Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
TGIF! Isn't it amazing how much that phrase means to the workin-folks, and to us retired old farts it means hardly anything.

Thanks for the Crest commercial Lee. Yes boys & girls there once was just black and white TVs.

Yes KC, I did get a new toothbrush at the dentist. Even though I tell them I have an electric toothbrush. But it's nice how useful a spare toothbrush can be on cleaning small items. And some dental floss. (REACH brand which is the best.) Pooches are fine, and Kathi makes them more spoiled every day. Once again, "Day Flower" is not a color in my Crayon box.

So happy K2 that Art didn't test positive for Covid. Did you ever figure out why he wasn't feeling well?

Sorry to hear about your busted tooth, Mike. Now a dentist visit you hadn't counted on. And the cost that goes with it.

Bill; No way could I fill out a "bracket". It would be pure luck just getting one pick right.

A short-list grocery shopping trip planned for this morning.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Not much from The Burg this morning either.
We’re actually being inundated with snowfall warnings and travel advisories for this first Friday of Spring.
I guess only time will tell.
Have a great day whatever the day throws your way!


2nd Officer
Is anyone else seeing the new format on the boards? All the posts are in small font no matter what size you choose from the menu, weird. I noticed it last night.


Wacky Wabbit
Good SNOWY Morning Wrabbits.
YUP........Mother Nature isn't done with us here UP NORTH just yet. It was
snowing heavy around 6:15 am this morning.
Now at 9:00'ish we have about 2 inches of the WHITE STUFF.
Sure hope ED (the snow removal guy) didn't store away all his equipment just yet. Actually, it looks like fluffy snow, so he could just use a shovel. Still coming down too hard for him to come by.

Karen: No issues over here with the size of the fonts. Your font looks good to me.

Mike: Bummer on cracking the tooth down at the gum line. Maybe they'll be able to put on a Crown. If it's way in the back they could just pull it and be done with it. Either way it's not something you wanted to have done. All the best.

More Basketball for Michigan Teams on Saturday. Amazing that both schools moved up to the next bracket. ERIC was thrilled beyond himself that his University won over a top seeded team. The coach for Oakland University has been coaching for 40 years. Nice long run.

LEE: Did you guys get any of the snow? They said it would be little to nothing your way. They were right on when they said ABOVE M59 we would get snow. How do snow flakes know where the road lines are?

Never did figure out what was wrong with Art the other morning being light-headed. It went away by the time he had his first cup of coffee. Might have had something to do with his hearing?? He's at the HEARING AID OFFICE right now for his 6 month check-up. It was good timing since he is having an issue with the program on his iPhone. Hearing aids are a very touchy item. Can't live with or without them..... just like a lot of things.

Okay, I'm out of here. I have a Choir rehearsal at 7pm tonight. Hopefully, the snow will be off the roads by then. Hate that 35 min drive to that side of town, but it's centrally located for most of us and that helps everyone get there.

College Basketball Sport GIF by Basketball Madness


2nd Officer
Kathie, weird, this is what the page looks like for me. Guess I will go mess around with my settings & see if I can fix it. Even the top of the page looks different, there is no color, just white.


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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
No snow to speak of here Kathie. One guesser thinks it could be a snowplcalypse the other guesser says and inch at the most.
Tough break with the tooth Mike.
I do have to set the font size and colour every time in post something Karen. I notice that it looks like you use outlook. I‘m on a Mac. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?
With the luck you have had with the pharmacy there Bill I wouldn’t count on anything being simple or easy.
Looking at a map of MI, OH and Southern Ontario and where we live a meetup looks less likely to happen just because of the distance between Dave, Mike, Kathie and us. As I look at moving possible locations closer to somebody it means somebody else has to drive a lot further. Oh well, you know what they say about “best laid plans…”
Be good folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Our snow just stopped and our lawnman, Ed, was here and shoveled the property.
Choir has been cancelled for tonight. Geez, according to Art the main streets are clear and just fine.

Lee: I have to set my Font Size and Color and BOLD every time I get on here.
I’m willing to travel to see all of you great Wrabbits! Time doesn’t wait for us. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Watching our MSU Women’s B-ball team struggling right now.
North Carolina is beating them by 10 Points.


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2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Been to Walmart and Publix for a few things.

Today is a rainy day. Has rained most of the morning and will rain more this afternoon and they say it will get windy.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! The page looks a little more normal now, who knows what was going on with it earlier.

Kathie, that snow looks pretty, but not something you want to see at nearly the endo of March! My Mom had wrote in my baby book that the day I was born looked more like the first day of winter than the 1st day of Spring, so I guess late snow storms aren't that uncommon.

Mike, ouch on the broken tooth! Hope it isn't hurting to much or to expensive to get taken care of!

Lee, you really don't need to try to move the meet up closer to me, I'm fine with flying in. :) I have to change my font size every time I post also, but the screenshots I posted was what I was seeing of everyone else's posts, just weird.

Dave, nice that the dentist gives you a little bonus after your check up. When I got these last dentures mine gave me a little goodie bag with a soaking cup, brush & a little tube of denture adhesive, I guess for $1,100+ they could afford to be generous.
I did get a nice surprise the other day though, insurance re-reimbursed me $410 on the dentures, better than nothing for sure!

Nancy, glad to hear Bruce's tongue finally quit bleeding, don't smack him so hard next time.

