Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning, a brisk 37 degrees here with a smattering of frost on the grass & roof tops. I didn't bring any plants inside last night so hopefully the frost wasn't to bad.

Dave, that is odd about having caffeine in the ensure drinks, what flavors was that? I thought about picking up a few to have while my mouth heals but never remembered to get any.

Kathy, I had the same problem at my primary doctors for a while after I switched insurances, they had the new info in the computer but never updated the co-pay info. For primary care in network I have $0 copay & they tried for the longest time to have me pay $20. After a few times of telling them to bill insurance 1st & if I still owe $20 I'll pay it they quit asking and I've never gotten a bill saying I owe it!
Good to hear the Dr. thinks therapy will help Art avoid surgery

Lee, sounds like coats & long pants will be in order for the walk this morning. Your soup night sounds delish & will there be crusty french bread to accompany said soup?

Pat, hope you get sprung soon, but more important I hope to heck they can figure out WHY you keep having this problem! Feel better!

Bill, sorry the sports teams of Boston are not living up to their normal high standards, guess every team(s) have their off seasons.

Slept pretty good last night, went to bed around 7:30, woke up at 4 something to go potty & back to sleep till a little after 7. I could have snuggled in bed a little longer but I needed to get up & get Scooters meds done. I'm a little swollen this morning on my lip & left jar but very little pain. I did take my Ibuprofen as the dentist said that will help the most to take care of swelling. Not much on the agenda today other than church at 10 and I may drive down to the Villages & get gas at BJ's.
Have a great day all & stay warm!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the month is almost over. Yesterday I got some patches in the mail that I had ordered for my knee so have put one on this morning and will see how it does.

Yesterday I checked the other 2 nutcrackers I bought Saturday. I paid $69 and $59 for them. Found they were made by a guy from Germany. The one was made pre 1990 as it stated "Made in Western Germany" and the other made post 1991 as it stated "Made in Germany". And after looking at the web site for them I would say they both originally sold for about $225. I was able to find a lady that can make the parts for the 3rd one so that is good. These will be the last nutcrackers I give as I already had bought 3 for next year.

No plans for me today.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
I'd say I feel your pain that the Bills are causing you, Lee, but this year's Patriots have given me all the pain that I can handle. Fortunately the Celtics and Bruins are doing their best to ease that pain.
Rita and I took a quick and relatively prosperous overnight trip to the casino in Connecticut and came home with a bit more cash than I had when we went. Had a couple of good meals and the pizza place gave me $10 credit because my birthday was this month and the breakfast place offers a $10 credit for veterans in November.
Ten degrees colder on Tuesday than it was on Monday and today is colder still, but so far we have not seen a single snowflake. Weather persons are promising milder temperatures at least through the weekend.
I had a similar experience with one of my doctors, Karen and was equally surprised and pleased when he called
to check on me after some procedure. He is definitely a "keeper"

I still need to get some of our Christmas decorations out of the garage. Since we will be leaving here before Christmas and won't be back until sometime in April, we probably will go light on the Christmas stuff so that it can be put away before we leave.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits.

Nice chatter on here.

LEE: SOUP night sounds great. I know you guys did that before and it was a success. I would love to try that one day when ALL my FRIENDS are HEALTHY enough to come over. Ha Ha.

Karen: So glad to hear you're doing good with your dental procedure. Whew. Just don't be bending too much and singing too loud! Ha Ha. Did you ever get in to get those stiches re-done? Take care and keep up the good work.

Negc: Nice to hear you and Rita WON some extra Florida cash. We passed by a street by our are that had a CAR HAULER with 4 cars on it and another one was being loaded. YUP, I'm thinking those folks are getting their cars hauled down SOUTH. Lucky souls.

Is your car getting HAULED or driven by your son to Florida?

BB: I'm not sure where you are or if you can get on here, but the HUTCH MISSES YOU BIG TIME. Take care girl and hope they give you a "Get Out of Jail" card soon. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Dave: Not sure what to tell you about the Caffeine in the Ensure. I'm going with whoever said it might be because of the FLAVOR?? Call the company and ask them. There should be a phone number on the can!!

