Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
“The Polar Express•!
It never gets old.
And you’re never too old to watch it! :clap002:

The Choir lady only has
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2nd Officer
Just checking in this morning and welcoming you Bunnies to a new week.

Nothing much to yak about.

Spent just a few cents under 200 bucks at the grocery store yesterday. All the expensive stuff hit at the same time.

Only thing not on the grocery list I had a taste for was a small packet of milk chocolate M&Ms usually found in a check-out isle.

So tasty.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It was dark and stormy night morning.
Who doesn't like M&M's Dave? When we were all in Hawaii with you lo those many years ago they had coconut M&M's. Sadly there was a weight limit on our luggage or we may have brought back even more!
It seems Buffalo's season is all but over. Athough the game was officially lost 8 minutes into OT, stupid penalties and dropped TD passes in the first quarter I think were what actually cost them the win.
As for movies Kathie, Oh God. please let the endless, mindless stream of Hallmark Christmas movies end! the writers at least changed the plot (there is only one) this year. They seem to have replaced the blonde with red lipstick and high heels in the snow with a brunette. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Not much else going on today.
You all have a great Moanday.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone, on this kind of dark grim day. Whatever happened to the sun here in Florida? It definitely is MIA!!

Not a lot going on around here the past few days. I think I did myself in over Thanksgiving. Caeful as I was, there was just too much sodium in the food and after 3 days of eating leftovers, my feet started to swell. Spent a lot of time lounging on my wonderful chair and running to the bathroom after taking a water pill. My O2 level also dropped and I felt like crap last night. This morning I called for the home health nurse to come pay me a visit today. We'll work that around PT. So much for wanting to get to the store for a few things today. Oh well ...

Lee - You sound like Bert when it comes to Hallmark movies. I actually watched one yesterday instead of any football games. It was a pretty good one too and did have a blonde female lead.

Dave - I too love M&Ms and would munch on them all day, if given the chance. Back when I was teaching, I used to keep a bowl of them on my desk and would reward the kids who did something special with some. Of course, I used to grab a handful when the kids weren;t looking! LOL

That's about all I have for now. I've got to place an order with Amazon for a couple of things kids asked for on our community Angel Tree. Of course, Bert only picked boys' cards. I'm just glad they both asked for books.

Have a wonderful day, gang, and stay away from the crazies that are out and about shopping these days.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Since I need my shower chair I got my shower this morning. And with my knee hurting I did not blow dry the hair.

About 1 I will start making my stuffing so I can get the turkey in the oven about 2 so we can eat about 6. Of course I will have Bruce make the gravy, he makes it so good. He started making the gravy when he was about 8 because his Mother did not do a good job. So he asked if he could try making it and he has been making it ever since.

SIL agreed with me that the dressing and gravy on Thanksgiving were flavorless. I do think that if Becky made everything instead of her husband we would have flavor in the food.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon, just checking in from Belleview, where for the moment the sun is shining, how long that will last is anyone's guess! Another early start to the day, Jane had Jury duty this morning and since her knee has been bothering her I offered to take her so I could drop her off right at the entrance. She's called twice, she was in one of the first groups picked & was being interviewed for a jury, called back to tell me she didn't get picked but they weren't dismissed yet. It's looking like it may be a long day for her. Tomorrow morning will be another early day as she has to take me to my dentist appt. They called earlier to confirm so hopefully this time tomorrow all 4 teeth will be gone. Have a great day & stay safe everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
You sound like Bert when it comes to Hallmark movies.
And I can’t think of a better guy to be like Pat. Can you imagine the can of worms you would open these days with an open bowl of candy on your desk? PLEASE don’t over do things.
Right proper stuffing (dressing in some regions) is not as easy as it seems Nancy.
Who dat? Oh, hi Karen. From what I understand about jury duty, if your first response to any question is “hang ‘em and hang ‘em high” there’s a very good chance you will be excused. Or made the foreperson. Good luck tomorrow! Take that positive attitude to the dentist with you. You WILL feel better faster.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits. It's been COLD and BUSY over here all morning and afternoon. Taking a 5 min break. Whew.

Teeth Omg GIF
OUCH on getting 4 teeth pulled. We'll all be thinking of you. I hope you have a lot of clear broth on hand. I don't think you'll have much of a appetite for a few days. Take care.
Jury duty stinks.

