Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Hi there Ginger! Cute picture, KC.

Just curious, Lee; Did you buy any seniors yesterday at the "Senior's Expo"?

K2; I know that biking is Art's passion, but I wonder if he's cut back at all in recent years. It was so nice hearing about your old neighbor who has become quite a bit richer, but didn't let the money turn him into a dick.

Sunny and chilly here yesterday, and it's going to be the same today. Close, but never hitting 50 degrees either day.

Kathi's plan for today; Dropping off recyclables, a quick stop at the bank for some cash, and grocery shopping. Seems my list of just grocery shopping has grown.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Not much from here this morning.
If you wanted free pens the expo was the place to be. There was an eye care place giving out eclipse glasses. Admission and parking were free.
Did you all get your “MAPA” (Make America Pray Again) Bibles from the moron? Just when you think he can’t sink any lower.
Have a great Thursday.


Wacky Wabbit
Good 30 degree morning Wrabbits. But it's SUNNY and that makes a world of difference. We had frost on the grass and rooftops this morning. :oops: Supposed to climb up to 50 later.

Lee: We LOVED going to EXPO's to get the PENS and SCRATCH PADS. Haven't had one around here since Covid. I actually BOUGHT a 10 pk of Ball Point Pens yesterday at the $1.25 store! I heard that the Dollar Stores are going to be raising their prices again. Bummer. A lot of them have gone out of business. The couple of stores close to our area are always busy. People filling up their shopping carts full of junk. I mostly go there to buy PENS and GREETING CARDS. (the greeting cards have gone up this past Winter) :(

DAVE: Art has cut back on going out in the EXTREME COLD this past Winter. He's a little more conscious of the ICE on the dirt roads even though he has a set of Studded Bike Tires. He doesn't like going on the back country roads after a good rain either. Just too much MUD to contend with and clean off all the parts of the bike. So to a small degree he has cut back... THANK GOODNESS. One fall and he could be toast.

I checked with a niece that lives in Raleigh, NC last night and her husband is scooting around on a walker and is a mess since his fall about month ago. He was helping a lady at the airport with her luggage going down some stairs and he fell and hit his head. Didn't think much of it until he got dizzy. Went to the hospital and had X-Rays, MRI, etc and he is scheduled to have a "SHUNT" put in his head to drain fluid that is building up. The soonest he can get in for the surgery is April 10th. o_O Meanwhile, he's a wreck. Doesn't remember what day it is, or time and is dizzy and takes 10-15 mins to get from the house to the car for appts. I feel so badly for the guy. He's a great person, works hard and even has a side band he plays in. Sure hope the surgery brings him back to his old self. I'm thinking he'll have to do some Physical Therapy. It's good that he's shuffling along with the walker to keep his strength in his legs while he waits for surgery.
All this happened because he HELPED a STRANGER with her luggage. Be very careful out there folks. You never know what's going to happen from one minute to another. That's why I worry about Art and his crazy biking.

Lee: The Bible thing with Trump tells everyone just how desperate the man is for attention and money. Makes me sick to think that he can get away with what he's doing. And that GAG ORDER........what a joke. He still can bad-mouth the judge and his daughter and has. One sick ugly person.

You all have a good day. I'm off of here to balance the checkbook and then pay some bills. JOY, JOY!

Later all.

Karen did you check your e-mail???


Wacky Wabbit
They keep falling like dominos.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Have an appt with the hand Dr today. Both hands are hurting. Have gotten my cloths packed for the weekend and will start Bruce's soon.

Not sure what time we will be leaving tomorrow. Bruce has some things to get together, hope he gets some today.

Supposed to get some rain today but not for a long time so hopefully not a lot.

Yesterday I was at Publix and picked up a Rx for Bruce and right next to the pharmacy is the flower dept and they had 2 Easter Cactus so I got them as they both had flowers and the price was good.

Nice about the disbarment now to get more of them disbarred. And trump needs to be charged for not following the Gag order, he just keeps opening his mouth,

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Dave, I hope Kathi has room in the trunk for all the cash she will need grocery shopping! I can't believe how expensive things are lately, I spent almost $30 at Walmart today for some fruit & a bag of potatoes, that's just crazy!

Kathie, I did get your email, I haven't had a chance to download the file yet my computer was being super slow last night, will give it a try again this afternoon.

Lee, free pens are always a good thing! I loaned someone one of mine last night at church & nearly ended up losing it when they didn't give it back. I think she thought I was kidding when I told her I needed it back.