I was able to SNAG a very slightly used Knee Compression Ice machine. They are expensive and the therapy place sells them NEW for $350. I found one about 1 hour from our house in the farm lands of North Branch, Michigan for $50 bucks on Marketplace. Art and I went to get it and the lady was SO NICE. She said it was used exactly 2 times. Her husbands shoulder wasn't his pain issue, so he only tried it 2 times. Lucky me for a change. I did have to order the COMPRESSION KNEE PAD and have it 2nd Day Fed-X'd, but it was still a huge savings.
Now more about this lady and her hubby and what they do.
They raise
Labrador Retrievers and train them for Bird hunting. They have Pheasants that they put out in the corn fields and train the dogs to go alert to where they are, but NOT to kill them. They use blanks in the guns so they don't kill the birds. She was the most interesting lady we've talked to in a long time. She has 3 jobs and he has a Boarding Kennel on the property. Really nice buildings. They grow Corn and Soy Beans too. They have about 200 acres of property. She just went on and on and on. Poor Art's back was starting to hurt him from standing. Ha Ha
While we were there she was having 16 HUGE PINE trees cut down and hauled away. Her hubby was outside with a tractor leveling the area as the company was stump grinding the fallen trees. It smelled so good in that area. The company had to move 3 huge trucks so we could get back out on the highway. Very interesting mid-afternoon.

35 degees and finally SUNNY here. Wind has settled down.

I'm off to fill the car up with gas.

Lee Enjoy your SOUP NIGHT>

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
this year's Patriots have given me all the pain that I can handle.
Misery loves company Bill.
My soup will have warm sundried tomato focaccia as an accompaniment Karen. You should have a T-Shirt made that says “You should see the other guy”.
Oh, hi Kathie. That does sound like a fun afternoon. And a productive one!
Better comb my hair. Folks are supposed to be coming for 5:00 pm.


2nd Officer
Kathie, no problem with my stitches, by the time I got there & the girl looked at it the piece of string had come lose & she just pulled it out of my mouth. I'm guessing it was just a tail piece the Dr. missed when he was clipping the strings. She said everything else looked good. It was a bummer today in church though I had to skip communion since the dentist told me to only eat foods soft enough to cut with a spoon, I think they would have frowned on my soaking my wafer in the communion cup. I did get a blessing instead so it's all good


2nd Officer
Good evening. A couple weeks ago I bought some knee pain patches, they have some hemp in them but not much and they came in yesterday so I put one on the right knee this morning and it actually worked. Took it off after 8 hours and will put a new one on at bed time and will put my knee sleeve on so it will stay in place during the night.

I have not been able to find my nail kit since getting home from Jennifer's so I decided to look in the SUV. So I was looking under the passenger seat and found a wallet from the one lady I drove to Miami last year, it has money in it but fortunately no credit cards, so tomorrow Bruce will take it to her. And I found the key fob that Bruce lost a couple of months after we bought the SUV, it needs a new battery but looks perfect.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: So glad the gal was able to help you out at the dentists! I think you found a GREAT PRACTICE to go to. Good the Wednesday church went well for you too. So glad you found this church.
Lee: How did the Soup Tasting go? Just the best way to find new and yummy soup recipes! Does everyone take their own soup home or do you swap with each other in carry out containers?

I made the most SENSIBLE DECISION in a long time tonight. I’m NOT having the family over for Christmas Dinner this year. Called my Sister-in-law and brother and they totally agree that I was CRAZY-NUTS for even thinking I could handle that with just getting done with a knee replacement!
Jill and Mark and the kids will come and it will work out just fine. No extras, just what I have made already and frozen.
I’m relieved already! :emoticon 0115 inlove::cheerleader:
Karen hope you have a good sleep. Nite all.
Hope BB is doing alright. I really worry about her.


2nd Officer
What a very interesting story of the nice farm lady and her husband, K2. They've sure got a lot going on in their lives. My life is totally boring compared to theirs. Excellent choice in not hosting the Christmas shindig.