Got word from our Mama Bunny that she's going to Celebration. Overdid it on sodium over Thanksgiving. Bummer. Feel so badly for our gal.
Let's all say a prayer all goes well for BB. :emoticon 0152 heart:

I have a dear friend that posted beautiful pictures of her and hubby having a drink on the balcony facing the water in Florida. She sure has a lot of NERVE rubbing it in when I'm freezing up here in Michigan. 30F right now and WINDY. SUCKS.

Okay, my break is over. Take care and PLEASE WEAR THOSE MASKS.
Stay Safe Take Care GIF by Chippy the Dog


2nd Officer
I'm truly hoping that your day goes a lot better than you may think it will, KC. And lots of top notch pain pills wouldn't hurt to speed your recovery along. Will be thinking of you all day.

Lee; It's my understanding that stuffing & dressing are the same thing. The only difference is stuffing is cooked in the bird, and dressing is cooked on top of the stove.

Dag-Gonnit! NOT again! BB back in the hospital. All that shopping, prep, cooking, tasting, and sodium is going to kill that Lady.

Speaking of hospitals K2, Is your blood pressure ticking up a notch thinking about your surgery which is right around the corner?

"Use by date". OK you gobblers, that date has past for any turkey you may still have sitting in your fridge from last Thursday. Better safe than sorry.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sing it with me…“I’m dreaming of a white Tuesday”. Wait, it’s not a dream!
We got about an inch a a half of snow during the night. Hopefully it’ll be gone by mid day.
Thinkin’ about you today Karen. :emoticon 0152 heart:

You pretty much nailed the stuffing / dressing thing Dave. Regional battles as to what’s better. If you scoop the stuffing out of the bird and crisp it up a tad in the oven does it become dressing?
Keepin’ Momma Bunny in my good thoughts and prayers.
Have as good a day as possible. I’ll see you all later.


2nd Officer
Good morning. IT is a very cool day here. When I got up it was in the low 50's and now it is 63 and not supposed to get much warmer.

Hope that Pat is not in the hospital very long.

Yesterday I was looking up the Monk nutcracker and found it was made by a family in Germany that has been making nutcrackers for well over 100 years. All are made by hand and the least expensive one currently is $145 with most being at least $399. Today I hope to find at least one of the other ones that I bought. And try to figure how much there were when new. Since it is missing a couple of things I need them made and while on Facebook I found a lady in a Nutcracker group that actually makes nutcrackers and asked her if she could make the 3 things and she said yes, that she needed detailed photos and measurements, so I sent them and she is going to make them.

Well the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy came out real good. Had a problem with the stuffing. After stuffing the turkey I put the rest in a casserole and put it in the microwave and put was paper over, well the paper caught fire and the whole thing was completely burnt up. At least the stuffing from the turkey was real good.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning, survived my visit to the dentist this morning. 3 of the teeth came out without a problem, but as expected the one that had been causing so much trouble did not come out without a fight. The tooth broke off while he was trying to pull it & he ended up having to cut some of the bone to get the roots out. He was very good & and as gentle as possible. It was uncomfortable, but not horribly painful. He stitched up my gums to help them heal better, but now I have to go back this afternoon because I think some of the stitches have worked out. Always something! So far not in a lot of pain but he did warn me the 3 day after surgery is generally the worst. I have a prescription called in for pain meds, antibiotics & some kind of a rinse to help it heal. Going to take it easy for the next couple days

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you for dropping in with the update Karen. Much appreciated as you know that we do worry.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon Wrabbits.
Been busy over here. But first off............
DAVE: Yes, I took my blood pressure yesterday and it was a TAD higher than normal. I still feel good though, so it's just early jitters!

KAREN: Good to know you're doing as well as you are RIGHT NOW. Also, sounds like this dentist has it all together with all the prescriptions. Art had that Mouth Wash stuff to use. Make sure to use it we sure don't want you getting a infection. And don't wait until you're totally HURTING to take the PAIN MEDS. They tell you that in the hospital. If you wait TOO LONG the meds just can't catch up to the pain.
REST and good luck getting those stiches RE-DONE! Like you said.... ALWAYS SOMETHING!
Take care kiddo.

LEE: We didn't get any snow here. Saw a few flakes flying by, but other than that we got lucky. It's just FREEZING COLD TODAY. Started out at 23 degrees. Up to 28 degrees now. :eek:
Took Art to see the Ortho Doctor and he got some X-Rays and has Arthritis in both shoulders and in the one shoulder that he smashed into the brick garage wall in the Summer there is impingement. Made a appointment for Dec 23rd for MRI. Then he'll do Physical Therapy. This doctor said he's a long way away from shoulder replacement right now. Good thing!

