Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Like Dave, Mike and I’m sure Kathie were expecting today to be really nice. Sunny and highs in the low to mid 70‘s. A perfect day to sit out with friends for one final day before fall temps and by Friday rain heads in to the region.
Do you have a book holder on your stationary bike Dave? Some do. Ours has a “shelf” of sorts that I can sit my iPad on. I watch my Formula 1 programs while I pedal. I can do the same on the treadmill. No, no invite for the bouncy castle. :confused:
Not much else new since last evening. So, all of you have a great Tuesday and I’ll try to remember to stop by later on.


Wacky Wabbit
Good to have our Karen safely back in the HUTCH. Hope your dizziness gets better. Hate when that happens.

AWNING IS DOWN, WASHED, FOLDED and in the BASEMENT until next Spring!
Our DECK now feels NAKED! We did leave the string of Party Lights up. Too much work to take them down, and I always wanted the "metal frame" of the awning to have lights on in the Winter. Should look cool with snow all over the pipes!

I have nothing else for you lovely folks right now. Be back later.

Not as WARM as yesterday, but better than 40's. ;)

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Our neighbourhood is alive with the sounds of lawn mowers and pool pumps.
The leaves were falling like rain in The Navy Yard this morning. Sure signs that Fall is upon us. Fall used to be my favourite time of year. The temperatures were generally more moderate and there was always a certain smell in the air. Now it seems we generally skip Spring and Fall and go from Winter to Summer and back.
Glad that you and Art got the awning down, washed and stowed until Spring Kathie. I expect to see photos of the frame and lights with snow on them. I bet it will be really pretty. The picture. Not the thought of snow.
After our guests leave today I think we’ll be bringing our outdoor cushions in. I can’t stow our stuff on the little back porch because Manny‘s crew has to come and install our screen sometime in the next month.
Why look at that! It’s “wine” o‘clock.
Be good folks.


Wacky Wabbit
I’m at the Big Park. Sitting in a swing rocker type chair on the new patio here. Beautiful day to sit by the lake and look at the trees in their Fall colors.
I got to see the Bikers as they came back from their ride today. I handed out Pure Michigan maps I got from the MDot bldg where I dropped off my paperwork to get the State of Michigan to reimburse me for my tire blow out!

Now I’ll bore you with some pictures I took. I took some with my sunglasses in front of the lens to enhance the Maple Tree colors. I think it worked!
With and without sunglasses in front of lens! IMG_1950.jpegIMG_1948.jpeg


Wacky Wabbit
Check out this car that I saw as I turned the corner off of our street. WOW.. different. Looks like an Army vehicle.

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Dave. does Readers Digest still have condensed books???? Maybe "Once and Eagle" could be a candidate for that. If I would try to read that I would forget the beginnind by the time I got to the end, or maybe that is what you need with the temps cooling off. I was out side for a while, 78 with the sun blazing.
Glad you are back safe and sound Karen. I hope you are feeling better.
Lee, you may have a large glass of wine. I don't think I have ever seen anyone holding their event it their front yard but I wouldn't put it past at least of them.
K2, Fay and I were talking about the birds that migrate. Since it is warming up sooner, the bugs are coming out earlier and when the migrating birds fly north the but are mostly gone leaving very little for some birds to ear. She read that in the paper. She said she hasn't seen a bird here in days and I know we arent getting the starlings, grackles and a host of other birds that we used to get. Thanks for the pictures. You jumped in here while I was typing.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Tesla Cyber Truck Kathie. Somebody had between $80K and $100K US to make Elon Musk a little richer. :mad:
Nice photos from a beautiful park.
72F under bright sunshine here Mike. I took your advice and enjoyed a nice glass of wine. Friends popped over and we had a nice afternoon sitting on the patio. Looking at the coming cool, wet weather when they left we took in the cushions and big umbrella for the season.
Salad for dinner sounds good to me.


Wacky Wabbit
Mike: Cute McDonald's cartoon of the Idiot!
I just cannot understand WHY anyone would vote for this moron. (Just my humble opinion.)

Art went and had his physical after his biking outing.
Blood pressure a tad high. Dr said not bad enough to put him on meds. Ha Ha.
The guy can ride the bike 3 x a week for 35+ miles each time and his Blood Pressure is HIGH. There is no hope for a couch potato like myself! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
He was told to come back in 4 months for a re-check.
Art's problem is : He loves his daughter's companies POTATO CHIPS and I think the oil they are Kettle Fried in are the culprit! Now try and tell Mr Biker Man that. :emoticon 0101 sadsmile:

After all that.......we went to our local Taco restaurant for dinner. A couple in church own 4 of these places and they opened one close to us. Food was good, but the server guy had WAY TO MANY TABLES and had to be reminded we ordered drinks and food a while ago! DUH!! The CHECK amazingly came out FAST! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

I feel the temps dropping for the night already. Wish it could stay a nice 72F during the FALL DAYLIGHT hours and 65 during the night. Yup, I'm a dreamer.

Night all.

Karen: Hope you're resting and feeling a tad better. Nice of Tom & Grant to pick you up at the airport at that late hour.

See ya all sometime tomorrow.
Miss U Good Night GIF by Babybluecat


2nd Officer
Good Wednesday morning Bunnies. Starting off in the upper 50's, then a sunny morning slowly shifting over to mostly cloudy with a high only in the lower 70's today.

Thank you Lee for confirming what I was thinking. That vehicle sure looked like a Tesla to me. No book-holder on my treadmill or stationary bike. When I'm using either I watch movies or just TV.

Party lights on your deck in winter sounds cool, K2. You never bore us with your pictures.