KC; So happy to read that your dental work is coming along quite well. Even the loose end of the stitches. Keep taking the pain relievers and mouth cleansing.

It would be so nice to hear that you got to sleep in your own bed tonight, BB.

That Ensure that has the caffeine in it was chocolate. The larger grocery store sells it, but so far the smaller store doesn't.

You may be right Lee, just one of many flavor combinations to choose from.

Good for you coming out ahead at the casino, Bill. So you are a veteran.......Which branch?

I've always thought, The more gadgets in a car the more things there are to break down. And so today we'll be waiting to hear from our mechanic saying that he's all done replacing another sensor.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Soup anyone? The absolute best soup of the night was Dan’s Corn Chowder. With bacon bits and chives to sprinkle on top and cheese biscuits. We were surprised how many of the guys made the soups. There was no bad soup in the 7 offerings but Dan’s was amazing.
To answer your question Kathie, we swap recipes of the soups. Everyone sends them to us and we send them out to those who ask. That way nobody feels bad if their recipe isn’t requested. I think you made a great and wise decision about Christmas!
Funny how the tiniest loose end from a stitch can feel like a ball of twine dangling in your mouth Karen. When the assistant pulled the offending end did she say “OOPS” just to see the look on your face?
Oddly enough Dave, after dinner the guys were all talking about cars. From our first to the current vehicles that sit in our driveways and garages. Of course the prices were a topic as were all of the gizmos and sensors. It was funny how much time we spent on wondering how many of the “safety” options we could turn OFF. All of course sensor based. I hope your bill is a small one.
You certainly won’t be invited back to the casino if you keep taking their money Bill.

this year's Patriots have given me all the pain that I can handle.
Ah, if misery loves company you’ll find me sitting on the bench beside you.
Nut crackers. Never have been a fan Nancy. To be honest when I was a wee lad I found them really creepy. I Can’t believe that lady never rang you to see if she had left her wallet in your vehicle! I‘m sure that was the furthest place from her mind. With all of the stuff you did find I’m missing a sock from the dryer. Any chance it was down there too? :emoticon 0136 giggle:
Hope we soon get some good news about our Pat. I too get more concerned as her stay in Celebration Health and Country Club goes on…
Have a wonderful day everyone. Can you believe tomorrow is December 1st!


Chief Security Officer
Speaking of missing socks, anyone explain why, when they come out of the dryer, there is always at least one that doesn't match up with the others?
Kevin, Jamie and Taylor will be driving Rita's car to Florida, K2. We'll fly down. After they will fly back home.
Two glorious years in the US Army, Dave visiting all the garden spots in the world, Ft. Dix, NJ,
Ft. Gordon, GA, Ft. Bragg, NC and Santo Domingo, DR.
Nice finds, Nancy. Amazing the things that can be lost and not found until we look beneath the seats of our cars. Glad to hear that the patch is working. So far any patches that I have tried do little or nothing to ease my hip pain. Hoping that when I see the orthopedist next week, she can interpret the results of the CAT scan I had, and offer some solution to my problem.
While we are supposed to being enjoying the warming trend this weekend, it comes at a price - another rainy weekend. Seems like every weekend for the past several months has featured rain.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I will send out a t-shirt to our Great Nephew, am sure it will fit him. Also have to cash a check.

Lee, I was taking her and her daughter to Miami to fly to Rome for a cruise. And I know it was not her main wallet, so I am not sure if she really missed it.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits: Busy, busy over here.
Got to go and chat with my dearest friend Elaine mid-morning. I wanted to make sure to get her a Nut Roll and Poppy Seed Roll since I know I won't see her until GOD KNOWS WHEN in the New Year! Poor dear had her 1st cousin pass away early this morning. :( They are a year apart and grew up together and were still close up until the end. May he RIP.

Ran around to various stores picking up things I needed like that Premium Protein 30 drink that I have to take starting tomorrow twice a day. Box at Costco of 18 servings was 32.00 bucks and change! Crazy if you had to take that stuff all the time. The lower the PROTEIN COUNT the less expensive it gets.

