Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It seems we had a little Spring rain overnight. I’m just glad, with our temperatures the past couple of days, it wasn’t snow! Because it was in the mid 30‘s “herself” decided it would be OK to go for her morning walk. It wasn’t windy so it didn’t feel too cold but Ava decided the shorter option was fine by her. Dogs make me laugh.
Good luck at the dentist Dave. Another few bucks towards somebody’s fancy car or home! We could see an inch of snow by noon.
I was wondering about the counter pushups as well Mike. I have an idea but a quick explanation would be good.
Enjoy the last few days in FL for this winter Bill. Is it in FL or back home you may need a vehicle for a few days?
As I recall Kathie they can drill and pour a solution of some sort into the stumps to hustle along their rotting.
We sorted through some clothes when we got home and have a big bag of things we either thought were a good idea at the time or simply don’t wear. We’ll drop them off at the local donation centre.
Not much else at this early hour.
Have a wonderful day my friends.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Am defrosting the ice maker so will do a load of laundry too. Then I have to go to the grocery for a few things.

Called in for a Rx renewal for me and tried to call Bruce's pain Dr and never got thru, they have moved and redid the phone system but never gave a place for drugs so I clicked on appt desk and never got an answer.
Here is a you tube of Counter Pushup:

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good MID-MORNING WRABBITS! SUNNY and bone chilling 31F right now. Oh and WINDY!
Mother-Nature did a Powder Sugar Dusting of SNOW sometime during the night or early morning. You can still see the GREEN GRASS poking through and the grass on the West of the Creek has melted from the sunshine. It's the WIND that's the killer this morning.
Sure glad I went grocery shopping yesterday! This girl is staying INSIDE ALL DAY!

Bill: Nice that you could get a drive to Ft Stuart and enjoy a good Fish dinner. And it seems like you and Rita just got to Florida and now you're planning on returning to the CHILL of MA.
Skip renting a car for those last few days and just call GRUB-HUB or whatever those delivery companies are to bring in some food for you guys.

I think we need to include "Karen" in the possible get-together. She might just want to make a trip up North and join us! What-do-you-think Miss Karen??

Time got away on me after dinner yesterday and I had all the fixin's for those Biscotti's out on the counter, but rain out of steam. So TODAY they will get done. I'm going to make a double batch and HIDE some of them so that MR ARTIE doesn't gobble them all up too fast. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: The man can "munch" all day and never gain a pound.

I just checked my Michigan Mega Millions lotto ticket and I only matched 1 number.
Friday's drawing will be worth 977 Million. I really think they need to make the max winning $2 million and spread it out to more winners. That's enough money for the average person to get into enough trouble with! Ha ha.

We have a huge walk-in cedar closet full of clothes that even the local Salvation Army might not want. WHY I can't get up a enough energy to just pack the stuff up and put it out to the curb is beyond me. I guess I go in there on occasion and think of the memories of wearing some of the things and where I was when it happened. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
I need to hire one of those people that come in and HELP you get rid of "Hoarded Stuff!" Too funny.

You all have a good day.

Karen take a break from working and chill out on your patio. And I keep forgetting to ask about your Niece Amanda. How is she lately?


Chief Security Officer
We might need a car for a few days here, depending on when Rita's car is picked up for transport back to MA. My Prius is there waiting for us so we will have at least one car there if hers is late being delivered. While Door Dash or one of those food delivery services might help I don't want to be housebound for however many days we would be here without a vehicle, K2.
Noticed that the gas prices were a good 20 to 30 cents more expensive in Stuart than here in Vero and the distance between the two locations is slightly less than 50 miles. As it is there seems to be no
rhyme or reason for the difference in prices of stations here that are less than a mile or two apart. Our preferred station back home, despite recent price increases is still about 20 cents cheaper than what we have been paying here.
Not sure why, but after several nights of getting good sleep, I woke up this morning at 3:50 a.m. and could not get back to sleep. Don't think I will be doing much today as a result.
Still have two more weeks to enjoy Florida but it will feel good to be back home. Our time here, despite less than ideal weather the first month or so, has been quite enjoyable but we miss seeing the kids and grandkids.


2nd Officer
Quick hello in between church services. Yesterdays pre-birthday lunch with my sister's was very nice. Came back to the house for cake & ice cream & presents.
Church this morning & then I went out with one of the ladies to take communion to a couple ladies in nursing homes. Then we stopped for lunch at Zaxby's & she bought my lunch.
Got home & had a message from my brother in Ohio & one from Wendy. Tried to call my brother back but it said the system would not let the call go thru. Left his wife a message on Facebook so at least he will know I tried to call him. Called Wendy back & talked to her for a little bit & reminded her about Easter dinner NEXT sunday, not this coming sunday. She does get confused sometimes.
My friend Pam at church gave me a beautiful banner we had seen a Cracker Barrel a couple weeks ago. So all in all it's been a pretty nice birthday. Going back to church later for the soup supper, I picked up some Publix bakery bread to take, it smelled soooo good in my car!
Now I'm off to the porch to relax a bit, might set an alarm just in case I doze off.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Birthday GIF by Chippy the Dog

Happy Happy Birthday KAREN!
I too have a note on my kitchen desk calendar. I just didn’t look there until now.
NEVER TOO LATE TO SEND BIRTHDAY WISHES to our busiest Bunny! Sounds like it was PERFECT!