I checked out the inside of 2 Physical Therapy places while we were out and about. One was totally OVER-CROWED with people sitting against the wall looking discussed. The other one was much roomier and would be our choice. Nice that we can go wherever we want to.

Hoping our gal BB finally got a room and is getting her O2 levels back in order. Sad she has to go through all this AGAIN, but a NO SALT DIET has to be followed to avoid it and too much Turkey, etc, etc is not a good thing.

Stopped and got 2 bottles of our favorite Red Wine to have on hand. We don't drink a lot of wine, but it's nice to have it here when you want some.

Okay, out of here for now. Still shopping around for a Ice Machine for my knee.

By the way: The young lady wanted to collect the Co-Pay before we saw the doctor and I said I'd be happy to pay on the way out! She said it was $25 bucks and I said "you might want to check that again, because it should be $20 bucks. Sure enough I was right. On the way out another young lady wanted to collect $25 bucks. I had to tell her NO it's $20. Lordy you have to be on your toes these days. Art said he would have paid the $25 and never known what the correct amount should be. Tfttth!

Be good and stay safe.


2nd Officer
I have to say I am very impressed with my dentist & the office staff! The dentist called me personally this afternoon to ask how I was feeling & to see if I had any questions. He also asked if I was able to pick up my meds. I told him I got the Ibuprofen & the antibiotics but Publix was out of the rinse, so I asked if I could do a Saline rinse instead. He said yes, the other rinse would have been better but the saline would be better than nothing at all. He also told me he had talked with another Dr. and that I should not restart taking the Fosamax until after I go back for a follow up visit after the first of the year. They want to be sure everything is healing as it should, then he asked if I had made my follow up before I left & I said no, I really wasn't thinking about it at the time. Soooo, he had the receptionist call me after he hung up to make the appointment! I sure wish I would have had a dentist like him years ago, I might not be toothless like I am now. Oh well, I have told both my sisters that they really need to get in & see him before they end up like me, none of us kids had good teeth growing up. Took one of my 600 mg Ibuprofen earlier and feel pretty good, so hopefully things will continue to go well.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen so happy to know you’re doing okay and that this dentist called to check on you. That shows real concern and class! Hope you sleep well tonight! :sleep002::sleep::sleep002:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good catch on the co-pay pirates Kathie.
I wish I’d had a dentist like that too Karen. Keep doing well.
Tomorrow is ”Soup Night” here. 14 folks coming with 7 different soups. I made roasted tomato soup this afternoon. It’s in the fridge now because the flavour profile gets better the next day.
I think it’s going to be an earlier night.
See you tomorrow.


2nd Officer
So happy to hear that you are pleased with your caring dentist, KC. Plus you are taking your meds as instructed.

Hoping that you are getting near to going home BB. And when you do get there, please tell your kids and grandkids to buzz off for at least a week and fend for themselves when it comes to dining. :)

Lucky you getting some snow yesterday, Lee. We were well below below freezing but didn't get a bit of it. But some areas just north of here got clobbered with lots of snow and car crashes.

That dreaded Arthur. The more injuries we've had gives arthritis a popular place to grow, K2. No getting away from it as we grow older. Hope Art's physical therapy reduces any need for surgery.

And now for my latest installment of, "Some things I just don't understand";

A while ago one of my blood tests came back with a low count on protein. So I began drinking "Ensure" a protein drink. And it worked getting my numbers back up to normal.

The other day we got some more "Ensure", but when we got home it said that it now had caffeine in it. equivalent to a cup of coffee. Caffeine in a protein drink???

Since most people that drink protein drinks are seniors, I really don't think most seniors are looking for a caffeine buzz like teenagers with their energy drinks.

Some things I just don't understand.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick good morning before we get on with our day. A busier day.
I’m wondering Dave if they put caffeine in some flavours of Ensure but not others. Kind of like salt and salt free stuff. Another of life’s mysteries.
Yesterdays snow is all but gone from roads but lawns are still covered.
Hopefully the physio will do its trick for Art. I always wonder if the busier clinics are “better” or just poorly run.
How you doin’ Karen?
Anyone have any info on our Pat?
Hi to everyone else.
You all have a great day!