DAVE: Hope the car was working just perfectly when you picked it up. Does one of the cars get the BIG CHRISTMAS BOW again this year?? (this is the best I could do)

Winning Ford GIF by Publishers Clearing House

Nice to know the kids are driving your car down. That way they can pick you two up at the airport.

Dan's Corn Chowder sounds yummy just reading about it. Glad it all worked out so well.

How's it going with the "gums? Hope the swelling is going down and that it doesn't get black & blue for you. Did your plants make it through the cold spell??

It was 52 degrees and SUNNY here today. Right now at 5:30 pm it 47 degrees.

But like Bill mentioned the NEXT 3 DAYS it shows RAIN. Let's just hope the temps don't drop and everything starts to freeze. :eek:

I'm out of here for now. You all behave and stay healthy.

BB: Hope you'll be back in the Hutch soon. Miss you on here girl.



2nd Officer
Good evening, another day of resting & just trying to take it a bit easy. A few of the stitches have come out and more are loose so probably won't be long till they are all out.

Bill, nice that you & Rita were able to have a little get away paid for by the friendly Indians! All in the spirit of Thanksgiving too!

Kathie, so sorry to hear about your friends cousin, I'm sure she appreciated the visit & the goodies! That was one cool farm you got to visit.

Lee, Dan's corn chowder does sound super yummy. I make a potato corn chowder once in a while that's pretty good too.

Nancy, amazing the things that can end up under the seats of our car.

Dave, hope the sensor repair is an easy & inexpensive fix for you! The other morning when I took Jane for jury duty my low tire pressure sensor came on along with a scrolling message on my odometer to check my tire pressure. Added air to all 4 tires & wonder of wonders the sensor light went off, so I guess they really were low.

The HOA drama just goes on & on, earlier this week one of the candidates withdrew from the race, meaning the 4 remaining people will be the new board members. Got a call from our secretary this afternoon telling me our treasurer thinks we need to let people know there will be no "election" since the lady dropped out. Our concern with doing that was we feel many people just won't bother to show up for the meeting then & we would not have the necessary
quorum. After another round of phone calls between board members I suggested contacting one of the incoming board members & get her opinion. She felt there was no need to notify the residents since even if we did count the votes & she was elected she would just resign. So we will collect the ballots at the meeting & then inform the residents of the drop out candidate. So hopefully 1 week from tonight this will all be behind me & I can take a deep breath & RELAX!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen, I’m going to miss the “As the HOA Humble Jumble Turns” once you’re not on the board! :p
When do you get replacement teeth? :eek:

Lee: We’re having soup and sandwiches for dinner tonight. Not home made like yours though. Campbell’s Pub Style Chicken Pot Pie. Doesn’t look too bad!
Just too worn out to cook!


2nd Officer
Karen, I’m going to miss the “As the HOA Humble Jumble Turns” once you’re not on the board! :p
When do you get replacement teeth? :eek:
Not sure when I will get my new dentures, the dentist is not sure he can fit me with them because of the bone loss, he may need to refer me to a specialist, which I highly doubt I can afford, so we shall see.

I'm not going to miss it in the LEAST! Had another call from the incoming board member who told me she heard we had hired a police office to be at the meeting. It had been discussed but decided against as I feel it would have added more tension to the meeting. I told her that no one on the board had hired any police & she said good that would just be a waste of money.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: You should have told that lady that called about the police being hired that "the T-man" was coming to the meeting! Ha Ha. Wonder how that would have flied! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Off to bed with this Bunny! Suppose to have a 90% chance of RAIN on Friday. We had such a lovely day on Thursday! Bummer.

Sleepy Good Night GIF
(notice the slippers)


2nd Officer
It's a good thing I wear a watch. In my working days it was important to know the day of the week, what day of the month it was, and even what month it was. No longer is that stuff of much importance in my life. But thanks to my watch, it'll tell me if I really need to know it.

PLEASE get home before the weekend, BB.