Here’s a visual gift for you.

Got 60 out of this batch of Biscotti’s.

Still really cold and windy here.
Hate it.

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Lee, I would enjoy a get together. I am not sure where everyone lives and how far they, we would have to travel. I think we are about 3 hours from Toledo, maybe less.
Happy Birthday Karen.
Thanks for the video of Buffet's song Lee.
Nancy's first video of the push ups is very close to what I do but I don;t have my feet that far away from the counter. I will do 60 of them.
The past two days the Bradford Pear trees have been in full bloom. I know they are invasive but they are pretty. It wont be long until the locust trees bloom and their fragrance is very sweet, similar to honeysuckle, another invasive plant,
One of our daughters came here yesterday, she lives south of Dayton and only about 45 minutes from here


2nd Officer
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes gang, I had a really nice day! Several of my friends from the Villas came to the Soup Supper at church tonight & brought a cake & gifts for me, so then everyone else from the church knew it was my birthday too. I felt like a little kid again with everyone singing Happy Birthday to me.
Also I didn't realize right away but my brother & niece in West Palm had sent me a birthday present, I found an Amazon box on my doorstep when I got home this afternoon & thought it was an item I had ordered. Later on when I went to open it I realized the box was heavier than what I had ordered. My brother & niece sent me 2 nice bottles of wine. And a card from each of them. So a very nice day all together


2nd Officer
Happy Belated Birthday KC! So happy that so many friends and relatives made it a real nice one.

Mike; When you mentioned "Counter Push-Ups" I rattled those words around in my head trying to figure out what you meant. I wondered if it had anything to do with kitchen counters, or was it just an odd way to do push ups. Now I know.

I'm with you K2 on limiting the size of lottery winnings. Let more people feel like winners. I'd sure feel like a winner with just a hundred million bucks.

It is interesting how many things we buy Lee that seem like such a great the time. Just when I thought I'd heard all of Buffet's songs, you post one that I hadn't.

Bill; Usually there is no rhyme or reason for when gas prices change. Petroleum companies usually are just following what their competition does.


(I swear that was a TV commercial for Crest toothpaste.) Yup, my dental exam went well yesterday. The dentist just told me, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.
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2nd Officer
Good morning, a cool 43 degrees here to start the day, but sky looks clear so it's a good start!

Lee, thanks for the song, I hadn't heard it before either. Gas prices have gone bonkers around here too!

Kathie, look Biscotti look mighty tasty! I hear they travel well too :emoticon 0100 smile:
Amanda is doing ok, thanks for asking. It's a constant monitoring process & she has her ups & downs, but all in all she's doing well.

Dave, congrats on the good check up from the dentist! Did you get a sticker or a new toothbrush for having a good report? I keep forgetting to ask, how are the pups doing these days?

Mike, nice that your daughter was able to come for a visit. I had never heard of counter push ups before either, looks pretty interesting.

Bill, nice that you still have a couple more weeks left here. I don't blame you for not wanting to be without a car for that long. Before I moved to the Villas I could go close to a week without going anywhere & it didn't bother me a bit. But let my car be in the shop for 1 day & I was chomping at the bit to get out & go

Another round of busy today. I want to paint my master bathroom tomorrow so will do the prep work today. And one of my little ladies here Miss Reba called me the other day to come spray the weeds in her back patio. Turns out she had fallen a couple months ago, broke several ribs & punctured her lung. She was in the hospital & rehab for a while but is back home now. I felt bad cause I didn't even know she was hurt, she's in her 90's so it's a miracle she was able to come back home!
This afternoon Tom & Grant are taking me out to lunch for a combination Birthday/thanks for hauling the bookcase lunch. I'm supposed to pick where I want to go & have no clue! Need to pick something before 1 o'clock!
And rounding out the day, choir practice at 6:45 tonight! Somewhere in the next week or so I NEED to get an oil change scheduled, I'm 1,000 past due and even though it's still under the new guidelines I like to have it done every 3,000 miles.
I guess if I'm going to get anything done today I best get off here & get busy, have a good one all!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Bruce some how during the night bit his tongue and it has been bleeding ever since. So right now I have him holding a wash cloth against it. Then if needed will have him hold ice on it. A pretty large area is bruised, hopefully it will heal in about a week or less. If after 10 minutes it still wants to bleed then will make an ice pack for it. I don't see any holes, which is good.

Dave, I would feel the winner to get 1 or 2 million. I mean really who actually needs more.

Karen you had a very nice birthday and it continues today.

Am doing a load of laundry today and that will be my day.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good ALMOST Afternoon Wrabbits! Where does the morning run off to lately?

Mike: Good that your daughter came for a nice visit. That's about how far our daughter lives from us. Not exactly far, but not close enough for me! Ha Ha.

