Where do these people get their money from??

Our gas at Kroger's is $2.95 a gallon. I have enough credits to get $1.00 off each gallon. I'll wait until next week and fill up my car with half that credit and Art's car with the other half.

Costco gas prices were the same, which is unusual. They're usually much less than other gas station.

Lee: Good day to make a pot of soup or Chilli. Jill sent a message they they have snow falling. :( It's still just sleet here right now. Brrrr

Off to make a Applesauce cake. My friend Marie sent over a big bowl of homemade applesauce and I'm making a loaf for us and one to return with her bowl for her.

One of our Choir members husbands is down with COVID. He was at a big church event, that we didn't go to last Saturday, and he went to the Detroit Lions football game. He's gotten all his boosters. Just goes to show you.......that you never know when and where you might end up with Covid these days. WEAR YOUR MASKS and BE SMART. Don't wear you MASKS and just hope for the best! :emoticon 0136 giggle: Negc/Rita: I'd be wearing masks when in the airport and on the plane just to be safe when you head to Florida.

Later gang.

BB: I think of you every time I do the BREATHING Exercise's. :emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
Good evening. It took us all afternoon to get home from Tampa. For the last 8 miles of two lane Hwy 60 it was stop and go. We decided when we got to the traffic light it was just such heavy traffic and the timing of the light. At least we had stopped at Publix in Lake Wales and got a sub to have for dinner after getting home.

We usually stop at a fruit/veggie stand after getting off I 4 but it has been demolished. Told Jennifer via Facebook and she did some research and found that early in October they said they were closing. They have been there for 30 years. It will be missed.

All have a good night.