Crowd was a little on the thin side last night at the final soup supper. We still had a good variety of soups & a good time. Most of my chili got ate, but I wasn't overly impressed with it, I ended up tossing out what was leftover.
Rained off & on all night & then was really coming down this morning, of course today was the day I had to run errands. It did slack off some at a couple stops & then this nice man walked me to my truck with his umbrella in Lowe's parking lot. He was heading in while I was going out & he turned around & walked me out. I told him I was fine but he insisted.
Dentist appointment went good this morning, I got there a little early & was leaving about the time I was scheduled to start. The tech did a soft liner in the bottom denture & adjusted the bite in a few spots. When she mentioned doing the liner I said no at first because another tech had told me before I would have to pay for it. This tech was really upset over that, she looked up my chart & said No, you have a package, there isn't any charge. She even went & confirmed that with the dentist & I heard him say No, there isn't any charge. While she was taking the impression for the liner she put a note in my file about having a package. She said they won't be trying to charge me again if I need another one. Made me feel really good that the tech went over & above to make not only the denture fit better, but me feel better about the whole experience.
Sun has been shining for a while now so I think I'm going to go chill on the porch for a while. Have to be at church by 6:30 tonight, so hopefully I don't fall asleep for to long.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the apt at the Dr was good, I am going to have surgery on two fingers on my left hand, the same ligament surgery I had on my right hand last year. It will be done April 11th. Once done with him I stopped in the Podiatrist office and have an appt for April 8th. I know that this Dr will listen to me and I am sure he will have a solution for my right foot.

Not sure what time we will be leaving here tomorrow, but sometime in the morning.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
It's funny that you mentioned free pens, Lee. I'm picky about the ones I want. "clicker-pens" that have thin black ink is what I like. And that's what my eye doctor hands out. So every time I'm there I ask for another one.

That sucks K2 that your niece's husband got hurt helping a stranger with her luggage at the airport. What do they say; No good deed goes unpunished.

KC; It's so nice there's still so many good people in this world. Just yesterday you found 2 of them. The guy at Lowes who walked you to your truck in the rain with his umbrella. And the lady at the dentist who made sure that you weren't charged for something you didn't need to pay for.

It's getting closer. Our total solar eclipse will happen mid-afternoon on April the 8th. A week from Monday. Only a small sliver of Ohio will be able to see it.

I keep forgetting to ask you Mike, is your area of Ohio included in this sliver?

It's too early to get any forecast what the weather will be like that day. If nothing else, if it's cloudy, it'll be cool to see the day turn into night in the afternoon. I'm really curious to see what the birds will do.

Yesterday at the bank, they were handing out free glasses to view the total solar eclipse.

And even at the smaller grocery store they were selling solar eclipse T-shirts. (Never miss a chance to make a buck.)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning. Good Friday Morning. One of the most Holy Days celebrated by many.
One of these days it will be above freezing when I get up. But again, today is not that day.
I don’t have a lot to say this morning.
Other than to thank Kathie for one of my favourite Dan Fogelberg tunes.
Enjoy your day.


Wacky Wabbit
To all who Christian’s may your day be peaceful and with rememberance.

I’ll be back later.

Do you know that this Easter season the Eastern Orthodox celebrate Easter on MAY 5th!

Every so many years our Easter falls on the same dates. And then there are the years it’s REALLY LATER.
WELL, so much for buying 50% off candy the day after Easter this year!

ENJOY YOUR DAY. SUNNY HERE and 29F right now.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill/Rita: Hope you can get outside and enjoy the last few days of your Winter break. I checked the weather and of course it’s a week of mid-85’s + all week!
You really need to change your timing and stay Jan - May 1st!
Happy packing! :emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
Quick check in before I head to church, again. Today they are doing the stations of the cross at Lake Lillian which is right by my house. I have no clue what that is so it should be interesting. A little disappointing that so few people showed up for last nights service, there were more choir members that audience members. Was still a very moving service. One more service tomorrow night, but it's the Spanish service so I don't think I'll be going. It doesn't start till 7 and won't be over till 8-8:30 and then they have a big meal after that. "IF" I do go I definitely won't be staying for food!


Chief Security Officer
We had a brief shower awhile ago and the sky is mostly cloudy with a few clouds that look threatening but the temperature is currently 79 degrees and it is windy.
Slept pretty
well last night but when it came time to get out of bed, my body just wanted to remain in a horizontal position. Took most of my limited supply of will power to finally get out of bed, so breakfast was a bit later than usual. Nothing special on today's calendar, so the beginning of our final week in paradise will be quiet and, I hope, restful.
Glad to hear that Art is being a bit more judicious about when and where he bikes. At our age, our bones don't handle stress and injuries as well as they once did. I'm hoping that when I get back home and see the orthopedic surgeon, he can do something to improve my mobility issues.
Dave- have you seen or tried the Keebler E.L.Fudge super stuffed cookies. If you like fudge you would probably enjoy them.