Rained here pretty steady all night last nigh & into the morning so Ginger & I slept in till almost 7:30. After coffee I got the 2nd coat of paint on the bathroom & then went to Walmart to get groceries, ka-ching, ka-ching & I didn't even buy any meat!

I have leftovers from my lunch with the guys yesterday so I think I'm going to warm that up & some soup from Wednesday night. Enjoy the rest of the day gang!


2nd Officer
My vodka stash is getting low, so we are DEFINITELY going to the grocery store this morning. :)

Great picture of winter, K2. Problem is, it was yesterday. Normally we take/took our cruises in mid April. But one year at our local airport they had to de-ice the plane before takeoff. Lots of sun here yesterday, but zip for snow. What a cute little grand-puppy!

"User-friendly" for computers, KC. Bunk! Every computer is different and has it's own weaknesses and problems. Congratulations on your insurance refund. Those are rare.

Ya know Lee, the biggest difference between you and me; We both get up early and post, but you don't then go back to bed.


Yea sure, so you think your toughest dog chewy toy is next to indestructible? You've never met the "Rat". It did take him over 24 hours to chew a hole in its' cover, but my money was always on the dog.

I felt like a teenager yesterday who was going out, all alone, for the first time driving a car.

Before I got my vision back with these cataract surgeries, I didn't trust the safety of my driving. And definitely not at night. So I haven't been behind the wheel for months.

So with everything all good again, I just went out by myself for a drive. Wasn't nervous at all, or spooked by traffic.

The young teenager in me was alive again, at least for half an hour. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Your post on going for a drive made me smile Dave. Thank you.
Kathie, your picture of Manny in the snow also made me smile.
We got none of the predicted overnight snow so, yep, that made me smile too.
I think I’ll just quit while I’m ahead.
You all have a great Saturday!


Wacky Wabbit
23F when I got up earlier this morning.
27F now at 9:30 a.m.
BUT.... it's

Wishing KATE all the best in her Cancer treatments. I just hope the PRESS leaves her alone so she can concentrate on getting through her Chemo treatments.
Kate Middleton GIF by GIPHY News

DAVE: Good to know you got behind the wheel again and are confident driving.

I have nothing for you dear Wrabbits this morning. Enjoy yourselves. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good morning. Temp today will be mid to high 70's, 75 right now. May get some rain later.

K2 I agree with your post regarding Princess Catherine. Now is time just for her family the press needs to leave them alone.

Jennifer posted this morning that Max is volunteering at an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids today. They have egg hunt, games and food, running from 9 to 11. Am very proud of him.

Max's 16th birthday is just over a week from Easter so Jennifer has made reservations for them at the better hotel that is part of Universal for that weekend. They will have his cousin Nick with them. I am sure they will have a great time.

Bruce is having a bit of a hard time not eating hard food so he has had his tongue bleed some, so today I will try to keep an eye on what he eats.
He has an appt Tuesday for a teeth cleaning but with as big as the bruise is on his tongue I am wondering if they will do it or not.

My knee is hurting a good bit so am glad that the day after we get home from Tampa I get gel injection.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
It is almost always a pleasure when a prediction of snow fails to come true, Lee. We are hoping that it will all be over back home by the time we get there but are aware that we have had significant snowfall asm late as May a few times in the past. I remember one May day when I was in my office and looking outside at the snow coming down and thinkitng if this was February, I'd be closing the office and sending everyone home, but May?
Going to see "9 to 5, the Musical" at the Vero Beach Theater Guild this afternoon and looking forward to it. Didn't sleep well last night so I hope the music will help to keep me awake.
Had to send some important mail back home by USPS
Priority mail and when we looked at the tracking receipt it appeared that it might be going to Pennsylvania instead of Massachusetts but we just received notice that it is being delivered today to our daughter's home in M A.
I have made a few correct picks in my bracket, Dave but several of the other folks have made many more. My choice for overall champion is still in the running so time will tell, but I'm not terribly optimistic about my chances.
Most of the rain and more violent weather was well to the south of us so, for that we are very grateful.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yes Bill, whether weather is in warm or cool areas it’s always good when the called for nasty stuff avoids us.
Sadly northern Bunnies using the wit and wisdom of “the interweb” it would appear that a little town called Bluffton, OH is about as mid way as possible for everyone. And that still leaves a minimum 2 hour, in some cases closer to 2 1/2 hour, drive in one direction. Dang, Ohio is a big state!
Lunch time.


Wacky Wabbit

BEAUTIFUL SUNNY DAY. THOUGHT I better stop by our Local Discount Tire and have them see why my rear left tire keeps loosing AIR. I’ve filled it twice in the last 2.5 weeks.
They fix the tire for “free”!

ALWAYS SOMETHING! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:



2nd Officer
Good evening. Well it was a hot day here today, high was 87 and we only got a bit of rain.

The ship we are going on in October had a fire today in the opposite side of the tail than the fire last year. And from photos I saw it was not as bad and some on board said it was put out actually pretty quick. So hope they don't have to take the whole stack for repair. At least it can sail without the stack.

Jennifer, Mike and Max went to see the new Ghostbuster's movie today. A couple of weeks ago they saw that the theaters have a trapment box for your popcorn, so of course Max had to get one, it is actually a toy that has wheels and the box has doors that open. Well I asked Jennifer a question about whether it came with the popcorn in it of not. She said you get the popcorn in a bucket so you can put the corn in if you want and of course Max had to. Well Mike was jealous over the way it looks so when they left he had to get one for himself, an almost 50 year old man child.

All have a good night.