Dave: Good for you getting a good report from the dentist. If he only knew how much ice cream and pop you chug down in a day he'd wonder how you manage to keep your teeth so good! Ha Ha.

Karen: Nice thoughtful gift from your brother & niece. Good luck with the prep work and painting of the bedroom. What color did you pick?
Sorry to hear about Miss Reba falling, etc. She might have to have you check on her every so often or tell her to call you and let you know that she's in the hospital next time. Good to know she made it back to her own home at that age. Does she have family that lives close by?
Again, glad you had a FANTASTIC BIRTHDAY yesterday. You deserve it.

Lee: Pretty "damn" cold here today. 27F at 11:00 am! Good thing it's really SUNNY out there. Makes it easier to take.

Bill: I hope you get a definite pick-up time for the car return. I guess I would have to agree with you that even a few days without a car is scary. You might need it for going out to eat, but you also might need it for a run to a doctors or pharmacy. Maybe the rental place could deliver it to you.
Enjoy the time you have left in Florida. It's sure has been WINDY and CHILLY here lately.

Art got up and told me he felt less than himself through the night and in the morning. Now that's just NOT LIKE HIM AT ALL. Especially to tell me about it! :eek: He wanted to make sure he didn't have COVID, so I got out one of the HOME TEST KITS and thankfully it said he was NEGATIVE.
Since early this morning Art said he is feeling much better. Might be MIND OVER MATTER on knowing he didn't test positive for Covid.
Always something.

You all have a good day. I'm going to be watching Michigan State Univ play basketball. I don't think they have a chance of winning and moving on, but at least they made the cut to play.
Later tonight we get to watch Oakland University play basketball. That's the college our grandson goes to. Eric is a dedicated fan and has gone to all the HOME games. I wish he could be at this one tonight, but it's out of town.

That game is in Pitts, PA at the PPG Paints Arena. (gotta love the names of these arena's lately) This one is after the famous PPG Paint company. Ha Ha

Later gang.


2nd Officer
Well as expected I didn't just "prep" the bathroom I decided to go ahead & put the first coat on. It's a very small bathroom & 2 walls have the bead board wainscoting half way up so not a lot to paint. Start to finish was just over an hour including clean up.

Kathie, the color is called Day Flower by Behr paint, it's a soft spa blue color. My sister had it on one wall of her new bath make over.

I keep forgetting to comment, but if you all do manage to set up a meet with Mike & Fay I'd love to come if I know far enough in advance to get tickets.


Chief Security Officer
Hope Eric's trip ends with a victory for his team, K2. Not much of a college basketball fan myself, but I did fill out my brackets in a pool that a friend has set up. I did it last year and came out with a win, but that was pure luck. We'll see if the "luck of the Irish" strikes for a second time.
We have a very good next door neighbor here so, if an emergency arose, I know that she would provide whatever transportation was necessary, but would still prefer a car of our own for those few days.
Have to refill a few
prescriptions while we are still here, so I have to deal with the local Walgreen's one more time. Most of the refills are for prescriptions that they have filled previously so they should only have to contact my pharmacy back home for one or two.
Fortunately I still have enough if there is a delay of a few days.
Fess up, Nancy. What did you say or do that made Bruce bite his tongue so hard to avoid saying something about it?

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Karen, Fay and I would love to see you again, remember the times saw you in Fl. and when you stopped by here one year. I don't guess you make that trip anymore. dont drink all of t h at wine in one sitting. Our daughter brought us a bottle of wine Tuesday.
K2, glad Art doesn't have covid. That is one t hing we don't want at our age. well you aren't in that our age yet. The last I heard, Michigan was up by 7, that was a while ago.
Nancy, that has to hurt. I lightly bite my tongue and it is quite a pain.
Bill, you know Nancy would never ever say or do any thing that would make Bruce to bite his tongue, I think. I hope you have great weather for your remaining time .
Dave, now that you know what counter pushups are, give me 50, glad your dental visit went well.
Speaking of dentist in a way. I ate a grape this AM, thought I bit on the seed, took it out and it was part of t he tooth I broke off biting a hard piece of Maple candy. I broke it off at t he gum line and I'm not too happy about that. I think I'll hit t hat bottle of wine.
Lee, I remember when Crest first came out but I don't remember the commercial. Didn't Crest have an esperiment with a lot of school kids using Crest every AM and some not then checking for cavities?????
Time for a cup of coffee.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well after holding the cloth on the tongue and still bleeding I fixed a small ice pack and put that is a wash cloth and that did the trick, finally and has not bled anymore. Now to just make sure he eats soft things for tomorrow, today we did soup and spaghetti, just to figure out tomorrow.
All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
We’re suppose to get SNOW HERE AND AROUND OUR AREA STARTING AROUND 10:30am. Might get 1 inch. Some areas will get none.

MSU WON a great game and will be playing on Saturday. GO GREEN!

Oakland univ WON and is moving on to the next game on Saturday Also.
Catch up with you folks tomorrow. (Friday).
Nite for now.