Chief Security Officer
Once again I apparently forgot to the reply button and the previous post was actually written yesterday. Had less trouble, today, getting out of bed, showered, shaved and ready to take on whatever the day has in store for us.
Later today we are meeting Rich and Dianne for dinner at a local seafood restaurant, named not especially imaginatively, Fishack. Since it is Good Friday and thetrefore, the last Friday in
Lent, I suspect that the restaurant may be very crowded. Rich and Dianne are campers and they have graciously offered to transport one of our suitcases back home. They are driving back to East Bridgewater next week and will probably arrive about the same day as we do. Having one less bag to get home will make our flight a bit easier to navigate.
Wonder how the cruise lines enjoyed that ABC program that for the past three weeks has been about a cruise ship capsizing during a hurricane, and I wonder how many viewers are now questioning their own wisdom in booking a cruise?
I'm not sure, but I believe that MA will be fully in the area where the total eclipse can be seen.
I am sure that if it is, we will get plenty of
notice in the news media.
Out of here to take advantage of the wonderful weather while we can enjoy it. Hope we can bring some of it back home with us but mindful that April is definitely the 'cruelest month'.


Wacky Wabbit
Good post Bill. Nice of your friends to take some of your luggage. Enjoy the last few days in the Sunshine!
MIKE: Wow…who are those 4 people in that picture you posted? Ha ha. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: They look like folks I knew from “decades” ago! Great picture. A keeper for sure!

You’re wearing me out with all your drives to the church services! Reminds me of just what I do during the holidays.
I just wish the gas prices were LOWER. paid $3.25 at Costco yesterday. Kroger wanted $3.69! :eek: Church is about 20 miles away one way! Use up the gas real quick.

Fertilizer company did the first WEED & FEED this morning. The neighbor next door had his done yesterday by a different company. We’re on our way to GREEN GRASS!
Going to Jill’s for dinner on Sunday. I’m bringing the dessert. Something Chocolate!
Watching. GONZAGA vs PURSUE in the Sweet Sixteen Basketball game. It’s being played in DOWNTOWN DETROIT! Wow, the bars will be hopping and making big bucks tonight. PURDUE is way ahead of Gonzaga!
Have a safe and fun Saturday WRABBITS. SUPPOSE TO RAIN HERE in the morning. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:



2nd Officer
Now's the time to relax Bunnies. Fluff up those tails, and get a nap in. Why? Because tonight and tomorrow we have to do our job delivering eggs. Good thing we only have to do this once a year.

They had a survey on the news as to which candy is the favorite candy for Easter. What do you think?

Is it peanut butter chocolate eggs, Cadbury Eggs, jelly beans, or the chocolate rabbit?

I picked the big chocolate rabbit.......and I was wrong. Turns out people like the Reese's Eggs the most. Kathi would agree.

FANTASTIC picture, Mike! Thanks for posting it. That's 4 beautiful people. :)

Bill; I can't say I'm a fan of fudge.

You mentioned KC that your church has services in Spanish. I'm curious, since Florida has so many people that speak Spanish, have you picked up any of it over the years?

My Arizona daughter has, since she lives so close to Mexico. And also can speak some Navajo since her husband is 100% Navajo, and lived most of his life on the reservation.

Easter on May 5th, K2??? You must have to keep 2 calendars to keep track of all your holidays.

Hoping the temperature is above freezing for your morning walk, Lee. We got down to 32 last night.

No plans written in stone for us today. Good thing, since it's going to be a soggy-doggy day.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
A busy bunch of bunnies yesterday! Good on all of you. Our group got together and played 6 handed euchre. I had never in my 70 plus years played the game. Hopefully I never will again.
Great picture Mike. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I’d pick the Reece’s eggs too Dave. The temp is a damp 33F this morning. We’re expecting rain most of the day.
We noticed even more Spanish being spoken when we were in FL this year. Good question for Karen. Have you picked bits of Spanish up along the way? Yes please, tell us about Stations of The Cross.
You mentioned the bars being open for the b-ball tournament Kathie. I was surprised, dismayed perhaps, at how many things were operating pretty much like normal. I remember when Good Friday was considered a very Holy day and with the exception of the odd restaurant and gas station nothing was open.
All good things must come to an end until next year Bill. Hmmm. That sounds a lot like what you and I say after every NFL season. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Very nice of Rich and Dianne to transport the bag for you too!
Take care and have a great day.