That's a good question, Mike. I don't honestly know if Readers Digest still publishes those condensed books. I used to get and enjoy them. Great cartoon with the recap of the Buffoon.

Kathi went to get a steroid shot in her arm yesterday. Something she does every 6 months. In the waiting room she noticed an older couple doing something unusual. Instead of sitting there playing games on their cell phone or swiping away at their smart phone like almost everyone else, they both were reading a real book. How RADICAL. :) I like those people already.

On her way home she stopped at McDonalds to get us one of their new Chicken Big Macs. In our never to be humble opinion they were bland compared to the regular ones that have beef patties.

Hiya KC! Back to your pre-trip routine?

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Checking in this morning with not a lot to say. Oh, stop with the applause.
Loved your cartoon Mike.
Have a most excellent Wednesday everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits.
A tad chilly earlier. The sun should warm things up a little soon.
I need to start shredding some piles of old paperwork. I missed the day you can take the stuff to the Township parking lot and have a truck do it. Shame on me for not marking it down.

I put a 5x7 rug out on the lower lawn draped over a chair with a sign saying FREE and somebody picked it up. They even took the time to bring the folding chair and sign up to our porch area so nobody would think the chair was for free. How nice of them. :clap002:

Have a good day all!

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
I used to have a stationary bike but did not like it so I went to the basement and walked for a while then lifted weghts. That was many years ago. Now all I lift is the dinner fork and coffee cup. My arms look like twigs. It is supposed to get to 79 today then get much cooler tomorrow.
K2, we will put stuff out next to our garbage can and some one will pick it up, usually somebody in an old pickup truck.
Dave, Lee, so many of the cars look alike to me.
I'm going to get a cup of coffee.


Wacky Wabbit
Got the statement from BCBS/Insurance today for the amount they paid for my prescription meds so far this year! $6414.15 and I paid $66.00! Thank goodness for good insurance!
One of my Meds cost them $1014.73 for a 3 month supply!
That’s $11.27 a pill! Crazy! :eek:

I had a dear friend that had lung cancer and paid out of pocket over $1,000. per pill. Sad thing is nothing saved him.

Windy here today. Gusts of wind. Art had the back lawn all cleared of leaves and by the time he came into the house you’d never know he cleaned up any leaves at all!
Falling Leaves Autumn GIF


2nd Officer
Still trying to get adjusted after my trip, I don't remember being this "off" last year. It used to happen a lot after cruises. Guess being a year old does make a difference. The decongestants do help but I still have a bit of dizzy feeling

Went to the community pot luck last night, our current Hoa president was sitting next to me & did her best to convince me to "help out" on the board. No THANK YOU!! Even Tom who was sitting across from her said, I don't see "stupid" written across her forehead.

Smaller than usual group at church this morning, but still a nice service. As I was getting ready to leave Rev. Lisa asked if I could stay for a few minutes she needed to talk to me. She then proceeded to tell me I was going to be asked to join the Vestry board. Could have knocked me over with a feather! My friend Pat had been asked last Thurs & agreed and she has been a member of St. Mary's for years, it never even crossed my mind that they would ask me to join. It's basically the board of directors for the church & each member serves a 3 year term. Just guessing from what Rev. Lisa was telling me I have a feeling she is the one who nominated me.

Kathie, I actually saw 2 of those weird looking car's on Sunday, 1 at the hotel where I caught the shuttle & 1 on the turnpike coming home from the airport


2nd Officer
And how was your Wednesday, Lee?

How nice of the person who snatched up your carpet to bring the chair and the FREE sign up to your house when he took it, K2. Thank your lucky stars for the good insurance Ford has.

Mike; So many of of today's cars and SUV's look so much alike. BORING. I liked it when you could easily spot a Ford, Chevy, Olds, Pontiac or Cadillac from a distance, and not have to read it on the car when they were close.

It seems like everyone in your church wants a piece of you KC. I don't envy you. It may be flattering, but know when to say NO.

6th month dental check-up for me this morning. What a "wonderful" way to start the day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morNing everyone!
A cool 40F to start the day.
Yesterday was just one of those days Dave. They do come around every now and then. Pontiac? How old are you? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: But you’re right. All the makes, while similar, had their own distinct features or shapes that identified them from a distance. Good luck at the dentist.
Congratulations on two fronts Karen. Staying away from the board in your complex and being asked to serve on The Vestry. Hopefully you start to feel more like yourself shortly.
I thought that was pretty nice of the person who picked up your rug too Kathie. It would have been easy for someone else to mistake the sign as a free chair. We really noticed the leaves coming down in the park yesterday. The little squirrels seem to lose the peanuts we toss them a lot easier.
”Now all I lift is the dinner fork and coffee cup” That line put a smile on my face Mike. Thank you.
The cost of medication is just ridiculous. One of Lu-Ann’s PD meds is unaffordable for those who have to pay out of pocket. Once we lost our work benefits when we both reached 65 we became “wards of the province” (LOL) and after our $100 deductible our prescriptions are $4.11 each.
Medication costs are not much better for our four legged friends as most of us can attest to!
Off to Jim’s basement in a bit. That ladies are getting together in town for a coffee and a chat.
Folks, you all have a fantastic day.


Wacky Wabbit
New Day Smile GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios
For those of us who might have lost track of what day it is! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Lee: Happy WORK DAY to you and the OGC gang. Be careful!

To the rest of you folks........Enjoy the sunshine and have a good day.
I'm off to the kitchen to make some Mexican Wedding Cookies. (The white balls w/crushed pecans rolled in powdered sugar). They last forever in a metal tin and are nice to have around in case friends drop by or I feel like giving some away!

Later gang.