"Dan's Corn Chowder". That sure has the Bunny's interests, Lee. Mine too. As for the replacement of a sensor on Kathi's car; It was AGAIN a sensor on one of the tires showing air pressure. So this time she decided to just go ahead and replace the sensors on all the wheels, and be done with it. So it was a bit over $200. Probably a third of what it would have cost at the dealership.

Yup, quite evident that you aren't going to miss that job at the HOA one little bit KC. You did a good job while there, but now's the time for someone else to handle the headaches and idiots. As for the new dentures; Don't cheap out on not getting some really good ones. All you'll have is pain, adjustments and regrets.

2 years in the Army, Bill. A sure sign that you were drafted. But military life gives young people a whole different perspective of life, that they didn't have before. And one of those things is not being able to turn in a 2 week's notice that you are quitting.

So what's the brand name of that protein drink you are taking, K2? Yes, we still have that giant red bow. Nothing better than have my vehicle re-gifted to me every year.

Unless something comes up, we have ZIP on our schedule today that has to be done, outside our house. Could be what Kathi calls a "pajama day". (The non military "uniform of the day".) :)

Oh yea.......Ohio's high school football playoffs finally ended last night. And the Massillon Tigers won the State title. This is one town that is nutsy about its' high school football. Heck its' stadium can hold 20,000. But as the running joke goes; They can play football, they just can't spell it.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Happy December 1!
Not unlike Kathie, we are supposed to get all day rain and drizzle. It was dry at 4:30 but it’s pouring now.
I’m glad that you’re stepping away from the HOA Karen. Seems fitting the meeting and election are this month because some of those people seem nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake! How’s the jaw feeling today?
It sounds to me like you got a good deal to replace all four sensors Dave. As I recall the part alone for our Grand Caravan was about $50. And that was with my employee discount. Then there was the labour to pop the tire, replace the unit and reinstall the tire and fill it with nitro! I rely more on my “on wrist computer” than I did when I was working. I like that it monitors aspects of my health like my afib. Oh, it tells time too.
How was the Campbell’s Chicken Pot Pie Kathie? Sometimes you can find a real prepared food winner for the times you just don’t feel like cooking.
Bill, it seemed like when I was still a worker bee the thing that followed 5 days of sunshine was two days of rain. Fingers crossed that the doc recommends a few months of natural sun and heat to improve your discomfort.
I reckon we’ll be thinking of indoor Christmas decorations this weekend. Trying to add a little festive spirit to our home. I’m starting to think I’d prefer to get my festive spirit out of a bottle labeled “red wine”. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
We need you back in the hutch Pat. Just so we can all stop worrying just a bit.
Whatever you all get in to, do it safely and watch out for the other guy.


2nd Officer
Good morning a bright & balmy day here in Belleview! Supposed to get back up in the 80's by this weekend!

Dave, smart move getting all 4 sensors changed at one time. I had the same problem with one of my trucks & like a dummy only replaced the bad one, a few months later another one went out, since I was thinking about trading in my truck I let the dealer worry about it.
Congrats on the Tigers Win, is there going to be a ticker tape parade down main st?

Kathie, sounds like you need to plan a pajama day today too if it's going to rain all day. We all need a lazy day once in a while!

Lee, I'm with you on the Christmas spirit coming from a bottle of red wine! Jaw is doing pretty good, doesn't seem as swollen today. I'm taking my antibiotics & pain meds, but may cut the pain meds back to 2x a day instead of 3. Eating pureed food is getting old though, last nights dinner was a bowl of ice cream!

Bill, refresh my memory, when do you all leave on your cruise & when do you head to Fl? Now that it's Dec. I bet the excitement is really starting to kick in!

Going with a couple of my friends this afternoon to church to help fill goody bags to hand out tomorrow to the kids who come to see Santa. It's the community Light up Lake Lillian event & our church sets up the Santa station. I won't be able to go to the light up event because we are having our community Yard sale tomorrow and by the time I get done with that I will be whooped!
Have a great day all & sure hope we get some news on Pat soon, not a fan of the radio silence!